
The Big Brother Archive


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  HoH     Nominated  
PoV Nominated

Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 12, 2007
#1 Thursday, July 5, 2007 #40 Monday, August 13, 2007
#2 Friday, July 6, 2007 #41 Tuesday, August 14, 2007
#3 Saturday, July 7, 2007 #42 Wednesday, August 15, 2007
#4 Sunday, July 8, 2007 #43 Thursday, August 16, 2007
#5 Monday, July 9, 2007 #44 Friday, August 17, 2007
#6 Tuesday, July 10, 2007 #45 Saturday, August 18, 2007
#7 Wednesday, July 11, 2007 #46 Sunday, August 19, 2007
#8 Thursday, July 12, 2007 #47 Monday, August 20, 2007
#9 Friday, July 13, 2007 #48 Tuesday, August 21, 2007
#10 Saturday, July 14, 2007 #49 Wednesday, August 22, 2007
#11 Sunday, July 15, 2007 #50 Thursday, August 23, 2007
#12 Monday, July 16, 2007 #51 Friday, August 24, 2007
#13 Tuesday, July 17, 2007 #52 Saturday, August 25, 2007
#14 Wednesday, July 18, 2007 #53 Sunday, August 26, 2007
#15 Thursday, July 19, 2007 #54 Monday, August 27, 2007
#16 Friday, July 20, 2007 #55 Tuesday, August 28, 2007
#17 Saturday, July 21, 2007 #56 Wednesday, August 29, 2007
#18 Sunday, July 22, 2007 #57 Thursday, August 30, 2007
#19 Monday, July 23, 2007 #58 Friday, August 31, 2007
#20 Tuesday, July 24, 2007 #59 Saturday, September 1, 2007
#21 Wednesday, July 25, 2007 #60 Sunday, September 2, 2007
#22 Thursday, July 26, 2007 #61 Monday, September 3, 2007
#23 Friday, July 27, 2007 #62 Tuesday, September 4, 2007
#24 Saturday, July 28, 2007 #63 Wednesday, September 5, 2007
#25 Sunday, July 29, 2007 #64 Thursday, September 6, 2007
#26 Monday, July 30, 2007 #65 Friday, September 7, 2007
#27 Tuesday, July 31, 2007 #66 Saturday, September 8, 2007
#28 Wednesday, August 1, 2007 #67 Sunday, September 9, 2007
#29 Thursday, August 2, 2007 #68 Monday, September 10, 2007
#30 Friday, August 3, 2007 #69 Tuesday, September 11, 2007
#31 Saturday, August 4, 2007 #70 Wednesday, September 12, 2007
#32 Sunday, August 5, 2007 #71 Thursday, September 13, 2007
#33 Monday, August 6, 2007 #72 Friday, September 14, 2007
#34 Tuesday, August 7, 2007 #73 Saturday, September 15, 2007
#35 Wednesday, August 8, 2007 #74 Sunday, September 16, 2007
#36 Thursday, August 9, 2007 #75 Monday, September 17, 2007
#37 Friday, August 10, 2007 #76 Tuesday, September 18, 2007
#38 Saturday, August 11, 2007 #77 Wednesday, September 19, 2007
  #78 Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday,  August 8, 2007:  I'd Vote You Out For a Dollar

After Midnight...   Amber and Jen are in the kitchen area.  Jen says she's so mad the Evil Dick wasn't sent home.  She says Kail is cool and all but she's the type of friend you'd go on a trip with for two weeks and want to kill.

Jen likes Jessica.  Jen thinks she could like Daniele because if Nick liked her that much then she must not be as bad as she thinks.  She likes Jameka.  Sometimes she likes Dustin and sometimes she doesn't.  She says something is not right- makes her concerned.  It doesn't matter  who goes home to Dustin because he's set up with everyone.   Zach enters singing without  FotH.   Jen gets her bunny ears on.  Now we get FotH. 

Kail & Dick:  Kail says this is her best week here and she's probably going home and she says it's because Dick has laid off her and Daniele says "See, we're not bad people." and tells her it's not over until Julie Chen says so.   Kail asked what his gut feeling is and Dick says he doesn't know but "will be close either way" saying he will talk to Jessica tomorrow and will say what Amber says about her daughter "will be easy to fix"

Daniele warns her to be kind to Jessica and Jessica's buttons are easily pushed.

12:45AM BBT:  Jen tells Daniele and Dick about the time she was on "Wheel of Fortune,"  "If you're ever on it, don't by a 'U,' they're worthless.  Dick asks how she could be on "Wheel"  when she's an employee of Vanna White.  Jen says she didn't know them at the time,  she was 18 going to college and the Wheel of Fortune truck came to her college- they wanted to use her on the show.  Later she was working as Vanna's  ex-husband's personal assistant.  She liked the kids and they kept wanting to hang out with her so Vanna asked to let her pay her to be with the kids.  At first Jen said "no" because she didn't want to be responsible for the kids. Vanna insisted and the rest is nanny history.

Danielle talks about looking forward to writing her HoH Blog.  She doesn't know what she's going to say yet to her BF.  Has a lot to say to different people.  Been thinking about it since Thursday. Very excited to write. Jen asks if she thinks her BF is mad at her.  [Awkward silence] Daniele says "No."  She won't have a home when she gets out of there.  Her lease will be up when she gets out of there and they aren't renewing it. "She'll be a free spirit."  Thinking about maybe traveling for a month- it'd be a perfect time.  Her BF is going to move back in with his parents to save money to pay off bills.  He's going to pack her stuff up for her.

1:14AM BBT:  Dick and Amber talking in kitchen and Amber says she made a promise on hers daughter's life and tells her "You can always change her mind" saying "I found out a lot of bullshit since then."  Amber says she'll get him next week and pay him back for what he did to Nick.  Dick telling her that you made a promise before you found out all the correct info. and telling her she can "change your mind."

Both are saying they don't lie about anything.  They move out and Dick rehashes the whole Dustin / Dick fight from the other night.  Amber explains the way Dustin's acting,  "Eric has been getting into his ear."

Dick ranting about Dustin's "trust" and his PoV prizes.  "For him turning on me like that" and if "I get HoH "he's going up."  Ranting about him treating Daniele like shit when he's mad at him.  "What have I ever done to Dustin?" telling her he's never done anything to him to make him not trust him.  Amber says Jen has told her a lot about not trusting Dustin. 

Amber said "I swore on my daughter." and Dick says that his manipulations and lies give her the right to "change my mind."
Dick:  "Eric is totally and completely full of shit."
Daniele comes out "Am I interrupting?"
Amber:   "I don't know what I'm going to do-- "    Amber says she's devastated "that makes me sick that I would team up with Eric to get Nick out of here" Amber complaining that she got blamed for Nick.

This conversation goes around and around and was still going strong at 2:30AM.  Read more   image Audio Clip [60 minutes] 

At 2:40AM BBT:  Amber promises that one way or another,  Eric will be voted out this week!
Amber says that she promised on her daughter's life that she won't vote Eric out, and she can't break that promise, but-- she promises she will get Dustin to vote Eric out,  and if there's a problem,  she will go back on the promise she made on her daughter's life,  and she will cast the vote to evict. 

3:00AM BBT:  Letting Dustin in on the plan...  Dustin and Amber are in the bathroom talking.  Amber is telling Dustin that Eric needs to go. Amber says that it's as clear as day and for the first time,  she thinks her head is back in the game.  Dustin is listening, but putting up the defensive side to keep Eric for the numbers.  Amber saying that there are the numbers now,  that Dick and Daniele have nothing against them.  Amber thinks Eric is trying to get Dustin and Amber against each other, so he needs to go.

Amber also states that if Eric gets HoH, he'll either put up Dick and Daniele, or Amber and Dustin. Dustin says he'll put up Dick and Daniele, but Amber think it could happen either way.  Dustin argues that Dick has said so many horrible things about her so why listen to Dick,  and Amber says she'll have to ask Dick about it.

Amber clearly states that she wants to vote out Eric but can’t.  Dustin says that he’ll vote out Eric so that Amber won’t go back on her word.  Amber says "Do you promise?" and they agree to go outside to talk to Dick and Daniele.  Dustin tells Amber to let him lead the conversation.

Dustin joins the patio party and a lot of misunderstandings are cleared up.  One big misunderstanding was during Daniele's nomination ceremony,  Daniele pulled out Dustin's key first and said, "Thanks for keeping me safe last week."  Dustin said he considered that a slap in the face.  Daniele asked "Why?"  Dustin said he thought she meant it in the reverse.  Another misunderstanding was that Daniele made a deal with Kail during the HoH contest and that Eric and Dustin were targets.  Read more

3:20AM BBT:  Dustin continues his little 'bash' against Daniele.  They all are pretty calm.  [But it does seem like Dustin has his nose in the air.--laladoopiedu]   Even Dick is speaking at a quiet tone. Dustin apologizes again for how he has treated towards Daniele this week, but says he feels victimized for Nick leaving last week.

Dick: "I'm embarrassed and pissed off how I have been manipulated like that. "
Dick: "I had an epiphany and realized that Eric was continuing putting people against each other. "
Dustin: "I'll vote Eric out, so Amber won't go back on her word. "
Amber: "Are you sure?"
Dustin: "Yes, I will."
Amber: "I know you will. "
Dick tries to explain why Amber's word can be turned around.  Dick says that Amber made that promise when Eric was lying.  Amber says that she will vote him out because when she promised,  she didn't know all this other stuff and she'll vote him out to make it a five vote or whatever and that Eric needs to leave.  Amber's afraid, though, if she does,  Eric will say in interviews and to Julie Chen that oh,  she went against her daughter, and Dustin says he'll vote him out so that doesn't happen.  Dick asks Dustin if they still have their agreement,  Dustin says yes, and they slap hands together.

Dustin again apologizes to them for how he has been acting, but he didn't realize all this that Eric was doing. Daniele says that honestly, she likes Eric,  and he might not be like that outside of the house, but he needs to go.  Dustin says it's not personal, it's strategic.

Amber: "Dustin do you promise to vote Eric out. "
Dustin: "I promise, I promise. "
Amber: "Should I vote, too, to make sure he leaves. "
Dustin: "No. Do you trust me?"
Amber: "Yes. I do. "
Dustin: "OK  Then cool it girl."
Amber: "You know what will happen if you don't?"
Dustin: "I know."
Amber: "Eric will still be here."

3:35AM BBT:  The girls leave to use the bathroom, and Dustin again apologizes to Dick about how he's been acting towards Daniele. They continue to talk as the girls come out, and they all hug.

Amber: “My goodbye message is going to be f*ckin awesome.”
Dick: “Eric has played this game like a piece of sh*t.”
Dustin: “He's playing it really smart, not even like a piece of sh*t. You're supposed to play the game.”
Amber: “But he's been outplayed.”
Dick: “Eric is a really, really good Joe.”
Dustin: “Why don't we know about any relationships about Eric.”
Amber: “Eric said what should he do if he gets HoH and pictures of his girlfriend pop up.”
Dick: “That's because he's been playing Jessica. His girlfriend stays here.”
Amber: “No, Eric says she went back.”
Dick: “Oh really, he said he was going to hang out with her.”
Amber: “No, she isn't here.”
Dick: “Well how does he know that? Did they tell him in the diary room?”
Amber: “Wow, what a f*cker. What a weasel.”
Daniele: “How sad.”
Dick: “That's the word for it, that's sad.”
Daniele: “But we listened to him and put up with it.”

4:25AM BBT:  [This is just a collection of things that have happened in the last hour. Nothing that big has happened and they're basically talking in circles.- lala ]

Dick, Amber, Daniele and Dustin are still in the BY. The conversation is basically the same. They go over who needs to leave next and in what order. Dick asks Dustin who he'd rather go home first, Jen or Zach. Dustin answers Jen, because there are too many girls in the house. Daniele and the group agree that Kail can stay for a couple more weeks, but around the time of 3-4 weeks when her no HoHs term is up, she needs to go just in case, so she can't slip by, win HoH, and move forward.

They all continue to bash Eric. Daniele repeats herself quite a few times how she's so happy about the look on Amber's face. Amber hasn't stopped smiling since they agreed to vote Eric out. She says she's so excited and can't stop.

Daniele hopes that if the vote is 4-3, with Eric leaving, that Julie Chen scares everyone by saying: 'By a vote of 4-3, Kail, you are safe. Eric, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.'

They have talked about what they want to say in their goodbye messages to Eric and how they should act at the live show when Eric gets evicted. Daniele says they should all gasp in shock and everyone laughs. 

They even said they're happy that their little family is back together, and they're one big little family again. 
Dick: “If Jessica wins HoH this week, my ass is up.”
Dustin: “Karma rules this house. If Eric leaves, Jessica will win HoH.”

Amber repeats over and over that she's so happy. Amber: “This is the highest I've been in this house.”

They all think that when Eric gets out of the house, he will be obsessed with the show, watching it on TV and the feeds, and they even think that Eric will go on the message boards and talk a lot of trash. They wonder if Nick is all into the show, but don't think he's crazy over it. Daniele says she forgot to ask him before he left. Daniele says they can ask him next week when America votes him back in the house. Daniele has said quite a few times that she thinks Nick is coming back. Whether she believes this, or it's wishful thinking, she's still saying it.

Daniele: “Are you going to tell Jessica what's up?”
Dustin: “I'm going to tell her tomorrow, maybe tomorrow night.” 
Daniele: “I don't care.”
Dick: “Maybe we should have another meeting.”
Dustin: “Give it another day or two.”
Dick: “On day two, he'll be gone.”
Daniele: “I think we should just let it be and let everyone have fun with the time left.”

More Eric bashing and bringing up past happenings with Eric and theories around them. Amber has a lot of not nice things to say about Eric.

4:55AM BBT:  Jessica and Eric are in bed together talking. Eric just whispered in Jessica's ear something, and Jess replied with, “Are you worried?” [A lot of ear whispering, so I can't even hear what is being said. –lala] Eric did it again, and Jessica said something about Daniele, and for him to go ask her. Eric does sound worried as he just said someone (maybe Dustin) told him to wait there for a minute, and that was over three hours ago. 

Dustin and Amber just told Dick and Daniele goodnight as they are heading to be now. They're now hugging in the kitchen. They head to the bathroom to talk. Amber goes over that Dick and Daniele need to believe Dustin that he will vote out Eric. Amber tells Dustin how much she was sticking up for him out there, and he thanks her. They're now headed to the bedroom. Eric and Jessica pretend to be asleep. No movement at all from either of them.

Dustin and Amber hug, say goodnight, and Dustin lays down in the big bed as Amber goes into the little bedroom. 

Amber: “Jameka, are you awake?” 
Jameka: Yeah.
Amber: “I need to tell you something.”
Jameka: “Let's go.”

They head out to the living room.  Eric is very worried now because Amber just left with Jameka. He had his arm around Jessica, but she nudged it off. Amber and Jameka are in the bathroom.

5:05AM BBT:  Amber tells Jameka about her talk with Jen, then Dick, then Dick and Daniele. She then talks about her talk with Dustin and then their talk altogether.  Jameka asks who they're going to put up next week, and Amber says Kail and Jen again, and get rid of Jen or Zach.   Amber is very happy and has a very big smile on her face. Amber reassures Jameka that Dick and Daniele won't be mad if the two of them keep their words and vote to keep Eric. Amber tells Jameka that she told them that they have learned their lessons about not promising things like that anymore.

Jameka: “This is crazy. Do you have a good feeling about this?”
Amber: “Yes, I'm on such a high right now.” See the Video

Amber talks about how Eric brought up the fact that Amber swore on her daughter's life to Dustin, and Dustin thought that was wrong. They hug.  Jameka seems very happy about all of this. Dick walks in, and him and Jameka hug. Daniele runs in and hugs Jameka as well. It's hug fest with Daniele, Dick, Jameka and Amber. Jameka telling them how stressed out she was. Jameka says she's elated.

Jameka: “You know who's going to be really happy? Kail!”
Dick: “I'm going to wake her up to tell her.”

Dick goes into the round room to wake Kail up and tell her the news. 
Kail: “Who is this?”
Dick: “Dick.”
Kail: “Oh, hi you.”
Dick: “You're staying.”
Kail: “Are you sure?”
Dick: “I'm positive.”
Kail: “Are you sure?
Dick: “I'm positive.”
Kail: “Oh my God.” 
Dick: “It's done.”
Kail: Thank you.
Dick: “Jameka and Amber are sticking to their word, but Dustin is voting Eric out. Everyone is up doing happy dances. They've never been this happy about an eviction before.” 
Kail: “Wow.”  See the Video

5:30AM BBT:  Dick joins the bathroom group again with Dustin. Dustin doesn’t think Jessica will understand. Jameka thinks she will because she is smart. Dustin says, “Don't worry about your word, I'll do my part.” Jameka thinks it’s unbelievable and another example of karma in the house. 
Daniele: “We knew you were going to say that.”
Jameka: “I don't think Eric should know. He'll plant seeds.”
Dustin: “Jessica won't tell Eric.”
Daniele: “Are you sure?”
Jameka: “Jen won't fall for it.” (Eric planting seeds in her.)

Dustin goes to bed. Amber must have already left, as it's just Jameka, Daniele and Dick in the bathroom. Feeds switch to Dustin talking to Jessica in the bedroom. Can't understand what they're whispering about. Eric is no longer in Jessica's bed. Dustin lays down in the other bed. Jessica gets up and goes to the dresser, but lays right back down.

Back in the bathroom… Daniele talks about how she wanted Jameka to get out of the PoV earlier than she did so those bad things didn't happen to her. Dick explains to Jameka what their plan was after nominations and for the PoV. Jameka says that the five HoHs is what she's upset about. Says she didn't care about the funk, but the slop would have been bad as well. The three of them move to the kitchen to eat and continue talking.

6:00AM BBT:  Jessica joins them in the kitchen. Daniele names Zach and Kail as the SAA-Sleep All day Alliance. No game talk going on. Dick goes to the bathroom. Daniele is sitting at the bar with Jameka and Jessica at the dining room table. Jessica talking about how she was sleeping and then woke up and saw Eric sitting there by her bed. Dick and Daniele head off to bed, leaving Jameka and Jessica talking about Eric. 

Jessica says that Eric is getting weirder and weirder everyday. Jessica says when Eric tried to put his arm around her, she said no, because he wasn't in there for that, he was in there to watch. Jameka tells Jessica she would vote Eric out if she didn't give him her word. Jessica tells Jameka that Dustin wants to talk to her (Jessica) later today. Jameka explains to Jessica about how Daniele was trying to help her in the PoV and get her out early so she didn't have to do anything bad. 

Jameka: “We shall see.”
Jessica: “Yeah. I wanted Kail out finally.”
Jameka: “Yeah. Did you give Eric your word, or just say you have nothing to worry about?”
Jessica: “I said you have nothing to worry about.” 

Amber comes out of the DR and joins Jessica and Jameka in the dining room.  She sits down and Jessica is explaining to Amber what she already told Jameka about Eric in her bed. 

Amber: “Do you know what's going on?”
Jessica: “No.”
Amber: “Oh, Dustin said he's going to talk to you tomorrow?”
Jessica: “Yeah. Is he going?”
Amber: (with a big smile on her face) “Yes.”
Jessica: “That's fine.”

Amber explains that they're keeping their word and Dustin is voting Eric out and the LNC reuniting. Amber asks Jessica if she's mad, and she replies with a no. Amber moves over to the table and they continue to talk about Eric. Jessica even adds that she feels stupid. See the Video

7:05AM BBT:  Seems like the girls are still talking about Eric. Everyone else is still in bed. Dick just made some sounds, but don't see him up. The girls agree that Eric is going to look like a fool. They also think next week could be double eviction week.

Amber just says that she hopes that it's the three of them (Jameka, Amber and Jessica) with Dustin as the Final Four. The others agree. Read more

Amber Jessica and Jameka are all still discussing Eric, they're all rehearsing their goodbye messages. They’re talking about Eric comparing himself to Amber’s boyfriend, what he wears etc. [high school stuff – eyeluvhowie] Jessica hasn’t said what her message will be. See the Video

8:05AM BBT:  Everyone is sleeping but Jessica.  She is outside working out.  It isn’t much of a work out; Jess is all over the place. A few crunches in the gym, then she moves outside and does a few reps with some weights, then gets a towel from the dryer, comes back and does some more work with the weights. Crunches on the towel. Now she's playing tetherball by herself. 

Jen is up now. She got a couple boxes out of a drawer in the washroom (ear drops) then she sat down to read them. Then she got up and went into the DR.

Jessica is folding towels now and cleaning/tidying the house. She put towels away, started a load of laundry, and now is in the kitchen putting dishes away. [Girlfriend certainly isn’t being quiet about things! LOL – LoveSBigBrother]

9:05PM BBT:  Jen just came out of the DR. I couldn’t hear her talking very well as I don’t think she has her mic on, but I heard Jessica say, “Oh no, your ear still hurts? That’s not good.”  9:15AM BBT:   Jess is in the shower and Jen head back to bed.  

9:40AM BBT:  Jessica is done with her 13-minute shower, now in gym using the mirror to put on make up. Kail is up for the day and headed to the kitchen to put the coffee on, Kail heads to the patio.  Jessica back to the bathroom to brush her hair, then to the kitchen for some coffee.

10:00AM BBT:  Jen is up, been in the DR discussing her ear still hurting. Jessica has been in the bathroom and Kail still outside on the patio. Nothing much to report, no conversations.  10:44AM BBT:  FotH...  Wakeup call?

11:00AM BBT:  Back from FotH. Dustin is laying out with Jessica and Zach is there with them. They are talking about how the song this AM was Kanye West. They don't know why they played him because he only likes black people. Read more 

Dick has come outside too. Kail is making slop for her and Jen.

11:05AM BBT:  Jessica asking Zach if he will miss his bunny suit and he says, "yes" and that he plans to ask BB if he can keep it. He says he can wear it to the club. [LOL he says some of the dumbest things - GemRep]

Jessica is trying to figure out the washer (not sure what's wrong with it) she keep asking Jen what things mean on the washer. [Maybe it’s because she hasn’t used it before? – Jem]    Dustin just went into the bathroom and told Kail she is staying. That he is voting for Eric to go.

11:15AM BBT: Dustin, Jessica and Kail in the kitchen general chit chatting going on. 

Jessica and Dustin outside talking about hating honeydew and how Jessica hates it, says it is the worst fruit to her to eat. She doesn't like the flavor.

Dustin comments that Jessica has been up since 5am. Jessica says she found it uneasy that she was being stared at during the night (talking about Eric). Jessica saying, "even though you think I'm a stupid 21 year old, I'm not.” Dustin says. “Yeah." Dustin and Jessica start talking about how they feel refreshed from being in bed 24 hours. Dustin says they probably slept 16 hours out of the 24. Jessica says that she feels like she can take on the world. Jessica says she did dishes, laundry. Dustin still can't believe that she stayed up.

Dustin and Jessica outside talking about eliminating Eric. Dustin is happy to be the fourth vote, but doesn’t want it dedicated to Nick.  Jessica is ok with voting Kail out because if she wins HoH she can put Dick and Daniele up and say it is for Eric.  Dustin thinks Danielle is nasty, has two boyfriends and he hates her. They are making HoH plans and want Daniele and Dick out no matter what and are hoping that the next week is a double eviction week and they can get them one after the other.  Dustin says that Daniele hasn’t really done anything in the house this week, only winning HoH.  See the Video

12:30PM BBT:  Eric comes out into BY and Jessica tells him that she has been up since 5am and she has been doing housework. Eric apologizes for keeping her a wake last night but he felt like he had nowhere to go because of not being let outside while everyone was talking. Dustin tells him he was outside telling Dick he wont be spoken to like that in the house anymore.

1:00PM BBT:  Jessica, Jameka and Amber are in the bedroom talking.  Jameka wants to know where Eric is and how he seemed.  Jessica tells her he is outside and seemed ok this morning.  Amber tells Jessica that they cannot let Zach win HoH thins week because he will put Jameka and her or Jameka and Kail and try and backdoor on of them [She is really worried he will put her up - Jem]  Jessica tells her that Zach wont talk game with her. Amber informs her that Zach will keep Daniele and Dick. Jessica tells Amber and Jameka that if she wins HoH she will probably put up Dick and Daniele. Amber says, "Wow girl..." Jameka says, "hmmhmm." Amber thinks it would be a good move and Jessica keeps saying, "I don't know." Jessica goes on to say that there are only six people competing for HoH this week. Amber thinks the competition will be endurance again [Doubt it - Jem] Jessica points out they just did one but she likes endurance and she hopes it is that kind of competition. See the Video

1:25PM BBT:  Dustin and Eric are talking in the BY. Dustin relates the conversation he had with Dick but leaving out that he decided to change his vote.  Dustin says that he told them he wasn't voting with them and that he (Dustin) left it open with them.  Eric still talking about how he is going to talk to Zach and Jen.  Read more <Video coming soon>  

Kail inside taking pictures with the HoH camera.  BB calls lockdown inside.  Everyone has to go inside the house. FotH again

1:49PM BBT  Back from FotH Everyone still around taking pictures.  Eric was in the kitchen making something to eat.  We get FotH again. 

2:00PM BBT:  Amber Calls Out Eric!  This might possibly be the best calling out of the season.  Earlier in the season,  Amber confided a very personal secret to Eric.  Later, Eric told Dick that he knew a secret about Amber that would ruin her reputation in the house and in the eyes of the public,  and Eric said he was just waiting for the right time to drop this bombshell.  With Dick needing ammunition against Eric,  he told Amber what Eric said about using this this information to ruin Amber.  [Here's the video from July 27th Eric and Dick talk.  This includes the original blackmail by Eric over Amber...what she is talking about in the blowup that he had on her.]  See the Video

Now, Amber's been thinking about this and completely blows up in Eric's face.  "How dare you!  What kind of person are you?" She screams at Eric, who is uncharacteristically quiet.  "That's so fuckin' sick, dude, that's fuckin' twisted. " 

[She went off on Eric like a fat kid on cake -eyeluvhowie]

The whole outburst lasts only a little over a minute, and when it was over, one person was shaking and one person was crying.  In the bedroom Amber says, "Look at me,  I'm shaking.  Oh my God,  I'm shaking but I'm not crying." Read more   image Audio Clip [1 minute]  [I recorded this from the wrong feed, you can hear someone in the kitchen chopping something,  the audio does get better.]  See the Video here's another video with the most priceless expression on Eric's face.  See the Video

2:10PM BBT:  Eric sitting on chair near the couch in the living room....visibly upset.  Kail is there and keeps looking at him,  she feels bad too, you can tell.  Eric says "He's done what is he supposed to do."  Kail says she hates that it happened to him.  After the Amber blowout, Kail joins Eric while he finally finds word to speak.  See the Video

Dick walks by and says "If you're like this here,  you are like this outside the house, a f'ing manipulator."

Eric and Kail still talking.  Eric telling Kail what she should do, "Get Dick and Danielle out of here."   Eric saying that someone needs to win HoH and put them up.  Kail is frustrated because she can't play.  Eric says that he will "tell her everything,  everything" and he wants her to tell Jen and Jessica.  Eric says he is going home,  he says that Jameka and Dustin won't vote to keep him after this.   Kail saying that he doesn't deserve to go.  Eric says he has to try to make it another 30 hours, he says that he would go out the door right now but he'd be giving up too much and he needs the money.  Eric telling Kail that she is probably the only one that will talk to him the rest of today and tomorrow.

2:25PM BBT:  The entire household poses for a group picture on stairs except Zack who's  taking the picture and Eric who's in the DR.   Dick says you can see up Jameka's skirt all laugh. Amber takes pictures upstairs on walkway with Jen, Daniele,  and Jessica.  Kail then sits on balcony half over where it says "Don't sit" Kail sits because she says its a picture take not sitting.

2:30PM BBT:  Dick talks to camera about how Eric is telling his side of the story in DR probably saying he was falsely accused.  Dick throws socks at camera in round room.

[The entire house seems happy and the best they have been with each other.  Amber is not crying and even seems proud of herself.]

Dick heads upstairs to give Amber lunch and Zack says "Don't leave me alone." Amber is in the HoH room says "Thank you" to Dick and he heads back to kitchen and cooks as Bunny Zack watches.  [I think Eric still in DR as we get on and off FotH]

2:55PM BBT:  Dick takes Eric's suitcase from the storage room and puts in on Eric's bed.  [I'm sure he was just being helpful ]  The LD is over. 

3:05PM BBT:  Feeds switch back to kitchen.  Amber, Kail and Jen are there.  Amber is still talking about her and how she realized that she can't swear on her daughter again because now she changed her mind and she can't change her vote.  She says she can't lie and she can't go back on her word.  Amber going on and on about Eric,  and how nervous he has been.  Kail saying she has kids and she understands.

Eric is out of the DR and in the kitchen. Things are quiet again.  Talk turns to food and how less they have gotten since Mike left.  Danielle says I know he ate a lot but we are getting "way less food."  Eric asks Danielle if she would be willing to speak to him when she is done in the kitchen. She is nice and says "of course."  Later he asks Zach to speak with him, "You just about the world and things..."  Eric said it's long over due.

Eric and Dick have another short riff.  Eric tries to end it by saying,  "I've done nothing here to make your experience here unpleasant I ask that you do the same."  Dick:  "Not true you lied, set me up.  Your experience will be over tomorrow and we're all glad if only you could see how happy everyone was last night--   you'd probably leave right now,  and I mean that they were wholeheartedly jumping up and down high fiving each other."

3:25PM BBT:  Eric goes upstairs to talk to Daniele.  "Well thank you for having the decency to speak to me because no one else will.  What I want to say is unrelated to the game. Y ou know, I am very personably disturbed by the way I'm being painted this week.  I have no expectation that it's going to change.  You are going to think what you are going to think,  just like people say about your relationship back home,  and Amber's life."  Eric says he knows now how Kail felt the past three weeks.  Eric is saying the way he introduced himself is the way he is now. He's done the best he could to be genuine and have real relationships and it's difficult how it was turned all upside down.  "I'm smart enough to see what's going on and you guys saw that earlier in the week."  

Daniele:  "You're a really smart guy and I said that you know what you're talking about and he's the biggest threat in the game.  That is a compliment and I perceive you as the biggest threat to everyone."
Eric:  "I know it and I know that sounds obnoxious. I do know everything about reality TV."  Daniele says she likes Eric and everyone likes him. 
Eric asks,  "Why this week?"  Eric say he's not trying to convince her of what he did or didn't do, "I'm not here to suggest  anyone save me."  He says he wants to clear his name.  There are things he's being blamed for that he didn't do.    "I did not not cast those votes.  I did not out mustard on the pillows.  Why would I do that?   I don't even like mustard."  He says he voted to evict Nick,  why wouldn't he. "Suppose there weren't enough votes,  Nick would have stayed,  then where would I be?"  Daniele just listens in silence,  "I suppose that the fact that I never had a relationship with Nick was the nail in my coffin I know I was relieved to see him go and it wasn't personal against you."  See the Video 

Eric says that when this is over,  she'll see what he really said about her, that, "She's an angel sent from God and what a pleasure it was to have spent some time with her."

4:05PM BBT:  The HoH beg-a-thon continues and now Eric is sobbing a little bit between lies.  4:35PM BBT:  He's still pleading his case,  this guy never runs out of steam.  image Audio Clip [75 minutes]  At 4:40PM Eric asks what he'd to do now?  "Do I stay in my bed in the fetal position for 24 hours?  Do I pretend everything's cool and try to have the time of my life?"  Daniele asks if he'd like her to talk to the others to try and make things more comfortable.  He says OK, and she goes downstairs and talks to her dad and asks him if he'd stop putting people on edge until he's gone.  "Is that what he asked you?" Dick asks.  "No, I'm not going to tell you what we talked about." Daniele answers.  "Why? and why should I make things easy for him after what he's done?  Yes!  I'll shut up,  but for you,  not for him."  Daniele thanks him. 

5:00PM BBT:  Amber and Dick discussing death.  Amber said Eric's biggest fear is dying.  Dick said he isn't afraid to die, Amber said she isn't either.  Dick said the only thing is if he didn't get to finish things.  He wants to write a book, go to Africa and see the Serengeti and see the northern lights in Finland.  He said he had a mid-life crisis, and they call it a crisis for a reason,  bit isn't a "mid-life reflection". He said he knows he has been with the hottest woman he ever will be with, right after his divorce.  She was way out of his league.  Feed switches to kitchen,  Daniele, Jen, Dustin and Zach.  Jen is talking about her ear,  and Daniele said she felt like that when she was on slop,  and Nick was the same way right before he left.

Daniele is now talking to the kitchen people about talking with Eric,  Zach said something about treating him like a person.  They are going to try, to help with the house.

5:00PM BBT:  Eric gets Jessica up in the HoH and starts working on her with a bunch of lies.  image Audio Clip [20 minutes]  5:35PM Dustin rings the HoH room bell,  Eric asks Dustin for five more minutes.  6:50PM Jessica leaves and gets Jameka for her dose of BS. Jameka won't agree with Eric that he isn't a "dirt-bag,"  she says she promised him to vote against Kail,  and she will keep her promise.  Eric goes on to say how concerned he was for Daniele's relationship with her boyfriend,  and thought it would be in her best interest to get Nick out of the house.  Eric says to Jameka he is disappointed in himself and how he is handling the whole situation.  How in his outside life he wouldn't have to deal with this because he's never been attacked on a personal level like this.  How the Donatos are going about it is low and he isn't use to it.  "People here are saying what a piece of shit and I am and not be able to say anything about it."   He goes on to talk about how perception is reality and they are stating their feelings as fact. Eric now goes over again how if he leaves it proves they are in charge. States how next week it would be Dustin or someone else. He calls this the "Nick Revenge Tour" This is so when they see him again they can slap him on the back and say "Hey we ruined everyone's game but we got Eric out." This chat continues until 6:50PM at which time Jen comes up.  Jameka sounds like she believes him:  See the Video

Something said by Jen was blocked out, maybe not on purpose, but we just got Eric saying,  "Well based on that remark I'm not going to have a talk with you that you'll go repeating through the house."  Jen said she knows and it won't.   Jen actually sounds like she's will to discuss evicting Kail.  Jen's complete snow-job will have to wait until after an outdoor LD.

6:55PM BBT:  In the backyard, Dick is asking Daniele if Eric ever admitted anything.  Daniele says no and he is expecting nine phone calls of apology when this is done.  Eric thinks the vote will be 6-1.  He called Amber's vote "insulting."   Dick apparently told him that it will be a lot closer than that.  Dick says Eric should release Jameka  and Amber from their vote promises.

During outdoor LD,  Eric goes to work on Dustin.  "I am a decent person and I don't deserve to leave with my legacy being a scum-bag."  Eric has told all of the people that "Dick had this information in his back pocket for sometime, and he just waited to use it against me.  Dick did what he accused me of.  The only difference is that I wouldn't have used the information I had,  but Dick did.  He'd guilty of what he's accusing me of."  Dustin's agreeing with Eric.  Eric says, "You know how they [the Donatos] twist and manipulate things"  Dustin makes sounds that indicate his agreement with Eric's aspersions against the Donatos. 

7:20PM BBT: The LD is over, but Eric continues to bend Dustin's ear.  Dustin tells Eric that Amber and Jameka will not go back on their word, and the are voting to evict Kail.  Dustin tells him, "Give Amber her time and her space,  let her breath.  Do not approach her,  if she gets better, she'll approach you."  Eric says "There's no point in lying now.  Do you think there's a chance I could be staying?"  Dustin tells him, "Yes, I think so."  Eric:  "So are we still on good ground?"  Dustin:  "Oh, yes,  we're good.  I've enjoyed you personally and strategically."  Eric goes on to say he has unfinished business in the house (getting the Donatos evicted). image Audio Clip [45 minutes]

Fox News Reports Anti-Semitic Rant on CBS' 'Big Brother 8'
".. a player named Amber Siyavus Tomcavage stirred things up. The 27-year-old Las Vegas cocktail waitress must have forgotten that the cameras were on when she — under her breath — had a long discourse with housemate Jameka about "the Jews." Her mother must be so proud.

The essence of Amber's complaint? That Jews she has met are "bad" people, and you could tell them by either their noses or their names."
Read the complete story here

7:45PM BBT:  In the kitchen Jameka is warning Amber not to fall for their same old bullshit.  [The Donatos].   Still outside on the hammock, Dustin and Eric are talking about the fireworks that will take place if he stays.  They laugh. 

8:00PM BBT:  Dustin goes to Amber in the big bedroom.  Amber thinks she needs to vote him out "just in case" but she doesn't want to go back on her word.  Dustin tells her and not to go back on her word she wouldn't be able to live with herself.  Dustin telling her to remember after this week Dick and Daniele are the targets. They need to be up against each other.

8:45PM BBT:  On the patio, Jen asks Dick if he thinks there's still enough votes to get him out. "Are you sure everyone's not going to change their minds?" Dick: "About what?" Jen: "Eric"  Dick: "No. the way people were happy and high fiving this morning... No."  Jen: "Are you sure?  He's had everyone up in that room for like an hour each."  Dick:  "No, we're fine and we got Jessica too."  Jen :"OK"  [They never had Jessica,  she lied.]

"Hmm five.. just like the left one..."
  And you called him 'the Dumb Bunny...'

Inside,  Dustin told Kail that if he hadn't changed his (Dustin) mind about the vote, she'd be gone. he said and Daniele would have broken her word to you.  Kail tells Dustin that she overheard them she said they are after him (Dustin) and Amber.  Dustin says he knows, Kail adds, "Just so you know."  Dustin says he knows it's a game and, gives a grin and they hug and they walk back out into the dining room. 

9:00PM BBT:  It's dinner time in the BB house.  Everyone's being social and friendly.  Dick is especially chipper. 

9:30PM BBT:  The dishes are done and Jen and Dick finish tidying up the kitchen. 

10:15PM BBT:  Eric gets Zach alone on the patio to give him the speech.  Eric starts off with apologizing for not speaking to him sooner.  Eric gets right to the point,  that he is a reputable person and of the hundreds of things he may have heard about him only a small fraction of the bad things are true.  This is a unique conversation for Eric,  as he must let Zach speak too. Eric tells him:  "I'm not here for your vote, nor do I expect to get it.."  Zach interrupts: "Oh no, I know-- This is more of a farewell, I'm a good guy speech."  Eric asks him if there's anything negative that he's heard that Eric could now clear up for him,  and then the conversation turns more towards the game and -- he winds up --  and here comes the pitch! Zach agrees that Dick doesn't handle things right,  that Kail never offered him and yet asked for his vote,  and Dick's method of intimidating people to get his way is wrong too. [I'd love to tell you want Zach's thinking but I can never get a bead on the guy -Morty]     Read more

10:55PM BBT:  Eric the salesman is still trying to make a sale with Zach.  Zach openly tells Eric that he's the bigger threat to him because Kail's pretty much a lame duck.   Zach tells Eric he needs "something concrete" before he'll decide how he's voting.  11:15PM BBT: The sales pitch to Zach has concluded.   The spiel began at 10:15PM, so it does appear each victim an hour,  same as a Florida time-share pitch, only poor Zach didn't get the free Disney weekend,  just an evening with Goofy.   Read more

11:30PM BBT:  Zach tells Dick that Eric specifically confirmed that "He threw Nick under the bus,  and that's all I needed to hear."   Zach says Eric is going to present the people who are going to vote for him tomorrow and wants to see. 

Dick tells Zach that he just went inside and threaten Zach,  "I told Eric if he keeps campaigning without letting the girls out of their promises then I'm going to go off on him like he's never seen before.  And Eric says he had the right to talk to anybody and told him II have the right to talk to him."  "What did he do?" Zach asks.  "He turned white." Dick brags. 

"Who does that?" Zach asks, referring Jameka and Amber and Jameka's vote promises.  Daniele says she understands Amber's situation a little better because she swore on her daughter's  life.  Dick looks at her like she's nuts, "Well, I'm just saying that you wouldn't break a promise if you swore on my life..." 

Zach says "I've picked my side" telling Dick he's on his side and "I want to make people just tremble" he wants HoH so bad. dick says he will throw it to him if it comes down to them.  Zach says he has all the dates figured out about the challenges and ask Dick id he wants to go over say he has it on his calendar glued to his "toy box" [the dresser opens like a toy box rather than a chest of drawers]. 

Zach says Eric talks too much. He says that it is ridiculous to not let him go because Kail has given up five HoHs.  Next they talk about Jameka giving up five HoHs.  Dick and Zach do a little Jameka bashing about what she did.

In the sultan's room,  Eric  tells Jen she's better than that (talking about Dick's antics towards her).  Eric is now trying to clear his name about what people have said.  He's basically telling Jen what he told Daniele earlier in the day.  "There are black, white, and gray areas with the information that has been spread around the house" and that he is not the monster he is painted out to be.

Eric is now telling Jen he talked to Zach and it was the first time. Eric is saying Amber hates him. Jen is saying that the things Eric told Jen are the same things that he told Amber.  Read more

 Thanks to all of today's update contributors: Angelo Joe, Catniptoy, Dade, elsaheat, eyeluvhowie, GemRep, georgectv, jammer, Jem, JenClaire, JFetch, Katydidit, KimLovesBB, ladybugjd, laladoopiedu , MellyMel, Morty, myss911, nursie, opjones, PaganMom, pierceka, Sf49rminer, smirnoff, StephenV, wolfrider, Yana  You guys Rock! (And some wobble, but I suspect that's from the alcohol.) 

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