
The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 12, 2007
#1 Thursday, July 5, 2007 #40 Monday, August 13, 2007
#2 Friday, July 6, 2007 #41 Tuesday, August 14, 2007
#3 Saturday, July 7, 2007 #42 Wednesday, August 15, 2007
#4 Sunday, July 8, 2007 #43 Thursday, August 16, 2007
#5 Monday, July 9, 2007 #44 Friday, August 17, 2007
#6 Tuesday, July 10, 2007 #45 Saturday, August 18, 2007
#7 Wednesday, July 11, 2007 #46 Sunday, August 19, 2007
#8 Thursday, July 12, 2007 #47 Monday, August 20, 2007
#9 Friday, July 13, 2007 #48 Tuesday, August 21, 2007
#10 Saturday, July 14, 2007 #49 Wednesday, August 22, 2007
#11 Sunday, July 15, 2007 #50 Thursday, August 23, 2007
#12 Monday, July 16, 2007 #51 Friday, August 24, 2007
#13 Tuesday, July 17, 2007 #52 Saturday, August 25, 2007
#14 Wednesday, July 18, 2007 #53 Sunday, August 26, 2007
#15 Thursday, July 19, 2007 #54 Monday, August 27, 2007
#16 Friday, July 20, 2007 #55 Tuesday, August 28, 2007
#17 Saturday, July 21, 2007 #56 Wednesday, August 29, 2007
#18 Sunday, July 22, 2007 #57 Thursday, August 30, 2007
#19 Monday, July 23, 2007 #58 Friday, August 31, 2007
#20 Tuesday, July 24, 2007 #59 Saturday, September 1, 2007
#21 Wednesday, July 25, 2007 #60 Sunday, September 2, 2007
#22 Thursday, July 26, 2007 #61 Monday, September 3, 2007
#23 Friday, July 27, 2007 #62 Tuesday, September 4, 2007
#24 Saturday, July 28, 2007 #63 Wednesday, September 5, 2007
#25 Sunday, July 29, 2007 #64 Thursday, September 6, 2007
#26 Monday, July 30, 2007 #65 Friday, September 7, 2007
#27 Tuesday, July 31, 2007 #66 Saturday, September 8, 2007
#28 Wednesday, August 1, 2007 #67 Sunday, September 9, 2007
#29 Thursday, August 2, 2007 #68 Monday, September 10, 2007
#30 Friday, August 3, 2007 #69 Tuesday, September 11, 2007
#31 Saturday, August 4, 2007 #70 Wednesday, September 12, 2007
#32 Sunday, August 5, 2007 #71 Thursday, September 13, 2007
#33 Monday, August 6, 2007 #72 Friday, September 14, 2007
#34 Tuesday, August 7, 2007 #73 Saturday, September 15, 2007
#35 Wednesday, August 8, 2007 #74 Sunday, September 16, 2007
#36 Thursday, August 9, 2007 #75 Monday, September 17, 2007
#37 Friday, August 10, 2007 #76 Tuesday, September 18, 2007
#38 Saturday, August 11, 2007 #77 Wednesday, September 19, 2007
  #78 Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thursday,  August 9, 2007:  Last Chance to Change Your Mind - Live Eviction

To Review:  I think yesterday's page had more text than any other in our BB history.  Eric was pretty confident that Kail would be going home on Thursday.  He was not aware that Daniele and Dick had a late night meeting, cleared up some of their misunderstandings with the old LNC, and got Dustin, Amber and new LNC member, Zach all on board with the plan to evict Eric.  Eric would have been blind-sided had it not have been for Amber completely freaking out on him over a secret he threatened to reveal that she told him in confidence.  See the Video  After that explosion,  Eric was aware that his position in the house was a little more precarious than he originally thought.  Eric spends the rest of last night campaigning for his life in the BB house.  Now normally I could tell you the spoiler here of who's going home,  however Eric was still on the campaign trail at midnight.  Dustin told Eric that they "Have no problems,"  but told Amber he's voting to evict Eric.  Amber made a promise on her daughter's life,  and although she wants Eric out,  she can't risk her daughter's life and will keep her promise.  Jameka also promised to keep Eric, she won't change her vote.  Jessica told Dick she'd vote out Eric,  then ran to Eric and said she lied.  It's really tough to tell which side of the fence these fakers are on.  Tonight's show should be very exciting. 

At Midnight...   Eric was still talking to Jen.  Eric's making promises about making sure the Donatos don't win HoH,  Eric says Kail can't play in HoH but he can.  Jen and Eric still talking saying how they should have talked more often and Eric just talks and talks about how if he stays he's keeping things to himself.  Once again,  I can't tell if Eric has succeeded.  

12:25AM BBT:  In the hallway to bathroom, Dustin, Daniele and Kail are talking about their nationalities. Eric's still pleading, still lying about how he didn't do the mustard on the pillow saying it was Dick.  He's just basically being repetitive about his wounded player rant.  He says he has the votes to stay, saying people told him, "Kail does nothing for them."  He mentions his legend of being a courteous and funny guy and not being a "dirt bag and a liar." [I like that one - StephenV] He tells Jen she's basically off everyone's radar for two weeks.

12:35AM BBT:  Dustin is talking about how he's going to NY to visit Eric and says he's his favorite HG because he's funny and nice to hang out with. Daniele and Jameka laugh.  They say it makes them nervous.  Daniele says, "I'm taking a month off."  Dustin says one week of stipend will pay a month's rent.  Kail asks what his rent is and Dustin says $620.  Daniele warns him about taxes and we get FotH. 

Dustin is wondering about his mom and Daniele wonders if she gets a letter for her birthday and Kail hopes for one for her anniversary.  Dustin asks, "Are you going to be 22?"  and Daniele says,  “yes” and adds,  "I love birthdays." 

Now they're talking about their favorite holidays.

12:45AM BBT:  Jameka, Zach, and Dick are talking in the bedroom.  Jameka has her bible out reading while Zach and Dick talk about "Side Show Freaks."  It's enough to catch Jameka's attention and she wonders how they make their living and if they have mortgages. 

Talking about circuses and Amber returns from the DR and Dick says, "That's the longest goodbye on record."  Jameka is talking about flat ironing Amber's hair for the show.

1:00AM BBT:  Two groups are having conversations.  One group is in the bathroom and the other is in the bedroom talking about everyday things such as LA traffic and loud noises, to which Kail says she thought she was experiencing  "my first California earthquake." 

Talks turn to how many earthquakes people have been in....  Dick says the sharp jolt "was an earthquake."  [I didn't feel it - StephenV]  There's excitement around that it was a possible earthquake.  Dick says he's experienced a lot of earthquakes.  [There really was a small earthquake. Thanks to Kayish for the link.]

1:05AM BBT:  Jameka and Amber are talking outside when Dick comes out.  Jameka goes in and Dick asks if he scared them away.  Jameka say she's going in to eat.  Jen comes out and asks if she wants to go "to the hammock."  Jen says her ears are stuffed and she can see the doctor tomorrow.  Jen tells her it's going to be close and Kail says she has Zach.  Kail says she doesn't know about Jessica and says they have Dustin for sure.  Jen says not to be so sure with him.  Kail says she has Dustin, Dick, Zach, and maybe Jessica. She says if she (Jameka) really wanted Eric out, she could find a way out of her promise with Eric. 

Amber and Dustin:  Dustin's saying, "You know there's a benefit in numbers... numbers count."  Amber says either way Dick and Daniele are going to come after you.  Dustin says to keep Eric this week and have four people going after them... Amber says how  "do you know Eric"  and Dustin cuts her off.  He tells her they need the numbers and Amber is believing it.  Dustin says she needs to talk to him rationally,  "Eric is smart."  "Kail wants to go home to her family."  Dustin says Dick and Daniel  “don't trust us”  and Amber says  "they trust me."  Dustin says,  "The benefits received are so much better than getting rid of him (Eric)."  Amber says "OK" and says if he comes after me, then he does, and says Jen told her he doesn't want her or Jameka in the final two with him.  Amber tells Dustin  "Jen hasn't lied to me."  Dustin says keeping Eric  "is the smartest move we have."  Amber says she needs time to think and tells him,  "Do what you want to do."  "I can't tell you how to vote."  He says, "You can tell me what you want." Amber says with Eric gone it will bring the group back together.  Dustin says, "I don't know" and tells her “I'll give you time to think."  He says, "This is the best for me and you." 

1:45AM BBT:  Amber is talking about lying to Dick and what lie she's going to tell Dick and Daniele.  Dustin says I don't care if I lied "through my teeth" even though Amber says she told them Dustin "swore on his mom."  It looks like Amber has agreed to go with voting out Kail.  Jameka says Dick, "he took credit for that," telling Kail she's staying. "That ain't right." 

1:55AM BBT:  Jameka and Amber have just filled in Jess about the vote flip and she seems to be on board. Meanwhile... Kail and Jen are in the bathroom talking.  Jessica went to the DR and Jen says to do her goodbyes. [I say redo them - StephenV

Approx 2:10AM BBT:  Dustin and Jessica are on the couch in the living room saying how happy they are Eric will be staying.  Dustin says he's shaking he's so happy.  Jessica says she's surprised Eric is asleep, but it's good because he'll need his rest if he's going to compete tomorrow.  Dustin agrees and says he should go to bed, too. 

2:15AM BBT:  Dustin and Jessica are in bathroom getting ready for bed.  Dick and Jameka are in the BY playing golf. 

2:22AM BBT:  Jessica and Amber are in the bathroom.  Amber reconfirms that should Eric put her up she will have the numbers to stay.  Amber goes off to bed.  Dustin is in bed. 

2:35AM BBT:  Dick is in the BY alone playing golf.  Jen and Kail are in bed speculating who Zach would put up.  They think Jameka and Amber. 

2:43AM BBT:  Kail and Jen are discussing whether or not Jen can win the money in the end.  Kail says after she stays this week, it's "game on." Dick is still playing golf in BY. 

2:50AM BBT:  Dick takes a quick trip to the bathroom then returns outside.  Kail is telling Jen that Daniele said Amber lied to Nick (about the votes).  Talk turns to Jen's conversation with Eric.  Jen lists off Jessica, Jameka and Dustin. Kail says, “He has a deal with them, and not Amber?” Jen says, “Yeah.”  Then, "Not a deal, but that's who he's close with."  Kail says, "Eric must feel so betrayed.  He must be so hurt." Jen says, "Oh, you know what, all the things he told me, he told me not to say." Kail says Amber has different personalities.  At 3 o'clock in the afternoon she's happy, then at 7 she's unapproachable.  Kail wonders if it has something to do with the drugs she used to take. 

3:05AM BBT:  Jen says, "I wonder what it is she did to her boyfriend."  Kail says, "I know!!"  Kail says she doesn't think it's cheating.  Jen tells her Amber said she used to cheat all the time, so she doesn't think it was that.  It must have been something really bad.  Jen says she's not sure, but Amber told her she didn't think it was a big deal.  Jen says, "Well, you know Dick".  They were probably sitting around and Dick was raving about Amber so Eric said, oh I've got something on her that would change the way the whole house feels about her.  Jen says that Eric said that he wasn't going to say any more, but then Dick took it and ran with it. 

Kail says she feels bad for Eric.  Kail says it's a good thing "they're picking off their own people."  She also says Amber's outburst was really immature and the worst thing she could've done, that she should have talked to Eric privately.  She thinks Amber might one day turn and do something like that to Dustin.  Kail asks Jen if she remembers her sister's (Amber sister's) advice, "Don't trust a gay guy."  Kail says a week or so ago she talked to Amber and said "Dustin's really close to Jen and you, too (Amber)".  Amber asked Kail if Dustin ever talked bad about her.  Kail said no.  Kail says she thinks Amber doesn't like it that Dustin is so close to everyone.  Kail says whenever Amber's around she stays away from Dustin because Amber will get jealous.  Kail thinks Amber hung all over Dustin yesterday to prove that Dustin is hers to Jessica because they spent 24 hours in bed together.  Kail, "If you want to be safe with Amber, stay away from Dustin.  That's how I look at it. I'm still trying to figure out the dynamics between her and Jameka, though."  Jen says, "They're closer."  Jen tells her about "the Bible group."  Jen says she doesn't know if Kail, herself, or both of them are part of it with them.  Kail says they should go in the DR tomorrow in the Bunny outfits and say they're the 'Energizer Bunnies' of BB.  They keep going and going and going. Jen says her ear feels better. 

3:20AM BBT:  Kail and Jen are sleeping (or trying to anyway).  All houseguests except Dick are asleep. Dick is in the bathroom.  3:28AM BBT: Dick is now outside by himself. 

4:05AM BBT:  Dick and Daniele are in the BY talking while Daniele is eating some chips.  They complain that they don't get a variety of food in the BB house.  All other HGs are asleep.  Daniele tells Dick she wants to tell him something Eric told her, but tells Dick he can't say anything about it, and that's the reason she hasn't told him about their conversation. 

Daniele:  “Eric told me that people think I've been killing people in the DR, but people will be surprised how nice I've been in the DR about people. What a liar.” 
Dick:  “Zach told me that Eric told him that Eric has the votes. Zach said no, he thinks it will be a land slide (with Eric leaving). Eric then told Zach that he'd bring him the people he has.” 
Daniele:  “Who is he going to bring to Zach? Amber?” 

Dick tries to bash Jameka, and Daniele says she doesn't want to hear it, because she likes Jameka. She says that's how she thinks, and is being honest with him. They talk about how they don't like how they're playing the game. 
Daniele:  “They say they're doing the right thing. This is a game, just a game.” 
Dick:  “Jameka's game sent Nick home.” 
Daniele:  “I don't want to talk about game. I really don't.” 

But they still continue talking about the HGs. 

Now they are talking about Kris' (Daniele's boyfriend) jobs. 
Dick:  “What's been going on in your life for the last two years?” 
Daniele:  “Nothing.” 
Dick:  “Oh. Come on.” 
Daniele:  “I'm serious. Absolutely nothing. My life is boring. My life is dull. This is why I wanted to do this. I wanted a change of pace.” 

Daniele is talking about her bills, and how she wants to take a month off. Dick says to go to Europe, how he knows people over there and they could go together. Daniele says that Nick told her he was taking a few months off and he said they should travel together and go to Europe. Daniele says Nick said he was just throwing that out there. 

Dick:  “What do you think our chances are of making it to the end?” 
Daniele:  “Slim to none. Together? Slim to none.”  Dick says something else and Daniele replies again with “I don't want to talk game.” 
Dick:  “Okay, so we're outside of this house, traveling in Europe, where do you want to go?” 
Daniele:  “I don't care.” 
Dick:  “You must care.” 
Daniele:  “I want to go to Jamaica.” 

The continue talking about this, and Daniele says she doesn't want to talk about certain things. Dick says she doesn't want to talk about game and she doesn't want to talk about this. 

Dick:  “Do you want to go to Paris?” 
Daniele:  “Yes.” 
Dick:  “What about Venice?” 
Daniele:  “My wonderful mother went there.” FotH 

They're talking about their relationship and Daniele says she doesn't want to talk about it right now. 
Dick:  “Just know one thing. I've always been there.” 
Daniele:  “See, I don't agree with that. This is why I don't want to talk about this.” 
Dick:  “Will you talk about it after the game?” 
Daniele:  “I don't want to talk about it now.” 

They're now bashing someone, don't know who. Seems like Jen. Yes, it's Jen. 

4:20 - 4:45AM BBT:  Daniele just shut Dick down on a conversation about their relationship.  He asks if they can discuss it when they're out of there and she dodges the question.   Conversation switches to Jen. Jen told him she couldn't get her head shaved because of her modeling jobs.  Dick says the slop and her earache are really getting to her.  She told him that she has thought about eating normal food, taking a penalty nomination, and going home.  But she's concerned that she has never really 'finished' anything in her life. 

Daniele on Eric:  The one thing they did agree on was that he was the smartest player in the house.  He said that on a ten-scale he was only playing at a one, that he had been holding back. 

On Dustin:  Dick asks, "Did you hear him say there was too much pussy in this house?" They both comment on the house being six women and two and a half men.  Daniele says if Dustin wins HoH,  Dick has to keep his mouth shut and just accept things until the PoV meeting is over.  Daniele says that, in general, Dustin is the next biggest threat in the house.  They think the best nomination scenario would be Dustin and Jameka and that Dustin would go home. 

They move to DR and production topics and we get quick FotHs.  4:50AM BBT:  Daniele is surprised at what Eric said to her during their conversation regarding  'the Amber thing'.  Eric asked her if he was holding out this Amber info, then wasn't she pretty much doing the same thing? [It didn't make sense to Daniele either. - Katydidit]  Eric told her that he'll be leaving here with nothing, to get nothing. No job, no money, no former girlfriend.  6:30AM BBT:  All four feeds are on sleeping HGs.  8:00AM BBT:  All four feeds are still on our sleeping HGs. 

9:00AM BBT:  the press...  They're still sleeping.  9:35AM BBT:  Kail is up and doing her normal routine.

We’ve had FotH since 10:10AM and at 10:23AM BBT:  Feeds come back and we see Jameka in Gym as they get another call from BB to wake up and go to HoH room for a LD. 10:25AM BBT:  Dick talks to Jessica and when Dick walks away he says to himself about Eric, “See ya MF’er."

BB announced (again) that it is time to get up for the day and they have to report to the HoH room. Feeds keep flipping around various places showing people getting up and ready.

Everyone is heading up to the HoH room and Dick is called to the DR.  10:30AM BBT:  We're hearing Dicks' DR session.  The female voice is saying,  "just a couple of questions" and "it's my job to keep you on your toes."  All 4 feeds on Jen in the HoH bathroom and we don't see or hear anyone else.

10:45AM BBT:  Everyone sitting around in the HoH room in awkward silence.  Jen says, “The less entertaining we are the faster the lockdown will be.” Jessica is listening to Danielle's CD.  Almost everyone is laying down either in the bed or on the floor.  Everyone is silent.

Jen talks about her ear… Then silence again. 10:55AM BBT:  BB says, “Remember house guests it takes 440 laps to swim 1 mile in the Big Brother Pool." Dick says, “What the fuck was that about?" Jen says, "If we have to swim tonight I'm going to be mad because my ear hurts."

Some chitchat for a little while and then back to the awkward silence… and some coughs from Dick. 

The HGs were let out of the HoH LD at around 11AM.  There wasn't a lot going on, cleaning and ADLs.  Big Brother decided to lock them up in the HoH room again around 11:20AM.   Jessica and Zach are chit chatting while the rest are sitting around.  Read more

The last 30 minutes have been a pretty normal Live Show day.  Read more

Around 1:00PM BBT:  Jen informed Kail that the vote has been flipped.  She went to find someone to talk to and found Dick.  He tells her, “I’m so sick of all these bitches.”

A little later… Dick is cooking in the kitchen.  Daniele is setting at the counter, whispering.  He tells her he isn't worried about it, and he can't leave right now, anyway.  Daniele said she hopes Kail doesn't leave, she would hate her to see her goodbye message from the DR as she said something about, "Them not sleeping in the same bed" and that would make sense with what she said. 

All feeds switch to the bathroom where Amber is brushing her teeth, and Kail was showering.  Back to Dick and Dustin and Dick says that the DR told him if he wanted a smoke (around 5AM) to go then.  Dustin said it was strange they would lock it for 12 hours. Interspersed with FotH.

1:25PM BBT: Dick is hurrying to finish cooking his food on the stove because BB has called for a workout room lockdown.  Everyone makes their way in the gym and is squished together.  Dick eats his breakfast burrito; Kail puts on her makeup and idle chitchat.  We have a brief FotH, when feeds come back they can leave the gym, but Dick, Daniele and Amber linger. 

All the feeds switch to Jessica and Eric in the bedroom and Jessica is deciding on what to wear tonight. Amber comes to sit silently on her bed. Jessica and Eric discuss what everyone was wearing the first time they met. Eric comments he can’t remember what Amber was wearing and Amber says, “Imagine that, forgetting Amber.”

2:00PM BBT:  Eric was asking Jameka if Amber could wash her hair "With those things in" (the braids) and Jameka says, "Can I answer this?"  Danielle chimes in saying you can shower you just can't get your hair wet.  Amber says "yeah" and then she says, "Why do you have to make it a racial question."  [ ]  We get FotH.  Later 2:45PM BBT:  FotH and Trivia to boot.  3:10PM BBT:  All 4 feeds on round bed room with Dick and Jen laying down.  BB voice (male) says,  "Okay in 1 hour and 1/2 everyone can gather in the living room for me and I'll call ya."   We get FotH with Trivia.  [Feeds will probably stay this way till after the show.  If anything worth reporting happens, we'll report it. - Jem]


Not one of his better moments

Darin, Kail's husband

Dustin breaks his word to Amber

They're ready to duel

Don't they look happy?

Tonight's Broadcast:   After the review of past events, Julie introduces the uproar of the season.  But first, we see Amber swear on her little girl's life that she won't vote out Eric.  Dick tells Amber about the secret that Eric's keeping about Amber and waiting to use against her.  Amber tells Dustin she's so mad that she wishes she hadn't sworn to keep him in.  During a late night meeting,  Dick tries to get Amber to reconsider,  she does and goes back to Dustin.  At first Dustin didn't agree, but after some consideration,  Dustin says he'll vote to evict Eric.  Amber:  "Don't go back on your word. Do you promise? "  Dustin:  " Yes." 

Is Dick a poser?  Dick drops celebrity names all around the house,  but does Dick really know the people he claims to know?  Big Brother took their cameras to Club Cat on the Sunset Blvd..  Dick's inner circle of friends verify Dick's claims.

So who is Kail?  Kail owns four businesses,  a restaurant,  a grocery store, a 20-room motel and a fine-dining restaurant with a lounge.  Her husband, Darin explains:  "Kail's strategy of not saying she has any businesses or anything other than just a stay-at-home mom running real estate is a smart concept for her in the household, because if she gives her cards away they're going to say she doesn't need to be there and send her home packing.  Kail is playing a game and the house guests have no idea who she really is and they will never find out who she really is until after the game is revealed.   I don't mind Dick yelling at her and game strategy. I don't like it but I understand that's part of the game plan."

Before the live votes, each nominee gets one last chance to plead their cases.  Kail goes first:  "As you all know, this is my third time in a row being on the nomination block, and -- sorry, it never gets easier.  Every week is just as hard as the first or second week, and I just want to let you know,  thank you for keeping me here the first two weeks,  and I ask for another week because I don't take any week for granted. Thank you."  Next  Eric speaks:  "I came here on day one thinking I was going to meet 13 strangers who were standing in my way of winning this game.  And that notion didn't last long once I had the chance to meet you guys. I had some rough times, this week, and you all collectively got me through it. I hope that I get to stay and continue to build these bonds and work on bonds that need repair. It means a lot to me."

Dick votes to evict Eric,  Jen voted to evict Eric, Jessica voted to evict Kail,  Zach voted to evict Eric, then Jameka voted to evict Kail, Dustin voted to evict Kail and the deciding vote went to Amber who voted to evict Kail. 

After the eviction, Dick asks Dustin if it was he that cast the vote to keep Eric,  Dustin lied and said "No, Dick, it wasn't me."

Next, the power is up for grabs. Tonight's game is called: "Let's Make a Duel"  Julie: "Houseguests, you will face off two at a time at the podium and answer questions about things your evicted house mates have said in the diary room,  but don't worry.  None of these statements will give away any house secrets.  If you buzz in first,  you must answer the question.  Answer correctly,  you stay in the game and get to choose the next two house guests who face off.  Answer incorrectly,  and you will be eliminated.  If no one buzzes in, you will both be eliminated unless you're the final two.  Last person standing will be the next head of household.  Jameka, in the veto competition you gave up the right to compete for head of household this week and Daniele, as the outgoing HoH,  you are not eligible to play either, but I will ask you,  Daniele, to select our first two players."

Daniele selected Dustin and Eric.   Julie:  "All right, gentlemen. Please go to the podium. . Remember, you will answer with the name of an evicted house guest.  Carol, Joe,  Mike,  Nick,  Kail, or none of the above.  Let's begin.  Which evicted house guest confessed, 'There was a situation that was brewing and I added some pepper and some salt' -- Eric?"   Eric answers "Joe," he is correct and Dustin steps down. Eric selects Dick and Zach to play next.  Julie:  "Which evicted houseguest stated, 'I was hoping that the other house guests would all see that I was going to be an honest player. Mission accomplished.'"    Zach buzzed and answered "Carol,"  which was not correct, it was Mike, now Zach is out of the game.  Dick selects Eric, and Jessica to go next.  Julie: "All right. Eric, Jessica, step up to the podium. Which evicted house guest revealed, 'One of my main strategies coming into this house with the females was I was going to flirt with them?'  Nick --  [Julie gave the answer]  That was my fault. We'll move on to the next question.  Both stay in the game.  I apologize.  Which evicted house guest said, 'I did not want to tell them that I was a multi-business owner?'"   Jessica answered "Kail," and was correct, Eric was out of the game.  Jessica picked Jen and Dick.  Julie:  "Which evicted house guest admitted, 'The beds are about 5'5" and I was thinking it would hinder my chances if I was about to invite a girl back to my bed.'" Dick answered "Mike," and was incorrect leaving Jen no other choice but to pick Jessica and Amber.   Which evicted house guest stated, 'I'm not one of those weepy, sad, rain clouds that sits around and drags everyone down?'"   Amber buzzes in and asks, "Was it Carol?" Julie: "That is incorrect, it is Joe. You've been eliminated. Jessica, Jen – one of you is about to become the new Head of Household. "Which evicted houeguest said, 'I gave up way too much- Jessica?" Jessica: "Carol." Julie: 'That is correct. Congratulations, you're the new Head of Household.'
 Jessica Won HoH

Even before the ended, as they showed what was happening in the BB house,   you could tell it's going to be a rocky week.  Jameka:  "Did I break my word? Did I do anything dishonest?  You're entitled to your opinion,  not facts. I'm sure."  Dick:  "It's all good, baby."  

6:10PM BBT:  "When the feeds return,  we find Jameka alone and crying and praying.  Jessica,  Eric, and Dustin are in the kitchen joking about how they love the buzzers and they get trigger happy.  Dick,  Amber and Jen are also speaking, lots of talk of who was against who etc.  Dick asks Dustin why he lied. Dustin says to ease the tension in this house for the last day and a half. Dick asks, "After the eviction, though, why lie then?"
Dustin: "To make you think a little bit.  Distract you before the HoH."
Dick: "Not really. Everybody knew."
Dustin: "It doesn't matter anyway, Dick."
Dick: "What? That you're a liar? Of course it does."
Dustin says that Dick wanted Kail out of the house since week one.
Dustin: "You finally got what you want, and it just happened to be under my finger."
Dick: "Oh. Under YOUR finger."
Dustin: "Well, I didn't see you vote her out!" Daniele is in her bed alone and crying, Jen goes to comfort her.

Amber and Dick explode at each other:  Dick says he can't wait until Eric pulls the story on her.  Amber screams back he would have done it already, "Good, let him do it!"

Amber:  "At least Eric believes what I tell him. At least I got that."
Dick: "Eric said it.  13 people in his way.  Nothing's changed."
Eric:  "Nothing's changed."  He goes on to say everyone is a liar except for Dick... Read more

Dustin breaks out with : "You Poor Unfortunate Souls" (the song). 

Eric tells Dick that Amber and Eric will speak about it when they want to. 

Dustin talks to Daniele and says by the way this played out, it was nothing personal it was the way it had to go, and that he hopes sometime she'll be ready to talk.  Dustin leaves.

Jessica tells Amber she's thrilled. Jessica: "I've been wanting it and wanting it, it just wasn't the right time. And now it is."
Eric says how excited he is and he can't wait to go to the diary room.. he wants to go rip the door open.

Dustin, Eric, and Jessica discuss how "shocked" they were that Daniele put Dustin and Eric against each other.  Jessica apologizes for beating Eric.  Eric: "If Julie Chicken didn't say Nick's name, I would have had you,  but oh well!"

Eric says he's going to gorge himself like a fat man because he hasn't eaten all week.  He whispers to Jameka how grateful he is to her, how this is going to be a great week because they have a safe haven to go to and Jessica is in charge.  Jameka:  "Well.. he [Dick] always attacks me."  She says through sniffles. 

Eric say he plans on shaving his head tonight.

6:20PM BBT: Dustin told Dick that Dick's wanted Kail out since week one,  and now she's gone,  it just happened to be under his (Dustin's) hand.

Daniele said that she was laughing the whole time she was recording Kail's goodbye message because she thought she didn't need to make one and that's why she wasn't serious. She says that people probably think she's mean or whatever for not taking it seriously, but she thought it was a joke as she thought Kail was staying.

Jen and Daniele are talking in Daniele's bed in the small bedroom.  Jen talks bout how much longer they have to wear the bunny suits. She tries to make Daniele feel better.

Dick and Eric are having a shouting match in the kitchen:   Dick says Amber is going to see that conversation where Eric told him that he has that thing on Amber in his back pocket. 
Eric: "I will not deny saying it,  I will speak to Amber about it when Amber feels like talking about it."

Dustin and Eric joke about Jessica spending the week in bed,  Dick is sitting at the kitchen table staring down the people sitting at the kitchen counter.

Dustin goes to talk to Daniele,  and Jen is still sitting on the edge of Danielle's bed.  Dustin: "It's not about we are against Nick,  I don't want you to feel that way, we'll talk."

Meanwhile, Jessica wonders how long it will be before she gets her room.

Dustin and Amber are in the exercise room.  Dustin and Amber are dancing and hugging and clapping and so happy.  Amber says she's happy about how events went down,  Dustin saying he's glad that amber trusted him and they're both so excited how this worked out.  Dustin and Amber are speed talking and so very happy. They're jumping around.

Dustin:  "If Daniele takes herself off, we're putting Jen up,  and we put them up so we can say you lost to your most hated person to herself."

Amber and Dustin talk about how they ruined Daniele's big plans, how Daniele should be embarrassed about the blog.
Dustin: "Its gonna be the five of us to the end baby! You know it!."
Amber:  "I know! I know! Dick's a psycho right now!"
Dustin: "I don't even know what to do with myself! I feel like I'm on drugs!"

Dustin and Amber are all happy and laughs, talking how screwed Dick is.

Back in the Kitchen: 
Dustin: "I don't think I've ever screamed louder."
Eric: "We now have the single most childhood celebration in BB history."
Jessica said she said in her head, "They better celebrate with me!"
Eric: "You sure didn't have to worry about that."
Jessica talks about how happy her parents and grandparents must be.

Everyone but Dick and Daniele are very loud and chatty.  Jessica: "My dad's probably getting a keg right now! My mom's probably writing a letter to my brother right now!"

Now Dick and Daniele are alone.
Daniele: "I feel like I'm gonna throw up." (Said through tears.  They're both very silent.)
Dick: "Win HoH next week and throw this place on its ass."
Daniele: *sniff* *sniff* *sniff*  "I hate Amber."
Dick: "I hate all of them.  Eric,  Jameka,  Amber,  Dustin."
Daniele:  "Nobody else goes around claiming to be so real."
Dick: "They're all full of shit. Jameka's full of shit."
Dick: "We'll see how things play out,  see who she puts up against me, I wanna keep you in here."
Daniele: *wailing* "I WANNA GO HOME." *sniff sniff* (the tears are flowing)
Dick: "I hope it's a PoV with prizes cuz I'm gonna buzz up and get some good stuff before I go."
Dick: "It's ok, honey."

6:30PM BBT:  Dick tells Jen she did good trying and Jen jokes "Well all I got to do was stand there..."  Daniele says, "No offense but I can't believe you got that one wrong."  Dick asks Jen to let he and Daniele talk,  Jen leaves.

Daniele says she doesn't want to talk in there and they move to Dick's bedroom and shut the door. 
Daniele:  "I hate this I hate this.  I can't talk about anything without crying.  I hate that it's my fault Kail is gone.  I hate that my goodbye message to her was crappy because I didn't think she would be going.   I told Jen that as bad as I feel for Kail,  I feel that Kail is the lucky one because she gets to go home."

Daniele crying, sitting in the corner,  Dick lying on the bed. 
Daniele: I'd rather spend my birthday alone,  I hate everything about this place sooooooooo much.  It sucks so much because I feel like every time I figure out what's going on its too late.  Now Zach's trying to be all buddy buddy with everybody."
Dick: "Well you can expect that.  The  best possible scenario is they put me and Zach up together and PoV."
Daniele:  "Then they'll put me up and I'll go home."  (More crying etc..)
Daniele:  "I want to go home,  I don't like anybody in here, no body, I'll be by myself the whole time."
Dick:  "It's $500K,  it could change your life..."
Daniele: "Its not worth it , I don't care, I want to go home."
Dick eases on over to Daniele's corner to sit by her.

Daniele: "I accomplished nothing, just like everybody else."
Dick: "It's OK, you have to take chances in this game,  you did a great job."
Daniele:  "No I didn't.  Jen even said too that Dustin's plan all along wasn't to get Zach out it was to get Nick out."
Dick:  "It's alright,  I didn't expect anything different from Dustin, I wasn't surprised."
Daniele :  "I wanna go home sooo bad,  you don't understand."
Dick:   "We can stick together,  we can do this."
Daniele:  "I just wanna go home.  I want to take this stupid thing off (bunny suit) I'm sweating to death
Dick:  "Come sleep in here." (round bedroom)
Daniele: "I told you yesterday, that whole thing.. so fake with Amber."
Dick: "I knew Amber was lying today.  Her whole disposition,  I told her she was acting weird, she was 'no no,'  I knew she was lying.  Don't worry, it's OK."
Daniele: "I'm not worried, I just want to go home." (multiply this comment by 10)  Read more

Dustin and Eric sneak off to the gym and jump, high five,  and express their joy over Dick calling out everyone as being "fucking liars."

Dustin : "I talked to Amber, if we send Eric home we're fucked, now the five of us will rock this house."
Eric: "I know how it feels to feel on the outside...lets call Jen and Zach up too and let them (Dick and Daniele) feel how it is to be on the outside, that motherfucker is going home,  period end of story.  No one's going to listen to a fucking word he says and he's going home next week.   I'm going to bury his ass this week and I will fucking cackle over his fucking grave."

[Mom, forgive me for typing this many 'fucks'  -nursie]

Eric: "They've tried to underestimate her, bully her and now she gets to put them out.  It's so much better that she won than if I won myself, and now you and I get to both play (HoH) next week.

Dustin: "Poor Daniele,  that's just embarrassing."
Eric: "She now has the worst HoH ever.  She told me you're the biggest threat and now.  HA HA,  sorry bitch,  you and your dad are gone." Dustin says he didn't even think it'd be three on three next week because Jessica and Jameka both can't play.  They say they should lure Jen in.  Eric is called to the diary room and he tells Dustin he can't wait to go to go to the diary room.

Dick reminds Daniele that their two votes will mean a lot in sequester.  Dick is saying that Daniele should work with someone (Jen Maybe?). It looks like Daniele is calming down now.  Dick just said that he'll go before Daniele and that's OK because he'll go to Mexico with the waves. Looks like the plan is to save Daniele if it means sacrificing Dick.  They have a couple more hours of the bunny suit before they come off.  Dick is saying once he's gone it will be easier for Daniele. She says she hates this place and got worked up again.

Dustin: "It's better that Kail is gone now, she gets to see her family."
Zach: "Then why was she in the game?"
Dustin explains Kail wanted to either leave before sequester or win.  Kail had said she couldn't last with Dick in the house.
Zach: "What he was going off on her too?"
Dustin: "Are you kidding? all the time!"

(Everyone stares at Zach like 'where have you been?')

7:30PM BBT:  BB calls Danielle to DR, she tells Dick that she doesn't want to go, "I hate this place" asks if she can go response. Dick says: "I don't think so..."  Dick asks if he can go to DR and BB calls Dick to DR.  Both Daniele and Dick say "Thank you." and Dick leaves the room.

Zach now tells Dustin why he voted to keep Kail,  that it was nothing against Eric.  Dustin tells Zach that all is good,  and he completely understands.  Dustin says something to the effect that Dick had said he (Dustin) was trying to influence Zach into voting his way.  Zach says he has no one who's ever influenced his vote.  Dustin says he knows that and walks away.  Dustin keeps walking in and out of the kitchen and Zach keeps chatting to Dustin about food, but just gets short "passing by" replies from Dustin.

Amber is talking to Jessica and Jameka in their bedroom about how funny "karma" is.

Jen comes in now to check on Daniele.

Daniele:  "It's funny how, in here, if you know somebody lied once... I don't know. I don't know. This place is too much."
Jen: "Yeah. It's a crazy house."
Daniele:  "So, it looks like Zach is siding with them."
Jen: "I know. Well, he never was trying."
Daniele: "He's kissing Eric's butt."
Jen says Zach always does that with each HoH.
Daniele:  "Not really to me, to be honest.  But he knew he wasn't going up. That's probably why."
Jen: "Yeah."
Jen says she actually likes everyone in the house and says they have to all get along or they will be miserable. They'll be together for a long time.
Jen: "I wonder who Jessica will put up, though?"
Daniele:  "Me and my Dad.  It will be what everybody else tells her to do."
Daniele says that she hardly talked to Jessica,  but everyone thinks they talk all of the time.
Daniele:  "I think she'll put up me and my Dad and put Zach up if the POV is used."
Jen: "Yeah. Or, if Zach were to use it...."
Daniele: "That's true, too, huh? But he wouldn't. He wouldn't with that side being so strong. "
Daniele says she knew about this ahead of time,  because Eric was wearing Jameka's flip flops,  and he said he hoped that the contest wasn't something where they had to run.

Daniele: "I can't believe the last question was Carol! As soon as Julie said the last word, Jessica knew. Some of those questions were...whatever."
Jen says they were things that people said in the house, not the DR.  Daniele says that she's glad Julie screwed up the Nick questions (that Eric knew).  She says that Nick said that all of the time in the house. She says that the "salt and pepper" one about Joe was hard. Jen says she knew it.  Jen and Daniele can't believe that Dick got his question wrong.  It was because they twisted the word and said "our beds."

8:00PM BBT:  Daniele asks Jen who she would have put up had she won HoH, Jen says " would not put up your dad."  Then,  she says that she thought about it and Kail had told her if she (Kail) was voted out to put up Dick.  Daniele says not to tell him (Dick) that because he (Dick) would not have put her (Jen) up and that that would have been stupid (for Jen to put Dick up). Dick comes in and says he'll be leaving this week for Daniele and that he'll go to the beach.  See the Video 

Dick says that they'll put them both up, then he's going to ask Zach and Jen that if they win PoV to save Daniele.  Dick says he talked about Jameka's "faith" in DR.

Dick says Zach's probably thinking he'll be up next because his name had been spoken before so he probably expects it. Daniele says Amber is laying in Nick's bed and she (Daniele) could spit on her for that too. Dick says Amber needs a psychiatrist.  Read more

Dick says they better have security at the sequester house because he might stab someone with a fork.  Jen says she's going to request a separate sequester house. Dick then whispers that he doesn't want "them' to know that he's (Dick) ready to go.

Daniele says all she wants if she stays is a letter for her birthday. Jen says she wants a letter for her HoH.

Dick and Daniele are now talking about Jameka to Jen, comparing her to James.  They think there's more to her than she's saying, like when James lied about what job he had. They talk about the God thing with Jameka and how fake it is.  Jen tells them that Jameka had told her first that she would play PoV to win, for her.  That she (Jen) did not ask Jameka to do that.  Dick says that that's because Jameka wanted Zack up in Jen's place to vote him out.

Talk turns to Amber, Dan is sure she was the one who voted Nick out,  Jen adds yes,  because she didn't cry.  Daniele says Eric is the brains of everything, Jen says she heard Daniele said that about her (Jen), Daniele laughs and says she definitely didn't say that, it was Amber.

Now Dick says Kail did not lie [Curiouser and curiouser.  -Soyya]

8:15PM BBT:  Eric: "Do you guys still think, just like the coup thing last year, that there is still you know, one major surprise still to come?"
Jameka: "I hope so!"  Zach thinks it was just an All-Star thing.  Eric says "Could be."  Zach wonders if there will be a food competition. Eric says yes, probably a slop one, too, as they got a free week for no apparent reason.  Eric says he can't wait to see Jessica host the food competition or a luxury competition.

Dustin followed Dick into the bathroom but didn't say anything.  Meanwhile...  just a bit ago he and Eric (Dustin) were having a happy dance in the workout room and calling out a major SMACKDOWN against Dick and Danielle.  Eric uses very strong language, denouncing the votes, basically acting like he won HoH.  See the Video

8:30PM BBT:  Jessica Gets Her Room:  Everyone is in the HoH looking at Jessica's stuff.  Even Danielle and Dick, despite the fact she has been crying for over an hour begging to go home, telling her dad she hates them all.  Jessica got loads of family pictures and pom-poms from her grandmother, and a letter from her mom and dad. She got pictures of her brother, her dad, her Goddaughter, the "J crew," and "Grandma Joyce!"  She got Snickerdoodles, and a Toby Keith CD (She says "That's okay, too!" because she wanted Carrie Underwood).  Jessica's brother is named Dean, it sounds like. She got a picture of him that had to do with the Marines.  She got hot fries,  pretzels,  Red Bull,  Dr. Pepper and beer.  Jessica says everything reminds her of Kansas. She got some big paper sunflowers.  See the Video

9:00PM BBT:  Jen is talking to Eric and Dustin. Jen talks about Kail, and Dustin says he really likes Kail. Jen says that she wishes everyone would have acted like they liked Kail more, because Jen feels she got stuck with being with Kail all of the time, and she "feels she was outcast because she would bring Kail." Jen says she "liked her," though.

Dustin wonders what Dick will do, when everyone is outside late.  Jen asks if they are going to go outside, then? Dustin says they always do, so why wouldn't they?  Eric asks why Jen doesn't just leave the round room and let Daniele have it.  Dustin says she probably likes that bed, though.  Jen says she will try it tonight and see how it goes.  Jen says she doesn't know Daniele that well, but she feels bad for her.  She asks if no one else feels bad?
Eric: "Not at all."
Dustin says that he hates it that Daniele has chosen to play the game as she has.  "I mean, look at them now! They're inseparable!" (Dick and Daniele)  Jen wonders what would have happened if Dick would have left when he was on the block?  Eric says Joe would have caused his own problems.

BB talks to the hamsters and says they are going to let them outdoors.

Eric hugs Jessica in the HoH bathroom, and he says he's so happy for her.  She says she is so happy for HIM, as he is still here. He says thank you for everything--he knows he was a "pile of dog doo this week."
Jessica says that's okay.  Eric says that they (Dick and Daniele) have made the two of them uncomfortable all week, and now they owe them the same thing.  Eric plays the multiple choice game. He asks which houseguest had a look on their face like they just lost $500,000 when they said Eric was staying?  Jessica says Daniele, and it's right.

Jessica says she is sorry she didn't hug Eric after he got to stay. Eric says that was a "WS" (weird situation). She agrees. She says she wanted to see how people reacted when she won HoH.  Eric says he's sure the camera zoomed in on a few faces.  Eric tells how Dustin told Eric he needed to speak to him in the gym, all serious. Then they went in the gym and were celebrating. Jessica says she was asked in the DR if it made her mad that people were arguing when they should have been celebrating for her?  She said no, there was enough celebrating later.

9:30PM BBT:  Daniele tells Dick that she doesn't want him telling Jen too much info because Jen has a big mouth.  Daniele tells Dick that Jessica hates Jen so maybe she'll put Jen up with one of them (Daniele and Dick) and that would be good. But Daniele doesn't think that will happen because, if they are smart they'll put them up (Daniele and Dick) together.

Daniele says she's probably coming across as that person who thinks she's smarter than she really is on the show.  Dick says that's not true,  that if they (us) hate someone, it would be him (Dick).   Daniele says she feels stupid, like, in so many different levels.

Daniele tells Dick that she "Hates being here, I really hate being here!" Dick tells her that when she gets out of the house she will find out that people,  America absolutely adores her.

Daniele says "You keep saying that, but I don't believe it.  Dick asks "Why? They loved Nick."
Daniele says "So? and they think I'm, like, the stupid girl that didn't do anything..."  Dick says that people understand that "They see your honesty, they see your heart shining so many times in here, your diary rooms, I can only imagine...They must see you for who you are, and you are a beautiful young woman that wants to do the right thing in life.  You're smart, you're beautiful, you have a great heart,  you have a great soul,  you're a good person (something of a woman) the heart of a lion, stubborn as a mule, I love you to death,  and I think that America sees that  I really do,  they're gonna say "no wonder she didn't talk to that jerk for all that time"...

Daniele says nothing.  She's sitting on the bed with her hand on her chin looking miserable.  Dick tells her that she knows that when he is in sequester he'll be hoping every time, not to see her, and that she (Daniele) can do this.  Dick whispers to Daniele that the household will break up pretty soon because everything never goes the way it's supposed to,  that all it would take is for Daniele,  Zach or Jen to get HoH next week and blow these mother f*ckers up..."

In the HoH Room...  
Jessica says she is a little nervous even though they know who will go up on the block.  Jessica says she will be sending the first person to the jury.  Eric says that she's looking at the negative, but everyone will love her for getting rid of the most hated person in the house.  She says she just asks that they make sure that the person who is left doesn't win HoH.

Jessica says to remember, nothing is a sure thing, and they can't be positive that they (Dick and Daniele) aren't going to make a deal with Dustin and Amber. She says they could be "making out in the storage room right now!"

Eric says that they have the luxury of her, Jameka and Eric sitting in the HoH and talking about all of them if she wants.  They could even talk about every person and the benefits of putting them up.  (I think he is covering in case he has to lobby for someone--which, by the way, won't be Jessica this week, so that's good.  --Catniptoy). He says they don't have to have a big group discussion if she doesn't want. She says no, she's fine with it.

Eric says it was hard for him to bite his tongue this week.

Eric says he was "rolling on the floor" when Jessica told Dick that they are all "over" what Eric did. Eric starts to talk and Jessica says Eric is "lucky" and him being there proves they are "over it" and she doesn't want to go into all of that. He says he won't go into a big spiel. Eric says that Zach told him that he has some good friends in the house, and Eric agreed!

Jessica says that it's funny, but not funny probably to Eric, but everyone won't hound Jess this week. They think Eric is the brains between her and Eric, so they will hound Eric! He says that's not true--he's not smarter. She says she knows, but they think that, so he can just handle it all!

Jessica says that Zach told her before HOH that if he won, he wouldn't put up Jessica. He told her there are "bigger fish to fry." So, she told him that she isn't targeting him, either.

Jessica jokes about Eric saying he would take her to the finals. Eric tells her "One of these days, you'll say it back!"

Eric says he would probably be accused of faking his celebration when Jessica won. He literally exploded! Jessica says they asked her how she felt, and she couldn't remember, she was so excited. FotH

Dustin comes up to the HoH.  He asks Jessica how it feels.  She says just another day in the BB house. Then she says it's great!!  She says that at first she really thought she wanted HoH for the pictures and stuff,  and not for pissing people off.  But now,  she wants it for both!! Eric says he is still in celebration mode. Dustin says it will last all week.

Jessica says it will be best if they win POV, too. Eric tells how he would give a speech about how great Jessica has been during HoH, and how he will leave things the same.  Dustin says it would be great if Jameka could do it and then say she is leaving it the same, after the way Dick treated her.  Dustin asks how the letter was, she says it was awesome, and they can read it if they want.  Read more

10:30PM BBT:  Wow big fight going on between Jameka, Amber and Dick.

Dick calls Jameka a hypocritical Christian.  Jameka: "Who's the liar bitch..  who's the liar bitch?" She tells him she'll pray for him "Go smoke a ciggie if you can find one." She shouts at him. 

Jameka talking about his daughter and Dick says "Don't bring Christianity into it bitch!"  Dick tears into Amber regarding her drug use and calls her "a tweaker." 

Dick says, "There is a difference between hypocrites and liars."

Amber says, "We can care less about your God damn jury vote." and then Dick calls her a "fag hag" and she says, "You have to hit below the belt."
Dick says, "With a mother like you your daughters' a mess too."  Dick "Your mother's a bitch."  Dick mocks Jameka and she goes off on Dick screaming "You don't know me." 

Amber says, "You should commit suicide,  you'd be better off."  Dick says , "Your daughter would be better off."  Dick says to go "fuck off" and "don't call me E.D." Dick then calls her the dreaded "C" word.  Jameka saying "I have eternal salvation." and adds: "Please believe it that you won't have to worry about having contact with me."

Amber tells Dick:  "You're a waste of breath." She goes on to make fun of Dick's clothes and say "You're a fuckin' piece of work." and Dick replies by saying:  "You're a fuckin' piece of shit."  Dick says to Amber that her boyfriend would take her back saying he's "a mess just like you." 

It got really bad and due to some internet problems I don't have all of what Dick said.  I want to make it clear that he was never more vulgar and really hit below the belt with his remarks to Jameka and Amber regarding them as mothers.  I'm not trying to express an opinion,  but rather explain why some info is omitted, so that you don't think I was covering up for Dick. 

10:45PM BBT:  Jameka tries not to lose her temper by trying to take a Christian high-road by saying: "I love you I love you I love you I love you......." 
Dick "Love the underside of my balls."
Jameka:  "I love you" saying to Dick "Effective 10:45PM tonight,  you no longer exist to me.  I'm not talking to you."  He says, "Poor mom," and "You'll never find a man."  She remarks about Dick's two failed marriages and he says she'll never get divorced because no one would marry her.  "You're a stupid bitch and a poser Christian." "What would Jesus do about you calling my mother a bitch?"  Amber enters and Dick says,  "Speaking of little bitches wait it's a fat bitch."  Read more

10:50PM BBT:  Dustin and Eric are in the HT talking about the way Daniele doesn't do anything about her father's outbursts,  Dustin says, "How fucking embarrassing and she won't do anything about it." They go on to say how she isolated herself and they can't feel sorry for her.  They can hear Dick in the kitchen yelling at Amber and Jameka.  Eric says: "I'm steaming and boiling" and "This is fuckin' war!"  Read more

Amber comes out and relates the crux of the shouting.  Dustin curses out Dick from behind the closed glass door,  he opens the door and screams,  "Washed up dead beat white trash dad!" and of course Dick can't hear it.

Jameka says after Dick said all those horrible things he, gives her one cold stare and he drops his salsa.  Jameka just says, "Thank you God."

Eric says, "He can go fuck himself and rot in hell." and Eric rants that he's not going to do it any more saying he crossed a million lines.  "If this was real life I would have picked up a bottle and beat him to death and then run my car over his bloody carcass." 

Eric: "No one is listening to him anymore.  He doesn't have an audience in anyone anymore.  He fucking expended his ammo last week.  Now, he's shitting in his fucking pants and he's taking it out on everyone.  He can go fuck himself and rot in hell. This is not one on one anymore, this is everyone on him.  You can run around like a lunatic, he's not getting out at this point.  He's going home a week from tonight and I couldn't be fucking happier."

Jameka says "I don't want his vote" and Eric says he doesn't either. Then they realize that Dick and Daniele will have to vote for someone.  [It took them 33 days to realize that.]

Dustin: "The AUDACITY of some people to call Amber out on her drug problem? She confided in him at one point."

I can't even come close to being able to describe the fury and anger Eric and Dustin have towards Dick.  They say that no one should treat women like that.  Dustin: "And he called me a 'cocksucker.'"  Read more

11:00PM BBT:  Amber is telling Dick that she doesn't want her daughter to hear that she's a "piece of shit." 

Dick and Daniele are eating tacos while Dick tells her about what was said between him and Jameka.  

Back outside they are so worked up over what was said,  "How dare he!"  "Despicable." "Ludicrous bullshit!" "Low life!" "Absolute degenerate!" "Scum of the Earth."   Eric says if any of them make it to "All-Stars 2 he'll be there with us."

11:20PM BBT:  Dick is outside and the talk is country music and "cowboy boots"

[ Ding Ding Ding Round 2 ]

Dick yells to Dustin: "Five grand and a trip to Barbados no one is going to forget." 

Inside Daniele and Jen have made a pact "From here on out I have your back" and saying "All three of us need to stick together" and Jen says that they need to hang out with everybody and Jen says they can't really turn us against each other.  Jen says "from day one" she wanted to but says they didn't click and since Dick will go "we have Zach."

Saying that it will be only "Dustin and Eric" as Amber can't win....

Back outside Dick goes in and Dustin and Eric talk more trash about Dick behind his back.  Dick joins Jen and Daniele in the round room and can't believe there was no yelling.  Daniele says if we all go to sequester we will "decide who wins." Jen is worried Zach makes too many deals. Daniele says, "He's on our side" and Jen realizes that "he has to be."

Daniele is laughing about Zach's calendar and Jen said "I helped him build it." and says they all went over it with him.  Daniele says the problem with Zach is when he thinks he's right he doesn't bend.

11:30PM BBT:  Daniele and her pal Jen talk in the round room.  Read more

11:55PM BBT:  Zach gets to take off the bunny suit.  Eric makes a speech thanking everyone for their support.  Read more.

Thanks to all of today's update contributors: Angelo Joe, Catniptoy, Dade, elsaheat, eyeluvhowie, GemRep, georgectv, jammer, Jem, JenClaire, JFetch, Katydidit, KimLovesBB, ladybugjd, laladoopiedu , MellyMel, Morty, myss911, nursie, opjones, PaganMom, pierceka, Sf49rminer, smirnoff, StephenV, wolfrider, Yana  You guys Rock! (And some wobble, but I suspect that's from the alcohol.)  

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