
The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 12, 2007
#1 Thursday, July 5, 2007 #40 Monday, August 13, 2007
#2 Friday, July 6, 2007 #41 Tuesday, August 14, 2007
#3 Saturday, July 7, 2007 #42 Wednesday, August 15, 2007
#4 Sunday, July 8, 2007 #43 Thursday, August 16, 2007
#5 Monday, July 9, 2007 #44 Friday, August 17, 2007
#6 Tuesday, July 10, 2007 #45 Saturday, August 18, 2007
#7 Wednesday, July 11, 2007 #46 Sunday, August 19, 2007
#8 Thursday, July 12, 2007 #47 Monday, August 20, 2007
#9 Friday, July 13, 2007 #48 Tuesday, August 21, 2007
#10 Saturday, July 14, 2007 #49 Wednesday, August 22, 2007
#11 Sunday, July 15, 2007 #50 Thursday, August 23, 2007
#12 Monday, July 16, 2007 #51 Friday, August 24, 2007
#13 Tuesday, July 17, 2007 #52 Saturday, August 25, 2007
#14 Wednesday, July 18, 2007 #53 Sunday, August 26, 2007
#15 Thursday, July 19, 2007 #54 Monday, August 27, 2007
#16 Friday, July 20, 2007 #55 Tuesday, August 28, 2007
#17 Saturday, July 21, 2007 #56 Wednesday, August 29, 2007
#18 Sunday, July 22, 2007 #57 Thursday, August 30, 2007
#19 Monday, July 23, 2007 #58 Friday, August 31, 2007
#20 Tuesday, July 24, 2007 #59 Saturday, September 1, 2007
#21 Wednesday, July 25, 2007 #60 Sunday, September 2, 2007
#22 Thursday, July 26, 2007 #61 Monday, September 3, 2007
#23 Friday, July 27, 2007 #62 Tuesday, September 4, 2007
#24 Saturday, July 28, 2007 #63 Wednesday, September 5, 2007
#25 Sunday, July 29, 2007 #64 Thursday, September 6, 2007
#26 Monday, July 30, 2007 #65 Friday, September 7, 2007
#27 Tuesday, July 31, 2007 #66 Saturday, September 8, 2007
#28 Wednesday, August 1, 2007 #67 Sunday, September 9, 2007
#29 Thursday, August 2, 2007 #68 Monday, September 10, 2007
#30 Friday, August 3, 2007 #69 Tuesday, September 11, 2007
#31 Saturday, August 4, 2007 #70 Wednesday, September 12, 2007
#32 Sunday, August 5, 2007 #71 Thursday, September 13, 2007
#33 Monday, August 6, 2007 #72 Friday, September 14, 2007
#34 Tuesday, August 7, 2007 #73 Saturday, September 15, 2007
#35 Wednesday, August 8, 2007 #74 Sunday, September 16, 2007
#36 Thursday, August 9, 2007 #75 Monday, September 17, 2007
#37 Friday, August 10, 2007 #76 Tuesday, September 18, 2007
#38 Saturday, August 11, 2007 #77 Wednesday, September 19, 2007
  #78 Thursday, September 20, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007:  Show me the door!

Note - I’m really aggravated, I had all this text I had put on the page before I had errands to run that should have taken an hour. Got caught in a traffic accident backup and come back and I found I had forgotten to click the button so people could actually read all text I had worked on.  So I apologize to our readers who were wondering where we were today. - Jem

12:05AM BBT:  They’re talking about and bashing HG saying Eric told them "you're lucky I left in a fast forward week" laughing at if they had so much power then why are they gone. We get FotH [not sure why] and we come back to Daniele going over the menu.

Later we can hear the producer going over what other alternatives there are and Daniele joking says, “Isn't there a Blockbuster down the street?" Once they realize we can hear, we get FotH. 12:30AM BBT: Feeds are back with Daniele and Dick going over the menu for tomorrow's dinner.

12:30AM BBT:  We can now hear production talking with Dick and Daniele about gag reels. Dick heads out for a smoke while Daniele is in the DR turning in their orders for tomorrow's dinner.

Dick absolutely silent other then the frequent cough and spit. When Daniele comes out of the DR she jokes to Dick saying they can't get his file mignon then tells him she's kidding. After Daniele goes in the house, Dick tells us, “I'm glad she's in a good mood it's a far cry from yesterday… I can't wait to get out of here” he tells the cameras.

Daniele pokes her head out and says, "Soon as your ready." Looks like BB is going to let them watch a movie and Daniele gets popcorn sodas ready.

12:40AM BBT:  FotH and Trivia as their movie has started.  4:00AM BBT:  Feeds come back.

5:00AM BBT:  Dick and Daniele are outside talking discussing their game play and that of the other HGs. They also discuss America's choice and saying maybe that America will choose who wins a car. Daniele states, "It better be me.”

Dick laying on the floor and Daniele at the counter talking about how Dick’s mom is going to come to the finale incognito. Dick says she will be wearing sunglasses and a hat and Daniele says she'll be wearing a fanny pack. Daniele jokes, “We should have stole one of Jen’s bedazzled fanny packs for her.” Dick says, “She will be wearing those awful jeans a long t-shirt and a fanny pack.” They are both laughing. Daniele adds, “And those flip flops with socks.” Dick says, “Yeah.” They both find it very amusing. 

They start making jokes about how grandma dances as Daniele gets up to show dick how it looks, both are cracking up, now wondering what she will say about each houseguest and how Jameka called her a bitch and how Eric said that was the funniest thing all season.

5:25AM BBT:  Daniele is out of toilet and changes into her PJ's while Dick was standing under a blanket changing into his boxers.

Dick walks to go to bed and Daniele tells him good night, he says, "Oh, good night, ill see you tomorrow." They’re both in bed. 

6:35AM BBT:  Dick and Daniele have been up for about 25 minutes because they couldn't sleep. I have been listening from a distance but here is basically what has been going on: Dick got up first and went out to BY to smoke and then came in and Daniele was up and has indigestion and they discusses what flavor of Tums she likes best. 

They are both seem in a very good mood.

They have made breakfast and have been mostly bashing HGs but also talking about their jobs and when "secret shoppers" come in how many points they get taken off for not offering dessert etc. 

Daniele and her grandma go to Mimi's Cafe a lot and she loves it. What they order to eat it's always the same thing.

HG bashing and or HG stories continues as they clean up the kitchen.  They are now eating their breakfast. 6:45am.

Discussion topics for the morning have included: 
Which HG Vincent must hate the most besides Jen because "that is a given."
How Mike on day 2 stayed upstairs for so long, like 6 hours that they thought he had found a secret room or something.
How many protein shakes everyone used to drink especially Mike.
Amber saying she loves her dog as much as her daughter, Amber and her crying, how Amber spells caca. Daniele says, "C O C K A, cocka, I'm sure, who spells it that way and she argued with us about it. I hope she doesn't tell her daughter that's how it is spelt.” 
And lots of varied Jen bashing. 

They wonder what will happen when everyone finds out Dick was a finalist for Season 5, and that both Daniele and Dick were finalists for Season Six. Dick wonders especially what Kail's reaction will be because he really railed on her for trying out for so many seasons. Most of this is stuff we've heard before.

Now they are cleaning up their dishes. 6:55am.

6:45AM BBT:  Dick and Daniele are sitting at the kitchen counter. Both are eating something. They continue to discuss stories from the house and former HGs.

A little later… They are washing and drying dishes together. Talking about how some of the former HGs never did the dishes. Dick said he couldn't believe he caught those taco shells on fire last night and laughs.

Dick asked who is the maddest at him to which Daniele replies, Dustin. Dick says he thought it would be Nick.

9:30AM BBT: They’re sleeping.  11:00AM BBT:  Just checking in and all four camera's are on Dick. He is sleeping. No sign of Daniele. 12:15AM BBT:  Dick is sleeping while Daniele is tanning.

2:00PM BBT:  Daniele is done with tanning and heads in the house for a shower.  Dick must be sleeping as all four feeds are on Daniele in the shower.

3:05PM BBT: Dick is up and around. He’s shaving and Daniele sitting on couch in bathroom visiting with him. They’re discussing HGs jury questions that they were asked and also other HG stories.

Daniele says, "I want my dinner.” Dick tells her, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that.” Daniele asks him, "How can you forget? There's nothing else to do here!” [About the dinner BB is giving them for their last night in the house]

Dick has mixed up his dye and is going out for a quick smoke before Daniele touches up his hair for him. Daniele wants to play a game of checkers and Dick says, “After you dye my hair.” 

Now all 4 feeds on Daniele laying on bathroom couch picking at split ends as she waits for Dick to come back inside.

4:00PM BBT:  Dick's head is getting the full treatment. Copyright © 1997-2007 Praedo Systems - Medford, NJ USA. All rights reserved

Dick is now talking about the drying part of the dye process is the part he hates the most. He says, "Even at the salon, Cheryl is always telling me to stay under the dryer."

Daniele says she has recently changed hairdressers and likes her new one. She liked her other one but it was all the way out at the Cerritos Mall. 
Daniele: "I wonder what the first thing is that Lindsay wants to tell me?" 

4:10PM BBT: Daniele to Dick: "Remember that cartoon Pinky and the Brain? You look like the Brain with that dryer on your head." They laugh.

Dick is talking about some party where he met Nicole Ritchie and Daniele says, "OK Jen!” Dick wonders, "Do you think Nicole Ritchie is in rehab? Or jail? "Do you think Paris Hilton is out of jail yet?" Daniele says, "Yes, she got out of jail right before we came in here. I hope Lindsay Lohan's in jail." FotH  See the video

Feeds come back and they are talking about Jen again. Dick reading his bottle of dye, "Rock Star hair color, what's the color on here? Oh Red Corvette."

4:40PM BBT:  Dick finishes his shower and realizes his clothes are in the dryer.  e sings a little song, "Mother fucker, mother fucker."  Not sure where Daniele is now as all feeds are on the bathroom.  Dick is at the mirror now trying to scrub off a dye mark on his forehead.  Dick calls out to Daniele, "It looks really good, thanks."  Daniele responds but I can't hear her too well.

Daniele:  "FREEDOM, FREEDOM!"  (They are counting down the hours)

[Having two hard drives on your PC. $$$...  Uploading and old page from the wrong drive. Priceless.   It's been one of those days - Jem]

4:45PM BBT:  Not sure where Daniele is.  Dick is out in the BY smoking and spitting and all feeds are showing the BY. 

6:10PM BBT:  Dick is playing cards in the kitchen.  Daniele is napping.  6:50PM BBT:  They were both sleeping and BB called an OD LD.  They're hoping it's for their dinner.  7:05PM BBT:  FotH

7:30PM BBT:  Feeds are back. They’re at the kitchen table playing checkers. They are intermittently rehashing the season with a little HG bashing thrown in for good measure. Daniele comments how when the mad hatter crew visited them, Zach woke up everyone else but them. She meant to say something, but kept forgetting with all the things that were happening.

8:30ish BBT:  Dick and Daniele are playing WAR with cards at the dining table. They seem to be getting along nicely and kidding around.

Daniele is talking about how she was not a happy camper after the last comp when Zach won HoH. She said she threw down her answer board before remembering people out in TV land were still watching then she told Zach congrats and hugged him. Dick still thinks they got ripped off by not getting to play for a car as a prize. A little HG bashing. Daniele is starving.  

Daniele (kidding around) tells Dick that what you don't know is that tomorrow you are going to have to stand in a tank with freezing cold water to get the money while Jen swims around in it. Daniele says, "What a freakin summer, there's been some really awful times. There's been great times too but just every memory with Jen in it." Dick says memories of Jen put a look on your face like you just smelled a fart. Daniele says just thinking about Jen disgusts her. (The bunny Daniele dressed up looks really cute)

Dick keeps taking Daniele's cards at WAR and saying "sucker." Daniele keeps kidding and telling him to shut up. Daniele wonders when new TV shows are starting. Dick says, "Well there is a new reality show starting" and gives Daniele a funny look. 

Daniele cutting up and recounting things that were said to them when they first entered the house. She says she can't believe Amber and her stories. Dick never heard the story about Amber, her BF and her boobies. Dick never heard it and he tells Daniele to “STOP” because he doesn't want to imagine Amber having sex. Daniele laughs because Amber says she didn't want her daughter to hear the bad thing Dick was saying about her on the feeds but it was OK for her daughter to hear about the bloody balls story. They agree that Amber is a mental case and they think BB withheld her meds on purpose. 

Dick keeps talking in funny voices while WAR card game continues.

10:30PM BBT:  "Hi dad" was apparently Daniele's first words according to Dick. She was mimicking her older brother Vincent. Dick and Daniele are playing cards walking down memory lane about Vincent the embellish storyteller, not talking to Jackie [ex] anymore and Dick's old girlfriend finding him on his Myspace. They start making fun of HG and how they will act tomorrow.

"I do think its funny some people become so bitter for not making the final two" Daniele says imitating Jen "I don't respect you as human beings." The card game continues.

10:40PM BBT:  Daniele wonders, "What about all the stupid conversations" that CBS will show that they have forgotten about. "Tomorrow we can talk about our DR all we want motherfucker" Dick yells jokingly back to BB after being warned about not talking about DR sessions. BB: “Thank you."

Daniele says, "There is no way have watching this show and not hate her (Jen). I hope Chicken George despises her." Danielle then wonders, "If people in real life who know you and hate you caught this show and saw you.” Dick says, “There's a lot of people who like me you know."

10:50PM BBT:  Daniele: "I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow." Dick saying the vote will be at the end and Julie will talk about "boring nonsense" and editing "2 hours worth of crap." 

Daniele asks Dick, “What's wrong with you? You look like crap all of a sudden." Dick laughs and says, "I'm tired" and wants dessert. [Their conversations are all over the place.]

Daniele wonders if they will show the banner at tomorrow's finale and says, “Everything is a pity party for Amber... Everything.” They go on to discuss Amber not shutting up about her boyfriend proposing and make fun of her.

Daniele asks Dick, "What's Vincent’s new phone number, 562 that's all I know." Dick tells Vincent to bring his Mac computer, some gum and his phone and charger.” Daniele ads, "And a gun." [lol - StevenV] They start Veto reminiscing.

11:00PM BBT:  They start making fun of Joe and his "Super sexy 6" and "Velvet mafia" alliances and call him "Stupid Joe" and laughing that it fell apart when he tried recruiting Eric.

Daniele asks, "When do you think we get paid?" Dick answers, "Soon I hope." Daniele says, “Me, I've got places to go people to see and bills to pay." Dick says, “Everyone needs it except for Jen.” Daniele is under the impression they get it at the wrap party.

11:20PM BBT:  Dick is telling us/cameras, “Last night!" He yawns and the says, "I'm tired." [Looking really tired -StevenV] Daniele is doing her last minute laundry.

Showtoo is scrolling a message thanking "all our loyal viewers this summer." [Your welcome – StevenV]

Dick heads indoors and tells Daniele he’s tired but if he goes to bed now he’ll be up at 3am and awake all night.

11:30PM BBT:  Dick comes out of the bathroom and Daniele has dessert set up. Dick says, "What with all the flies" while swatting them away. Daniele tells him, “They add flavor."

Well it looks like dessert is finally getting eaten. 
Daniele: "This house." 
Dick: "These people."
Daniele: “This summer must end...TODAY."

They start playful bickering back and forth. Things like, “You're annoying" and "You're an idiot." 

11:40PM BBT:  Daniele wonders if anyone watching the Power of 10 that didn't watch BB tuned in after seeing them. Dick says, “With Amber? Are you kidding?" Amber bashing and Dick making fun how she didn't know what scrutinized meant. Daniele says, “Every time she cried she thought the audience loved her more.”

Daniele comments when she gets out she would die if Amber was really America's Favorite. [Don’t have to worry about that – StevenV]

Daniele tells Dick that the DR was asking "Bizarro questions about you" and gets a BB warning.

11:50PM BBT:  Dick talking about going to bed within the hour while Daniele is on a sugar high, she’s meowing and getting a warning form BB "please stop singing.” They have resumed their card game.

Daniele asks Dick, "Are you really going to bed?" Dick tells her he’s tired but Daniele says she is bored. Dick reminds her that a while ago she told him he look like hell. She corrects him and says, “I told you that you looked like crap!” 

Dick is talking about Eric, he says, "Eric has more respect for the game." Daniele says, “She was surprised he didn't have them do rock paper scissors.”

They continue to reminisce about the season and bash the HG. Big Brother After Dark has ended for the season at 11:58 BBT. [Gypped 2 minutes - StevenV]

Big thanks to: astottlemeyer, djcam89, georgectv, IluveDrWill, Jem, jessca4life, katie2, laladoopiedu, lorican, motormouthcj, MsT and StephenV  for help with this page today!

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