
The Big Brother Archive


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  Nominated Nominated

Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 12, 2007
#1 Thursday, July 5, 2007 #40 Monday, August 13, 2007
#2 Friday, July 6, 2007 #41 Tuesday, August 14, 2007
#3 Saturday, July 7, 2007 #42 Wednesday, August 15, 2007
#4 Sunday, July 8, 2007 #43 Thursday, August 16, 2007
#5 Monday, July 9, 2007 #44 Friday, August 17, 2007
#6 Tuesday, July 10, 2007 #45 Saturday, August 18, 2007
#7 Wednesday, July 11, 2007 #46 Sunday, August 19, 2007
#8 Thursday, July 12, 2007 #47 Monday, August 20, 2007
#9 Friday, July 13, 2007 #48 Tuesday, August 21, 2007
#10 Saturday, July 14, 2007 #49 Wednesday, August 22, 2007
#11 Sunday, July 15, 2007 #50 Thursday, August 23, 2007
#12 Monday, July 16, 2007 #51 Friday, August 24, 2007
#13 Tuesday, July 17, 2007 #52 Saturday, August 25, 2007
#14 Wednesday, July 18, 2007 #53 Sunday, August 26, 2007
#15 Thursday, July 19, 2007 #54 Monday, August 27, 2007
#16 Friday, July 20, 2007 #55 Tuesday, August 28, 2007
#17 Saturday, July 21, 2007 #56 Wednesday, August 29, 2007
#18 Sunday, July 22, 2007 #57 Thursday, August 30, 2007
#19 Monday, July 23, 2007 #58 Friday, August 31, 2007
#20 Tuesday, July 24, 2007 #59 Saturday, September 1, 2007
#21 Wednesday, July 25, 2007 #60 Sunday, September 2, 2007
#22 Thursday, July 26, 2007 #61 Monday, September 3, 2007
#23 Friday, July 27, 2007 #62 Tuesday, September 4, 2007
#24 Saturday, July 28, 2007 #63 Wednesday, September 5, 2007
#25 Sunday, July 29, 2007 #64 Thursday, September 6, 2007
#26 Monday, July 30, 2007 #65 Friday, September 7, 2007
#27 Tuesday, July 31, 2007 #66 Saturday, September 8, 2007
#28 Wednesday, August 1, 2007 #67 Sunday, September 9, 2007
#29 Thursday, August 2, 2007 #68 Monday, September 10, 2007
#30 Friday, August 3, 2007 #69 Tuesday, September 11, 2007
#31 Saturday, August 4, 2007 #70 Wednesday, September 12, 2007
#32 Sunday, August 5, 2007 #71 Thursday, September 13, 2007
#33 Monday, August 6, 2007 #72 Friday, September 14, 2007
#34 Tuesday, August 7, 2007 #73 Saturday, September 15, 2007
#35 Wednesday, August 8, 2007 #74 Sunday, September 16, 2007
#36 Thursday, August 9, 2007 #75 Monday, September 17, 2007
#37 Friday, August 10, 2007 #76 Tuesday, September 18, 2007
#38 Saturday, August 11, 2007 #77 Wednesday, September 19, 2007
  #78 Thursday, September 20, 2007


Thursday, July 26, 2007:   Live Eviction Tonight!

Poll Results:  Kail and Mike are on the eviction block.   We asked our readers:

Who do you THINK will be evicted?
Kail (8893 votes) 56.37%
Mike (6882 votes) 43.63%
(Total Votes: 15775 )
Who do you WANT to be evicted?
Kail (12575 votes) 82.70%
Mike (2630 votes) 17.30%
(Total Votes: 15205 )

After Midnight:
   Tonight is a special edition of the Dick-at-Nite show, tonight it's an Extreme Dick Make-Over.  OK, so you couldn't make him over, so Amber's just touching up the faded color in his hair.  From 11:45PM to about 12:20AM Amber and Dick are talking while Amber adds the flaming red tips to Dick's hair.  The conversation is lively,  but it's all a re-run of conversations they had earlier yesterday.  Our live feed reporters have written it out for you again if you missed it.  Click Here 

12:30AM BBT:  On the patio for another night with the LNC,  Dick wonders if they spell-check his blog before they post it on the CBS website.   Jen says spell check option was on there and Dick says he couldn't find it.

1:05AM BBT:  Dick and Amber in the kitchen talking basically repeating what was said earlier.  Dick says he doesn't care who goes.  Saying she has no one and if they do go with Mike everyone should avoid her to  "fuck with her"  and rattle her . Amber says Kail told her that Dick has destroyed her confidence of staying Amber says she asked,  "Where did all this confidence come from?"  But the conversation was never finished.

1:20AM BBT:  Dustin is going to start his Abs class.  Jameka working out while Mike is walking around and Eric and Jessica are trying their best to stay up on the patio couches but they look like they are asleep.

1:30AM BBT:  The Abs class in full swing while Kail is on the Patio with Dick, Jess, Eric and Mike finishing up eating.

2:00AM BBT:  Dick, Kail, Jess, Dustin and Eric are sitting out in the BY.  Dick is annoyed that Kail mentioned his kids in a previous argument.  Kail apologizes in particular about the comment she made about his son.  Dick says that he won't miss Kail when the door slams her in the ass and then says,  “Sorry guys.”  Eric says,  “Just another day in the BB house!”  Eventually Jess says she is going to bed after talk moves to hair [she never makes it to bed till later].  Kail again says something to Dick and he tells her  “He’s over it.”  General chit chat on the couch.  Mike joins them and Kail says she is off to bed. Dick says,  “See you tomorrow.”  Kail tells them she’ll probably be back up in and hour or so.  After she leaves Dick says,  “What a fucking bitch.”  Dustin questioned what happened. Dick explains that she was badmouthing his son. He explains, “She said that my son was probably a cheater too. That's like me saying your daughter must be a fucking liar because you are. I was like what a fucking bitch, 'where do you get off?’''  Dustin says as a mother she should know better than to bring children into and argument.

2:45AM BBT:  Jameka and Jessica playing a variation of golf and dedications while Amber watches and Dick gives commentary.  Amber eating chips and complaining that she is fat. 

3:00AM BBT:  Dick tells Amber about a disagreement he had with Kail earlier when Kail made a snide remark about his son Vincent. Dick had asked Jess to look at the camera to say hello to Vincent and Kail said what if he is a cheater like his Dad. Dick shot back, "That's like me calling your daughter a liar like her mother."  Dick was very offended.

Jameka goes to wake up Dustin and Eric to round out the LNC (Eric's in DR and Mike is still up). Talk turns to Nick and Zach; Amber is surprised to hear Jessica talking game. Then Jess and Dick have a conversation about when he and his son took a college class together. Vincent was quiet and Dick was very talkative in class. Dick wants to be a writer eventually. He hit it off with his hot English teacher and hopes to get a chance with her when the season is over.

Non-game conversation continues between Dick and Jess while waiting for the LNC to convene.

3:10AM BBT:  Dick and Jessica are sitting on couches in BY.  Dick talking about this woman he tried to get a date with and how he never drank alcohol with his kids until they turned 21.  [He said obviously he's never drank with Daniele being she turns 21 in August.] 

Feeds just switched to Jen and Kail talking in bed.  Kail says she's hoping for Dustin, Amber, Eric, Jessica, Jameka and Jen's vote.  Jen thinks she'll have Nick's vote, and possibly Daniele's vote.  This boggles Kail.  Jen said Nick woke her up to talk to her about Kail. Kail thinks that's great.  They think Zach is a solid No.  Kail again says worse case scenario is she doesn't have Daniele.  She says Daniele came to her to talk, and Kail told her she didn't want to campaign to her because of her father.  Daniele got offended with that remark and they think it's possible Daniele will vote for Kail to stay to show her Dad.  Kail says if she's here tomorrow night, “Evel should be very worried.”

3:20AM BBT:  Kail still rehashing last Thursday to Jen.  Kail says she and Mike were in storage room, and she told him she had to keep her vote to vote out Dick.  Kail asks Jen what's her feeling about Amber and Dustin,  “Can we trust them?”  Kail talking about her suggestion earlier that she would be used as a pawn and about how that story, which she told Amber, Dustin, Jen and Eric, got back to Dick so fast.  Jen says it wasn't a 'secret' so it's not a big deal. 

3:30AM BBT: Feeds finally switch back to Dick at Nite.  Eric is out of the DR and they're all in the kitchen talking.  They just detoured to the HoH room and now are waiting for everyone to arrive.  Amber says,  “Chop chop” with the meeting, because they said they wouldn't be up there in the HoH room for that long.  Eric says that they have five votes in the room right now so no need to talk about it.  Eric says that Nick said he's voting Mike out. Eric says Amber, Jameka, Dustin and himself are voting Mike out.  Says they'll tell Daniele in the morning.  Eric says that Kail was their original target and that they should look at the pros and cons with each.  Jameka talking about her chat with Mike and it’s the same talk he gave everyone else.  Jameka says she still wants to vote Mike out.  With Kail, they know where she is and that they can backdoor Kail at some point.

3:40AM BBT:  Still up in HoH room talking about the other HG now.  Dick rehashing the talk he had with Nick earlier about Daniele.  Jameka asks in all honesty if Nick is here to buy a monkey.  They all laugh.  Eric feels that for the first 2-3 weeks, Nick didn't talk much to Eric, but now that Nick realizes that Eric has more going for him, then Nick now thinks that Eric is a funny kid.

Jameka adds that Nick always brings up Zach.   Eric says that someone who is willing to walk out at anytime is too obvious.  How Nick just wants to push certain people forward in the game and then leave.  Everyone in the HoH room does not like that idea.

3:45AM BBT: Jessica, Amber, and Eric are sitting on HoH bed, Jameka doing her hair, Dustin and Dick sitting in chairs.  Basically, they're all trashing Nick.

3:50AM BBT: Talk has turned to Jen.  They all think she's a strong competitor and they still think she's a threat.  They all agree that they should backdoor both Jen and Nick because they are such strong competitors.  Now they're talking about Zach and whom he would nominate. Dustin says that Zach is like Dick in the fact that Zach likes to intimidate people.

Eric says Mike is leaving tomorrow, and then he wants Nick and Zach out before the jury.  Dick says they're not keeping Kail for that long.  Eric is still trying to get Kail out now.  Not working, Dick says he'd rather get her out the first week of sequester so she has to stay there by herself and not go home with her family.

Dick says they need to go just one week at a time.  Dick says they all know how they're going to vote tomorrow, but to rattle the shit out of Kail tomorrow.  That if she tries to talk to them, to basically blow her off so she gets really boggled and thinks she's going home, and then won't be ready for the HoH competition.

Dick says he wants to tell Kail before the HoH comp tomorrow that the only reason she stayed was because Mike was a stronger competitor, and it was a smart move, that she didn't stay because of her charm, and he'll tell her this right before the HoH competition to rattle her.

3:55AM BBT:  Talk moves to getting Nick and Kail out next, and how Zach will walk around like a lost puppy dog. 

Eric is still trying to get Kail evicted.  He asks Jessica in front of everyone what she wants to happen for tomorrow.  Jessica says she doesn't care who goes this week.  Dick said that Kail said that Jessica is one of her closest friends.  Jessica says no, she doesn't like Kail right now.  Jessica says she'd rather switch the votes to send Kail out, but she'll stay with the house vote.  Dick says but this is why we're talking now.  Dick says that Eric has made some good points about getting Kail out.  Jessica says she'll keep the vote the same for this week, Mike gone, but Kail can't be forgotten. 

Dustin says Kail already thinks she's out, so they'll keep her and she'll be out soon enough.  Jessica says she agrees that Nick should be back doored, as well as Jen.  Eric says they can't promise on back dooring someone because they can't guarantee that someone they want to win the veto will win, and then use it. 

Dick wants to know where his remote for the spy screen is.  He thinks Nick and Daniele hid it, and says Daniele came to him last night and said she is totally over Nick.  That they might act the same, but that it's not.

4:05AM BBT:  They’re still talking about how to get Nick out and that once they put him up, he HAS to go.  They say Nick is straddling the line, so he would be shocked if one of them put him up.  Dick says Jen is a different story because since she's been on the block so many times, she wouldn't be surprised if any of them put her up.  [So many times? First week was Amber and Carol, Second was Dick and Daniele and replacement was Joe, this week was Jen and Kail then Mike… - Jem]

4:20AM BBT: More talk about who they want and don't want in sequester.  Dick says that if one of them doesn't win HoH tomorrow night that all this talk is BS.  Dustin says to say a ritual or something for good luck.  Everyone giving each other a pep talk for the HoH tomorrow.  Jameka says that everyone needs to be in pairs tomorrow so they can't be cornered or pressured by anyone else.  Dustin says to grab your lucky rabbit's foot, say a prayer for tomorrows HoH comp. 

4:25AM BBT: Dustin says again the meeting is over, and they're actually leaving.  [Dustin has been trying to get them out of there for a while]  Dick says that he’s rooting for them all for tomorrow's HoH comp.

These two are still talking, with FotH interruptions.  Eric calls its quits at 5:45AM BBT.   [ETA: Probably should say that at the close of the earlier group meeting, the consensus was to evict Mike.  This was: Dick, Eric, Justin, Amber, Jessica, Jameka. - Katydidit] See the Video

6AM to 6:35AM BBT:  Dick was up and around mumbling to himself for sometime.  It's a good thing Dick isn't competing tonight for HoH.  He'd never make it.  He keeps saying how he's so tired. He just said something about it being 6:30 and he's really tired.  He put his feet up on the table between the two HoH chairs and it wobbled.  He says 'This table fucking sucks."   Then he's quiet for a few minutes.

7:30AM BBT:  Everyone still   8:00AM BBT:  and all's well...  9:00AM BBT:  Everyone is still taking a siesta.  9:45AM BBT:  Sleeping!  10:18AM BBT:  FotH.  Finally a wakeup call?  10:25AM BBT:  BB: Hello HouseGuests, it's the live broadcast tonight, please tidy the house. 10:25AM BBT:  BB:  Dick, please remove yourself from the HoH room so we can prepare it for the new HoH. You have one hour. They're all up doing ADLs for the day.  We should expect to see cleaning, primping and FotH  till the live show tonight. 10:30AM BBT:  Kail heading to the BR and Dustin says he wants to talk to her, and they head to the kitchen.  The camera follows them to the BR and we get FotH...  10:40AM BBT:  BB still trying to get Eric, Amber, Kail and Jen up for the day.  Zach and Mike are in the bathroom.  Looks like almost everyone is up and around.

11:00AM BBT:  Dick and Daniele are in the HoH room.  He tries to explain to Daniele that someone suspects she is giving Kail information and that they want to get Nick out next week.  She takes it personally and tells him there are more important people to remove from the game than Nick right now.  She’s mad at Dick for mistrusting her and that she will not put up Nick in the event she gets HoH this week.  Daniele insists that she didn’t tell Kail she was safe.  Dick tells her she needs to stay up later to be included in the group decisions.  They also talk about Dustin being the possible leak to Kail and that he has changed and will put up Nick if he is HoH. See the Video  You can read the transcript here.

11:30AM BBT:  Jameka and Amber in the bedroom.  Jameka says she screamed in her sleep this morning, Nick heard it but didn't wake her up.  He thought she was having a nightmare, so Jameka and Amber have decided he was awful for not waking her up.   
Jameka:  "Wouldn't you wake someone up if they were having a nightmare?"
Amber:   "Once again, true character comes thru..."

Jameka and Dick in round bedroom.  Dick asks who Jameka thinks told Kail she is staying?  [I think Dick cornering Kail yesterday asking what she'd do for him if she stayed, along with general conversation with others has led Kail to think maybe she does have a chance to stay... so Dick and everyone else are to be blamed.  Nothing like a little paranoia to stir up the house.. what's the saying, loose lips sink ships? - georgectv]

12:00PM BBT:  Lots of primping and cleaning.  Amber and Eric are on the couch in the bathroom, she is playing with his hair again.  She also wants the bathroom crew to clear out so she can clean the bathroom sink area up.  Nick does a little dance... See the Video

I missed seeing the rock, paper, and scissors but guess Dustin won, because he is vacuuming while Daniele and Nick do their usual word-flirt on the couch with each other. Daniele reports her dad is bugging her again. Nick says, “I don't want to get into your dad.” Daniele asks, “Why? You tried yesterday. More back and forth between them, lots of 'shut up' and 'whatever' from Daniele.

A few minutes later in the kitchen, Dick and Daniele have another father/daughter spat over Dick cooking food for Daniele. 
Daniele: “Are you making eggs and ham?”
Dick: “For me and Jameka.”
Daniele: “I'm sorry, I didn't know I couldn't ask you a question...”
Dick: “I was teasing... go get some eggs... and... Daniele...” And the gloves are off...
Dick says something to her and Daniele says, “Can't hear you...” 

Meanwhile, Daniele is fine throwing jabs back/forth with Nick still. Daniele goes to the stove where Dick is cooking still, he suggests she wait until he is done. She leaves to the bedroom off camera, can hear someone ask if she’s ok, she replies, "I hate someone in the house."

A minute of silence goes by, then Dick notices Jen is rearranging the plates, and decides to tell her with all the cleaning that needs to be done in the house, the order of the plates is not a priority. Dick goes to the bedroom to confront Daniele about the joke, and then tells Jameka breakfast is ready.
Daniele: “Now it's my fault.”
Jameka: “Please eat my eggs!”
Daniele: “No, I don't want any...”
Jameka: “Well please go with me.”
Daniele: “No... I'm trying so hard... ok, I'm done, I hate this, because it makes everyone feel awkward.”
Jameka: “Well he's saying he was joking, so maybe you... you guys are still learning each other, so...”

A little later Daniele and Eric strategize about HoH
Daniele: “You are going to play hard?”
Eric: “Yea... the thing is, I try to listen for who gets eliminated that I do NOT want to win it.
Daniele: “I do the same thing!”

Eric points out there is normally never more than ONE competition related to things in the BB house so maybe he won’t do good in one competition, but even worse is to let everyone KNOW you are aware of it. They talk more about her (Kail?) learning all about Carol the week she was evicted, in case the HoH was about her... they were joking around once asking "how many tiles are there...?" Kail acted like she was guessing 63, and they counted and it was right.

A few minutes of idle chat between Dick and Zach then Dick notices Jameka is making food in the kitchen.
Dick: “I made you breakfast, are you eating again?”
Jameka: “I'm being considerate.... Amber hasn't had food and Daniele...”

Discussions mainly by Dick about when BB has them go outside to go over the rules of the HoH game around 2 or 4. Dustin and Jameka agree they are not done lying down today. Daniele questioning if her legs look too bruised to wear shorts tonight? 
Jameka: “I like you Daniele.”
Daniele: “Unless it's opposite day, and then you hate me!”
Dustin: “I didn't know books were allowed in the house.”
Daniele: “What?”
Dustin: “The book of 4th grade insults.
Daniele: “Oh no, I have it memorized.”

Dustin explains his love/obsession with cleaning started when the allowance in his house was on a sliding scale based on how many chores they completed. General eating and cleaning going on. The HGs have decided when Julie Chen says hello tonight, the reply back will be 'Hey Girl' but not high pitched and they consider practicing to get it all the same, but, there is ham to eat.

Jen feels like she is going to win HoH tonight.  She tells Amber while they are doing the dishes.

1:20PM BBT:  Now Daniele and Kail are doing their hair in the bathroom.  All 4 feeds are showing them, and neither one has spoken for 5 minutes. Must be other people in the house?

1:35PM BBT:  Daniele and Amber have a meeting in the workout room, talking about something 'he' (Dick? Nick?) told Amber. Daniele wants to know if it was about game or personal.  Amber says it was about game, but she can't say anymore, they bond over how much they like each other.  BB helps by turning the volume of their whispering way up, but I still can't get much of what they are talking about.  Then all Feeds show Jen and Dick in round room sleeping.  [FotH would be more exciting].

2:05PM BBT:  Feeds switch to Mike and Kail talking in LR. Mike said it is weird he has had to have discussions in the house with people he hasn't spoken with the whole time.  He said some were awkward, because they knew he was only talking to them because he is up for eviction.  Kail said she would like to know so she could mentally prepare.

Mike said it would be interesting to see how everyone is doing when they get out.  He said not friends, but an e-mail or something.  Kail said probably won't keep in touch with Dick.  Laughter.  Kail said America couldn’t know how bad he really is.  Mike would like to have everyone meet up, like in Vegas, to see how they are doing.  They could bring family, whatever.  Kail said she could go to Vegas. Mike said he suggested a 3-day cruise for everyone to go on.  Kail said that would be fun.  They're sitting in the eviction chairs.  [Earlier told someone they were keeping them warm].  Not much talking.  Mike said they will make the winner pay for the cruise.  He said it shouldn't be all that much for 14 people.

Mike asks Kail what will be the first thing she will do if she leaves. She said she won't let her family out of her sight. Mike said he would go to his home state to hang with family. Kail said that was one thing that really got her in "there" (DR), was they knew how to make you talk about family. Kail said maybe the reason she is there is to appreciate her family. Mike said maybe it is a time that she is completely cut off, so she can reflect. Kail said all she knows is her husband better be out there. Lots of silence between talking. Not flowing at all. Mike is looking around like he has never seen it all before. 

Kail asks Mike if she goes is there anyone he would want her to contact for him.  He said he couldn't even narrow it down to a specific person or subject.  He said it will be great when he gets out so he can talk to all his friends.  Kail said if she stays, then she wants him to call her husband.  She said just call her town, and it is under her husband's name.  Mike asks what her last name is, she said Harbick, and then spelled it for him.  She is really bored with waiting, and said things seem to turn on a dime.

Mike acts like Julie and says to tell the other Houseguests why they should vote for them to stay.  Then Mike stood up and said  "I hate all of you,” laughs about pulling a Will, and said it worked and Will stayed.  Kail tries to think of what to say, and stumbles.  She said it is so hard to find out what to say.  She said she has developed a special bond with all of them, except Dick, but they have a love-hate bond.  More silence and staring...

Kail says Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock...

Talking about going outside for a while, then they will be back in around 4PM BBT to get ready.  Mike stands up and does a mime of what he will do.  He said he knows what he will say, then when you stand up and everything goes blank.  He said they will want to know what he has to say, and after a long time of not saying anything, they will ask him to sit down.

Kail said she couldn’t say it was fun, but she enjoyed getting cursed out every day, and wants to stay so she can continue to get cursed out.  Mike stands and says he wants to thank (someone) for the hair that he has.  Someone walks by and they said they are just joking around.

2:40PM BBT:  Sitting around chatting waiting.  They're on indoor LD.  See the Video

3:15PM BBT:  Dustin is ironing Nick's pants and chit chatting about penis sizes in the house. See the Video

3:55PM BBT:  Danielle was doing Dick's nails and Dick was discussing his blog message and what he said.  Dick tells Daniele that he told her boyfriend Kris that she still loves him in his Blog.  He explains to her that he wrote that his and Daniele's game is harder because of their relationship.  He also told him that Daniele loves him and that what is in the house  “isn't real”  and he gave his perspective of each HG.  Daniele wants to know what message he left for Vincent and he tells her he told Vincent that he misses him.
Dick:  “I didn't know you were sleeping together.” [With Nick] 
Daniele:  "We don't sleep together. We pull the covers up and make fun of Zach.”
Dick tells her to be careful as it can hurt her in the game to be close with him as other people in the house are watching them.  See the Video - Part 2

4:30PM BBT:  Kail's been sitting in the living room on the hot seat for a while now.  She looks like she's a nervous wreck.  Everyone has finished primping and prepping and are starting to assemble in the living room.  BB shocked the HGs by have the announcer say in his stern voice:  "Daniel,  don't be a Dick."  See the Video  This is our last update until after tonight's live broadcast.  Our next update will be around 7:00PM BBT

Daniel's boyfriend says it's all a matter of trust.

Jen the nanny also works as a model and actress

Jen mom told her: "I think that she may sometimes think that appearances are more important than they need to be."

I wonder what Jen's selling in this shot?  And could I afford it?

The Power is Up For Grabs

Tonight's Broadcast:   In the review,  we hear Kail sell out Jen,  Mike says "I'm bigger than this game," Jen used the PoV, and Mike goes up in her place.  After the PoV meeting, we see the evolution that took place that changed Dick's goal from evicting Kail, to evicting Mike.  We see Mike campaigning on his platform of honesty and integrity.  Eric gets his assignment :  Get Kail evicted.   Eric goes to work,  and makes some progress on selling the plan to the LNC.   DR comments from Zach,  Jessica and Dustin make Mike sound like a dead duck. 

Julie, wearing a half-sleeve orange blouse ensemble and white slacks,  greets the HGs.  "One of you was incredibly bold this week"  and showed the HGs tape of Zach streaking.  Julie asks Jen how the investigation into the mustard vandalism incident is going.  Jen says she's called the investigation off, she'll wait until she gets home.

Nick and Daniele spend a lot of time together,  so what does Daniele's live-in boyfriend think of all this?  Kris is interviewed and says that when they met sparks flew.  He says they're soul-mates and talked about marriage. Kris: "Nick is a typical guy that makes all of us good guys look bad.  When I see Nick and Daniele hanging out,  I want to believe it's all strategy and game play.  Before she went into the house, Daniele told me straight up,  she said,  'Kris  I love you.  I want to be with you.  You have to trust me.'   And that's what I'm basing everything on."  Daniele appears more upset than Kris, a clip of Daniele shows her saying:  "Tomorrow's my boyfriend's birthday.  I don't know what he's doing.  I don't know how he's feeling.  I can't talk to him. I don't know anything.   And it's so --  everything is so frustrating."  See the Video

Julie talks to Dick in the HoH room:  Julie: Hello,  Dick.   Just a reminder, the other house guests cannot hear you,  so feel free to say whatever you want.:  Dick:  "I always do. "  Julie:  "It's been a very emotional week for you, but at least you and your daughter seem to be talking more.  How are you feeling about your relationship?"  Dick:  "Things are headed in the right direction.  We are talking.  We're just -- I mean, that's the whole important part right now.  We had our first heart to heart talk the other night and I got my first hug in over two years.  So, yeah, things are going in the right direction.  There's setbacks and little jabs here and there back and forth but things are going well."  Julie:  "Nick has repeatedly told you that his feelings for Daniele are real, but you have expressed concern that he might be playing her like Mike Boogie played Erica last season.  If you had to decide right now whether you trust Nick or not, what would you say?"  Dick:  "If I had the choice to make I would kick him out of the house right now just to be safe than sorry."   Julie: "You've made quite a practice of calling people out in front of other house guests."  Dick: [Sarcastically]  "I have not."  Julie: "Is that emotion or game play with respect to Kail? "  Dick:   "It's absolutely game play when it came to Kail..   I don't have to run around to little circles and whisper to every person where they can say he said this,  no,   he said this to me.   Everything is out in the open.   You can't deny it.  You can't have these little things where someone says she said.   Everything is right there.  Call them out.   Get it out.   With Kail,  I got so deep in her head,  I needed a miner's light on my cap so I could make my way in there."  Julie:  "Thank you,  Dick."

More pre-voting comments from the DR show Jameka,  Daniele, and Nick leaning towards voting to evict Kail. 

Who is the real Jen?  Outside the  Big Brother house, she's a Beverly Hills nanny who raises children.  Inside the house, she's a controversial figure who raises hell.  But the people who know her best, say we might be surprised to discover the real Jen.   "Jennifer is my daughter.  When Jennifer was a child,  she was not like that. In high school,  Jennifer always got straight  A's.  She went to college.  She had had a double major,  early child development and architecture:  But first impressions are hard to overcome and I think she has made a bad first impression.  Jen got upset about the picture because that is her livelihood.  She is a model and she is used to looking over her photos with a fine tooth comb."  When Jen got HoH,  BB placed a framed photo of her and her mom together, Jen was shown on TV saying she hates the picture and removing it from the wall.  Her mother comments:  "When I saw her take my picture down,  it did hurt a little bit.  I think that she may sometimes think that appearances are more important than they need to be."  Jen had a conversation before she left and decided she'd have to play dumb to succeed,  "You can't let the people know you're smart.  That's just part of the playing the game."   See the Video

It's time to vote, but first Mike and Kail get one last word,  Mike goes first:  "Well, sometimes in life, you have to step outside of our comfort zone.  And you know,  move away from those protective walls and risk your own security basically for what you believe in.  And I believe in values of integrity and honesty.  And more often than not,  a sacrifice fills in the absence of convenience.  And I had to make some actions in a very inconvenient situation for myself which sacrificed my security.  In the hopes that all of you would see how close I hold those values to my heart and in the hopes that you would trust a player who has those types of values." Julie interrupts, "And a final note? "  "If not,  I'm going to walk out of that door with absolute dignity in the hopes that I have, you know,  enlightened you all and inspired you all in some way. Thank you."

Next, Kail got to make her pitch:  "I would like to say to each and every one of you that I really, really appreciate all of your friendships to me. It has meant a lot to me,  your friendship.  And each and every one of us will always have a special bond together of just living in the Big Brother" house,  and if  I am so blessed by all of you to stay here,  I only look forward to strengthening our friendship and the bonds that we have started to grow."

Zach went  first, and voted to evict Kail Jameka voted to evict Mike, as did Jen,  Dustin, Amber, Nick, Jessica and Daniele  Eric voted with America, to evict Kail.  Julie reads the results:  "In a vote of seven to two, Mike, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house."   Mike picked up his bag and went to the front door.  Perhaps forgetting that he's on "Big Brother,"  and not "The Bachelor,"  Mike gave each girl a flower from the arrangements by the door.  He shook all the guy's hands and hugged all the girls.  Julie asked he usual questions,  showed the regular goodbye clips...  See the Video

Eric's Next America's Player Task:   See the Video 

The Power is up for Grabs:   It was a simple quick game this week, if you answer a question correctly,  you can eliminate one of your housemates.  Question One:  "At the eviction ceremony,  which ex-houseguest said during their plea,  'The time is now to stand'  Joe was the correct answer, Eric got it and took out Jen. 

Question Two: "Which ex-houseguest was the only one to play in the competition known as hide-and-seek?"  The correct answer was Carol, Dustin got it right and took out  Zach.

Kail was eliminated next,  followed by Nick, Jessica,  Amber.  On the fifth question, Eric threw the game by buzzing in before Julie finished the question.  It was down to Dustin and Jameka. 

Question Six:  "Of the ex-guests, who spun the longest on the mushroom"  Dustin answered "Joe" and became the fourth HoH on Big Brother 8.  See the Video   Dustin Wins HoH

6:00PM BBT:  Amber and Nick are talking about who voted against Kail?  Nick says it wasn't Jen,  for sure.  Later...  Nick and Daniele are talking.  Nick says "She was crying after Mike's speech. Like, it was a good speech." (Nick may be thinking that maybe Jen suddenly switched her vote (which is really Eric's vote).

Daniele says she feels really bad for Mike,  but her sadness is short-lived when she realizes another bed is up for grabs.  Daniele says they should make Jessica move to the round bed with Jen.  Then they would have two beds open.  Daniele says no one would want to do that,  and says "Ewwww."

Dustin is most excited about getting some pictures from home.  He wants a "fatty photo."  Eric says perhaps they will give him a photo of him and Joe together.  Daniele:  "Dustin, in your HoH basket there are going to be anal beads." 

Jen is advising Dustin about going in and talking to BB,  if there is something he particularly wants,  as she did that her week as HoH.

Kail is in a very up mood.  Kail says that she was so shocked, and she is sure her kids are cheering.

Dick is telling Amber that she was crying when Dustin won.  Amber says Jen called her out and said she was crying.  Dustin is asking how everyone feels about making the fish for dinner?  It's a little old--it's six days old.

6:40PM BBT:  Amber Jameka and Jessica are in the little room trying to figure out who the other vote for Kail was.  They are certain that it was Nick.  They think he is telling them he voted for Mike to go to stay in their alliance and telling Zach he voted for Mike to stay to keep his alliance with him going.  Amber says "Nick is a shady MFer."  Amber does not want Nick in sequester.  She says Nick came running up to her right after the vote acting like he didn't know who did it and it was obvious it was him.

Eric enters and says it doesn't matter because it is the same three - Zach,  Jen and Nick.  He says congratulations because it is another week they are all free.  Amber says she thinks Dustin will put up Jen and Kail and try to backdoor Zach.

6:50PM BBT:  Dustin is clearly pumped. "I woke up this morning and knew I was gonna win HoH today"   Jessica asks him if he has a speech planned.   Dustin says he isn't gonna ask everyone to sit there and kiss his ass. 
Dust says he has a plan and they all know his plan.

Dick comes in and says the BY is open,   "Time to fire up the grill... "   Dick leaves. 

Zach, Kail, Nick and Jen all sitting at kitchen table not talking at all. Dustin and Dick go to backyard and comment and then start laughing about who is sitting at the table.  Dustin tells Dick he is putting up Zach and Kail.

Amber Jameka Dustin and Daniele in LBR. Dustin saying Zach is sick and desperate to cling onto anyone.

In the tiny room,  Jameka is giving hygiene lessons again. After they discuss how bad Zach's bathroom hygiene is she brings up that they could all get hepatitis from these people who don't wash their hands after going in the bathrooms.

There's just lots of Zach bashing going on.  If Zach leaves next week,  there's no one in the house who would be upset. 

8:00PM BBT:  Daniele and Jameka both believe it is Nick who cast the vote against Kail (which was Eric's vote).  Daniele says that she knows that it was Nick,  and he is playing both sides.   Amber comes into the room and she is crying.  She says that she just "loves him [Dustin] so much" and that is why she is crying-- she's so happy to see him "up there."

Daniele:   "OK, we've confirmed that it was Nick, 100 percent."
Amber:  "I was right, then."
Daniele:  "He (Nick) said, 'I just had a talk with Jen,  and Kail thinks you are the person who tried to evict her.'  So, he's (Nick) trying to put them against me.  Because why would she think that?"

Jameka, Amber and Daniele are wondering why Nick doesn't wan to get rid of Zach?  What good can it do to keep him?  They realize that Nick wants to keep Zach as a vote for Nick.  Jameka says that it is obvious:  Nick has thrown that vote to Mike to prove to Zach that he is loyal to Zach.  He's playing both sides.

Daniele says she is tired of the way that the house thinks that she is a lovesick girl or something with Nick. (Amber asked how she was feeling about all of this).  Jameka says it's more of a day-to-day thing, people are asking how she feels today as compared to yesterday.

Daniele:  "I can't explain,  but Nick is a great guy but he is everything that is opposite of my boyfriend."  Daniele says her and her boyfriend do everything together and she waits for him at the door at the end of the day.  Jameka reminds her that she knows that, but she has yet to present that to the rest of the house, because of the game.  Daniele says she feels she can't present that to Nick, because of the game, and even though she realizes he is playing her somewhat for the game, she still thinks she has genuine feelings for her, and that sucks.  Here's More.

8:30PM BBT:  FotH  8:40PM:  Amber, Daniele and Dustin are in the kitchen, and the others are in the backyard, where they are getting the grill ready.  Dustin says they need to go and all talk about what they are going to do, because he isn't sure if he should put Zach up first, or backdoor him.  Daniele says that they shouldn't tell everyone about how they should use the PoV to backdoor Zach,  because they should wait until after the PoV competition.  There is too much time for people to talk and for Zach to find out.   Dustin says that Zach told him that they need to make a deal or have a plan or he would put Dustin up if he won HoH.  He told Dustin he found him to be a threat.  Daniele says Zach said the same to her!  He told her she was a strong player and a threat in the game.

They think the HoH competition was fun,  but neither Daniele or Amber got a question right.  They couldn't buzz in fast enough. When the "nose in the stratosphere" question was asked Amber says she almost buzzed in to say "Eric's nose," and she was thrilled someone else answered, because Eric would have killed her!

EyeLuvHowie prepared a farewell salute slideshow for Mike.  Turn your volume down, and Click Here

Somehow I missed Dustin getting his room,  but he got a letter from his mother.   And Dick and Dustin celebrate:  See Video Part 1  Video Part 2

9:15PM BBT:  Dustin and Dick have basically decided who is going.  It is a definitely an alliance within an alliance.   Dustin tells Dick to leave Amber up to him to settle down in this game and Dick suggested Dustin take care of Danielle too.   They really want Nick out.  Nick is the main target and they are planning his demise.   See the Video

9:30PM BBT:  Jen and Kail are outside on the couches talking about talking to Dustin.   Jen said she is not going to talk to him because she doesn't feel the need.  She got Joe out  for Dustin so she thinks she is safe.  Kail asks Jen what she should say to Dustin? Jen says she should not talk to him or wait,  because if she talks to Dustin there is no way to do it without bringing up that she volunteered to be a pawn for the next couple of weeks.  Kail agrees and then says Dustin makes coffee for her every morning so she will talk to him in the morning and see what he is thinking.

Dustin says that he can put up Zach and Kail, and even if Kail wins PoV, he will tell her she is the pawn,  and tell her not to use the PoV.  Dick says Kail will use it and lie to Dustin, though, as she lied to him.  Dick says if she takes herself off, put up Nick!  Dustin is munching through his food like he's been on a starvation diet.

(The following conversation occurs without Dick bringing it up--Dustin brings it up alone):
Dustin: "Trust me when I say, I've been talking to Amber about getting her shit together.  As far as-- um,  people in this game and about her getting her emotions in this game. I said, Amber, you need to keep your head in this game."
Dick:  "The way I usually bring her into focus,  and of course she gets mad at me sometimes..."
Dustin:  "Honestly, Dick, I would not talk to her about it anymore.  Leave it up to me."
Dick:  "That's fine" (sounds slightly irritated)  "What I was telling you is the thing that I've used,  like when she was on the block the first time and she was losing it,  and the conversation I had with her and she got it together after that, and even after the PoV,  and I used kind of the same thing,  and it's the truth,  including yourself and including me.  You've known us three or four weeks."
Dustin:  "Umm hmm"
Dick:  "Are you here for us,  or are you here for your daughter?  Are you here to help change your daughter's life?"
Dustin:  "Uh huh"
Dick:  "That's the bottom line.  That's what you need to focus on.  Not anything else.  Don't get distracted by anything or anyone else."

Dick told her she will have loyalties and love people here, and this is a great experience, only seven groups of people who have done this,  and they will be friends.  But would you rather have that or change your daughter's life?

Dustin says he doesn't know if Dick has noticed, but people talk about who is going to sequester.   Dustin says, "I don't give a fuck about who is going to sequester! I'm in this game to win it."   Dustin says the girls don't want Zach in sequester,  but he doesn't care and if  Zach is in sequester, that's fine--  "I'll tell him off in sequester, then!"

Nick is sitting at the bar with Amber and Zach, talking. Nick doesn't have his mic on, and BB calls him on it,  and Dick laughs. Dick says that the housecleaning will "go down the shitter" without Mike.   Zach and Nick are doing impressions, and we get a long FotH

9:50PM BBT:  Eric is whispering to Jessica. He is telling her that he threw the HoH competition at the point that it was left with Jameka and Dustin.  Eric says that he felt they wanted it more than he did, and why make a spectacle of himself?  She agrees. Eric says that he knew he would "live to fight another day," and Jessica was safe, too. Jessica wonders if the game will change when they get down to sequester.

10:00PM BBT:  Dick and Daniele have a real long normal talk.  They talk some game, some family stuff,  Dick:  "So if you don't like me why don't you ever call Vincent?"  Daniele:  "Who says I don't?  Maybe it's because when I call he's rude to me."  They laugh a little, and it sounds like regular people.  Here's more.  It ends at 10:35 with Dick saying,  "Dick says that all he wants to say is that he is doing the best he can, and he's trying."  Daniele says "OK." 

11:00PM BBT:  Zach is in the HoH with Dustin.   Zach is pretty much asking for a pity-pass.  He says he hasn't connected with anyone and it feels like he's in high school and being the last one picked for basketball.  He's both trying to sell himself as an honest person,  and someone who is sorry for the mistakes he made.  By 11:30PM  Zach's trying to say he had a deal with Dustin and if Dustin lives up to the deal,  then Dustin won't have to worry about Zack.  Zach would be willing to work as a team with Dustin,  but he says he's not comfortable with Amber.  By 11:45PM,  Zach's changing the pitch towards getting Dick and Daniele out  because regardless of what they say,  they are the strongest team in the house,  "Hey, they have a huge advantage, I'd like to have my brother in here, but I don't."  imageAudio Clip [60 minutes]   (Take a No-Doze before you listen) By 12:05AM Dick and Jessica enter and puts an end to the talk. 

11:40PM BBT:  While all this talk was going on in the HoH,  Eric and Jessica have been talking almost as long.  Eric says that Dustin thinks that he has a great secret bond with Kail. He saw Dustin comforting Kail several times today, saying, "I'm so glad you're here!"  Jessica says she saw Kail jump on Dustin in the bathroom,  and Jessica thought it was disgusting as she is in her 40's and married.   Possibly,  Dustin will put up Kail with her offer of being used as a pawn.  Then, Dustin will sit up there and say "Me, me, me" and that it will look like he isn't protecting Kail.   The situation is really angering  Eric. Dustin said that Kail was "putty in his hands" and she'll never vote him off. But what does that do for THEM?  You can read more here

Still more elsewhere...   Jen and Kail are talking about nominations. Kail:  "I'll tell Dustin,  if he (Dick) doesn't go home or if Daniele wins...  but they're safe with those people.  I don't want to push too hard.  Didn't you tell me Dustin and Amber want to go after Evil Dick?"
Jen: "I don't think they'll put him up,  but they would vote him out."
Kail:  "I'll find out more tomorrow."   Jen turns off the light and they continue to whisper in the dark.   Read More

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Thanks to: April, bb8addict, CAchristine, Cajunboiler, Catniptoy, cenerentola, Dade, DreamAngel, dumblonde, elsaheat, eyeluvhowie, georgectv, jammer, Jem, Katydidit, LovesBigBrother, Marty, Maurer05, mommamize, Morty, MsT, pierceka, Ptmsf, Sandy, smirnoff, snancypants, Soyyo, StephenV and wolfrider for keeping us informed.

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