
The Big Brother Archive


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Nominated HoH

Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 12, 2007
#1 Thursday, July 5, 2007 #40 Monday, August 13, 2007
#2 Friday, July 6, 2007 #41 Tuesday, August 14, 2007
#3 Saturday, July 7, 2007 #42 Wednesday, August 15, 2007
#4 Sunday, July 8, 2007 #43 Thursday, August 16, 2007
#5 Monday, July 9, 2007 #44 Friday, August 17, 2007
#6 Tuesday, July 10, 2007 #45 Saturday, August 18, 2007
#7 Wednesday, July 11, 2007 #46 Sunday, August 19, 2007
#8 Thursday, July 12, 2007 #47 Monday, August 20, 2007
#9 Friday, July 13, 2007 #48 Tuesday, August 21, 2007
#10 Saturday, July 14, 2007 #49 Wednesday, August 22, 2007
#11 Sunday, July 15, 2007 #50 Thursday, August 23, 2007
#12 Monday, July 16, 2007 #51 Friday, August 24, 2007
#13 Tuesday, July 17, 2007 #52 Saturday, August 25, 2007
#14 Wednesday, July 18, 2007 #53 Sunday, August 26, 2007
#15 Thursday, July 19, 2007 #54 Monday, August 27, 2007
#16 Friday, July 20, 2007 #55 Tuesday, August 28, 2007
#17 Saturday, July 21, 2007 #56 Wednesday, August 29, 2007
#18 Sunday, July 22, 2007 #57 Thursday, August 30, 2007
#19 Monday, July 23, 2007 #58 Friday, August 31, 2007
#20 Tuesday, July 24, 2007 #59 Saturday, September 1, 2007
#21 Wednesday, July 25, 2007 #60 Sunday, September 2, 2007
#22 Thursday, July 26, 2007 #61 Monday, September 3, 2007
#23 Friday, July 27, 2007 #62 Tuesday, September 4, 2007
#24 Saturday, July 28, 2007 #63 Wednesday, September 5, 2007
#25 Sunday, July 29, 2007 #64 Thursday, September 6, 2007
#26 Monday, July 30, 2007 #65 Friday, September 7, 2007
#27 Tuesday, July 31, 2007 #66 Saturday, September 8, 2007
#28 Wednesday, August 1, 2007 #67 Sunday, September 9, 2007
#29 Thursday, August 2, 2007 #68 Monday, September 10, 2007
#30 Friday, August 3, 2007 #69 Tuesday, September 11, 2007
#31 Saturday, August 4, 2007 #70 Wednesday, September 12, 2007
#32 Sunday, August 5, 2007 #71 Thursday, September 13, 2007
#33 Monday, August 6, 2007 #72 Friday, September 14, 2007
#34 Tuesday, August 7, 2007 #73 Saturday, September 15, 2007
#35 Wednesday, August 8, 2007 #74 Sunday, September 16, 2007
#36 Thursday, August 9, 2007 #75 Monday, September 17, 2007
#37 Friday, August 10, 2007 #76 Tuesday, September 18, 2007
#38 Saturday, August 11, 2007 #77 Wednesday, September 19, 2007
  #78 Thursday, September 20, 2007
Friday,  August 31, 2007:  The Wildcard Won, What Will he Do?

So, last night Zach won HoH and everyone immediately got a feeling of uneasiness.  In all the planning the alliances did, there was one variable no one counted on, and that was Zach winning HoH.  What will he do? Zach has tried to play on both sides, everyone rejected Zach.  Zach's told Eric that Dick must go.  He's told Dick that Eric must go.  The one person Zach's been getting closer over the past week, or so, has been Daniele.  Tonight,  Daniele's kindness to Zach is going to be repaid with her safety.  In return,  Daniele has promised--  ummm,  well, nothing.  Zach has only asked for protection for next week,  but Daniele has very cleverly dodged any commitment.  Zach really wants to put up Eric and Jessica, but he fears the repercussions,  at this moment,  it looks like Zach is leaning towards putting up Jameka and Jessica.

At midnight Daniele and Zach are still in the HoH room.  Daniele sounds like a close friend helping him work out a solution to a complicated problem.  Zach says that he fears Jameka, because she wants his "head on a plate."  He says that he could see Daniele, Dick, Zach working together and keeping Jameka one more week and taking out "someone else," but then it could go wrong and Jameka could come after him.  Or, she could go to final two, which would be worse, as they couldn't beat her with the jury.

Zach again says he would like to ally with Dick and Daniele.  He says that if she and Dick want, he could put up Jessica and Eric,  and he would need "some kind of blood oath" that Jameka would leave the next week.

Daniele says that she wants Zach to do what he wants--whatever is best for him.  He says that what is best for him is to team up with Dick and Daniele, and have safety from them.  Daniele says she doesn't want to be rude, but she has been HoH two times, and she has never put Zach up.

Daniele is going through every scenario with Zach.  If he puts up Jessica and Eric and one of them gets PoV and takes themselves off, he will put up Jameka.  If he puts up Jameka with Eric or Jessica, and one of them takes themselves off with PoV, he will put up the remaining member of Jessica and Eric.  The only way it would endanger Daniele or Dick, is if one of the trio (Jameka/Jessica/Eric) who is not put on the block ends up getting the veto and using it.  Then, that would mean that either Daniele or Dick would have to go up, as the veto holder is safe, and that veto holder was not on the block originally.

Daniele says that she doesn't want Zach to tell anyone what she is saying to him.  She says Zach needs to be sure he doesn't do anything that anyone else tells him to do--he needs to do what is best for him.  Read more

12:40AM BBT:  Dick is in the HT, trying to soak the ache out of his body,  Zach joins him.  Dick tells Zach that it was really close between the two of them, even with Dick smoking and not working out. Zach says actually it wasn't close--close was he and Eric being one step apart in the PoV.  Dick agrees.  Zach says that now he is happy that he didn't win that PoV. He liked the way it worked out.  Dick says that is how the game is--you end up thinking that if one person hadn't left when they did, you might have ended up leaving early. Even things you were totally against happening end up furthering you in the game.

Zach says like Nick. Dick says that he regrets taking out Nick.  Zach asks what Nick did to get in that position. Dick says Nick played both sides, was the boy next door and got along with everyone.  Dick says that even when Nick told him, he couldn't completely trust that Nick wasn't playing Daniele.

1:00PM BBT:  Zach says everyone is scared about who I will put up.  Dick says that  they should be scared, he is.  Zach tells Dick they're OK.  They talk about Amber.  Zach says "This is a game I'm not dying."  Dick talks about him and Eric seeing this game as a once and a lifetime thing especially at his (Dick's) age.   "Amber had her chance at the money on  "'The Power of  10,'   but she lost see ya bitch." Dick talks about the Nick/Mike comments he gets wrong.  Zach says "I still cant believe Nick wanted to see Mike naked."  Dick: (laughs still on that) "I wish I did yell at ya that hard." Dick and Zach talk about Jameka talking that Dick was close to Dick entire time. Dick says he caught up at end. Dick says he speed up with he noticed he was getting buried. That Zach was just letting in splash everywhere while he (Dick) took it without letting one drop hit. Dick:  "If you were in Eric's lane I would of kicked your ass!" they talk about Dick chicken legs never running and Zach running miles everyday. Dick messes up "I was doing great compare to Daniele who's 21 I mean 22."   They say Nick would of killed in this competition because of snowboarding.   Zach says he cant wait to see this completion.  Dick says he asked they said two hrs but Dick thinks it was two hrs 40 minutes (it was actually two hrs two minutes. Dick says they ran 8-10 miles.  Zach says nine miles. they think it took 15 minutes each mile. Dick: "That was very sweet of Eric,  I though he was gonna cry, they made his pick right on the spot.   WTF man they let Joe from last year have a little time .(I think he means Marcellas.) Dick: "The phone call wasn't far either."

1:10AM BBT:   Dick says he's 'no longer 'happy Dick,"  now he's "a sore Dick." 

1:20AM BBT:  Zach goes up to the HoH room to go to bed. 

1:25AM BBT:  Jameka talks about when people came out of their shells.  Dick enters room asking about who cheered him on during the competition.   Dick complains that they're not allowed to do cannon balls in the pool because they don't want them to get hurt,  but they can run on a slippery court while being squirted in the eye with grease.

2:15AM BBT:  Eric and Jessica whispering in bed.  They're laughing while Daniele and Jameka  are talking in other room about music they would  want and what day it is.  Jessica talks to Jameka and Daniele, they think show ends in four weeks.  BB: "HGs you are not allowed to talk about DR sessions with other HGs."   Jameka: "Eric!" Eric and Jessica laugh.  Jessica whispers to Eric that Zach has a deal with Dick and Daniele.  Jessica tells him, "It'll be me and Jameka."   Dick asks to go to DR and they let him in at 2:20AM. Dick needs zip-loc bags to protect the food from the ants, trash bags, and some other things.   Daniele says she will probably stay at her Grandma's for a week and Daniele says she will get video of show from friends. Jameka says she will only take two days off to watch shows then back to work.

2:30AM BBT:  Daniele and Jameka talk about Julie Chen not watching show that she probably Googled stuff about them during commercial breaks. Dick enters Jameka/Daniele's room.  Daniele talks about a time at Hooters when Dennis Rodman walked in,  she couldn't believe how tall he was.  She didn't have him at her table,  and he was with a larger rowdy group of guys,  so she doesn't know if he's a good tipper. 

2:40AM BBT: Daniele and Dick argue a little about gameplay and how Dick played game.  Dick says he has never begged to stay.  Daniele says I think it would be best to keep Zach.  Daniele feels they stand a good chance with the jury if it's one of them against Zach. 

2:45AM BBT:  Dick is outside spitting as Daniele has joined Eric, Jessica, and Jameka in room.  Daniele and Jameka play argue. they question why Daniele awake at 3AM and that Jessica and Eric had the lights out already by now. (lights are out now)   Daniele and Jameka leave them and head to LR but BB tells Jameka to put mic on.  Jameka runs and turns lights back on Eric and Jessica and finds it with Daniele help and then turns out their lights.  Jameka goes to kitchen quickly then LR. Jameka and Daniele think Zach is asleep for the night.  Daniele says Zach has had the cutest family so far.  Eric and Jessica are whispering with Jessica saying "awwwwe."  Daniele and Jameka talk about Zach's mom's book.

3:00AM BBT:  Everyone's awake.  Zach's in the kitchen,  Jessica and Eric have the lights on again and are whispering with Dick.

3:15AM BBT:  Dick, Eric and Jessica are in the round room going over what could happen with nominations. Dick explains that if its Jameka and Jessica on the block it will be ok as they have the votes to get Jameka out. If Eric and Jessica are nominated then one of them have to win PoV and Dick will try and hinder Jameka’s chances or help them in the competition. Eric wants everyone to push to get Jameka nominated. [America’s Choice?]  

Not much else to report from here on out. Lots of Jessica and Eric chitchat about what they will do outside of the house and some smooching. She asked him at one point would he hold her hand in the mall. Dick burps, farts, spits and smokes and has a conversation with Jessica and Eric about pooping. Here’s Dick at 5am…

5:00AM BBT:  Dick is outside in the BY, having is regular Dick at Night smoking and spitting session. Once again is confident in his control of the game. He is definitely safe this week [astonishingly thanks to Daniele - eyeluvhowie] He is now going over ideas for the next few weeks. One of those ideas is putting up Zach. E tells himself, “Well Daniele didn’t promise him anything now did she.” His plans include a number of “Just for Giggles” moments leaving him in the final two with Daniele, “God I would FUCKING love that.” [I think he would get the votes. Sort of like Castro. So mean but loved. I think Daniele would have as much chance of winning as the Republicans. - eyeluvhowie]

He then heads off to bed, but not with a little comment about passing by Jessica and Eric possibly making out. He says, “YUK.”  See the video

9:00AM BBT:  They're sleeping.  10:20AM BBT:  They're being locked down in the HoH room. Dick is the first one up there. He tells Zach, “It’s fucking freezing in here” and “I hate you." (To BB).

Daniele is the next one up there and made a bed on the floor and Zach asked her if she wanted the middle of the bed between Dick and himself. She said, "No thanks" and kinda giggled. BB: Eric, Jessica, Jameka. Please report to the Head of Household room.”

Jessica and Jameka are taking their time. Brushing teeth and such. They have been asked twice. BB “Jameka, Jessica. Please report to the HoH room.” Jameka keeps brushing her teeth.

10.25AM BBT:  Jessica and Eric finally join the room. Zach says there is room enough on the bed for them both. Eric says, “No we’re fine.” He makes the same offer to Jameka and she joins them with her head the other way.

Silence. 10:33AM BBT:  Dick moans.  10:40AM BBT:  Jessica is awake and staring at the ceiling.  11:05AM BBT:  LD is over.  Everyone makes their way back to their own beds.  Dick heads outside for a smoke.

11:20AM BBT:  Zach cracking knuckles in the HoH room still has headphones on. While Dick and Jessica are in the BY talking, they’re both happy there isn't food competition and Jessica is wondering if Nominations will be today. She speculates that it’s usually early afternoon and Dick says, “No around 5.”
Dick: “Jess, are you nervous?”
Jessica: “Yes I know I’m going up. It’s a different feeling when you know you’re going up. I’m bitter trying to get over it.”
Dick: “The thing with me going up and I knew I was going up against Danielle and that sucks.”
Jessica: “I know I’m going up against Jameka then Eric. The two people I'm close to.”
Dick: “That sucks.” (Yawns)
Jessica: “I’d rather go up against Jameka then Eric.”
Dick: “Honestly, I know your close with Jameka, but she hasn't done shit in this game. She made some stupid moves.”
Jessica: “She has to go, she has to be with me.” (On the block)

Dick and Jessica continue to talk, they discuss the HoH competition that Daniele won with the “midget” and make fun of Jen. Jessica gets called to the DR and we hear some of it. She is getting her phone call in 45 minutes and it will be 5 minutes long. 

11:30AM BBT:  Dick is smoking in the BY and Jessica is getting pretty for her phone call.  Dick joins her in the bathroom.  He asks her if she is getting ready (for her call).  She tells him,  "Yeah!  I'm so excited!  I'm not bitter anymore!"

11:45AM BBT:  Dick opens box of cereal, looks inside and says "God damn it Amber.  Stupid bitch."  The ants have invaded the cereal.  Dick goes into the storage room and gets another box of cereal.  Dick gets a new box of cereal from the SR.  On the way back he tells Jessica,  "Amber left a parting gift.."  and  explains that she left open the cereal box and there was ants all inside.  Dick wonders if there is ants in the Trix. "Wonder why no one can close a fucking cereal bag--  What is wrong with these people." Dick mutters as he goes back to making himself cereal.  Dick slams the counter,  "Ants!"  He settles down and reads the back of the Trix box.  .

Jessica is primping in the bathroom for another photo-op, her phone call with her brother. 

Noon:  Dick's bad day continues as he goes outside and complains about it being so hot. He comes back in. We get a brief glimpse of a phone in the DR, then feeds are back to Dick walking around the house, and Eric sleeping.   He yells at BB, "Zip-Loc bags,  gallon size! To hell with the ants-- Please!"  For some reason we got an FotH during Jessica's phone call.

12:30PM BBT:  Zach and Dick are in the BY talking about who to nominate.  Eric and Jessica are gonna go up then if one of them wins they will put up Jameka.  Jameka is their target this week.  Dick says he's has had it with Jameka, "She hasn't played the game!  What has she done-- Nothing!  The only thing she won was the PoV with the magic ping pong ball..."  . Zach also wants Jameka out this week.

Zach says when there's 60% chance to be in final two.  They  agree to take one week at a time.  Zach says he'd take Dick or Daniele to the final two.  Second place is enough for him.  Now they're trashing Dustin. They talk about "The Power of 10,"  all the airplanes, and what they think is going on in the sequester house. 

Dick:  "You know they could of done a way funnier montage on me it they did farting."
Zach wants to pitch a show he "built" to CBS, saying he has his foot in his door.
Dick:  "Your on a first name basis with the executive producers.."
Zach: "They can say, 'This is good, or your an idiot.'  I have a show that will rock for this station."
Dick:  "Gotta remember that CBS is not just that.  There is a cable network also affiliate (like cable 9)"

Jessica talked to her brother!   Jessica is out from her phone call, and gave Eric a big, long hug.  She got to talk to her brother who is back from Iraq.  She was relieved that he is back,  and rejoined his friend, they got separated in Iraq.  e got home Friday from Iraq,  and is in Arizona. Jessica said she only got three minutes.  She gives a shout out to her Mom, and saying she wished she could have talked to her.  The people around Hayesville Kansas are selling "Booyah!" t-shirts to raise money for her dance team.  Her dance team as already accepted her back, so she can return to that when she gets out. 

Eric is telling Jessica he did the right thing, and his family would agree. They will talk to him later, but it was important for her to talk with her brother. Jessica goes outside to tell Zach and Dick about her call.

Eric has a quick chat with Daniele about nominations. They all want Jameka gone this week.  He is pushing for her to be nominated, and Daniele agrees. They finish their talk, and Daniele leaves.

Jessica comes back and gives Eric a glass of Gatorade.  She again thanks him for the call. He said he wonders if he knows that her "soon to be fiancé" gave it to her. He thinks that should score some points with her family.  She thanks him again.  They are trying to decide what the date is, maybe Sept 1.  Eric said Monday is Labor Day.  He asks if they have a cook out. she said they usually go to the lake.

Eric calls out to Zach that Jessica got a call from her brother.  Zach said she told them. Eric said her brother brought back a hat and a spider for him,  but he doesn't fall for it.  Jessica said it is waiting in his bed.

1:00PM BBT:  Dick comes in and wants to know why there are so many curling irons, flat irons and blow dryers when there are only three chicks left.

Dick tells Eric he looks like crap, his eyes are all red. Dick asks if he has been crying. Eric said it is the bed. It was Amber's and when he got in it, he automatically started crying.

Now they are discussing the noises in the walls. Dick tells "them" to wear tennis shoes, as there are people trying to sleep in there. They don't know what is above them, but there must be a lot of stairs for them to go clanking so much.

Now discussing previous challenges. They think slop is over for the season. 

1:30PM BBT:  Nothing going on,  just casual conversation with, Jameka, Eric, Jessica and Dick, in the big room .

1:45PM BBT:  Daniele comes out to Zach who is in the pool:
Daniele:  "OK, I have information for you.  You can't tell, I'm so nervous you are going to tell people,  but the thing is,  you have to trust me.  I'm being dead serious, because I'm looking out for you,  I'm totally serious,  more than anyone in this house.  I'm nervous, don't say anything,  I'm really nervous. I can pretty much guarantee that if Jessica or Eric, one of them don't go this week, that you would be going home next week, unless I got HoH next week,   the odds are not in your favor,  I'm being honest.  You have to believe me.  The odds are not in your favor, I don't know how to explain it,  I don't know if you want to put up Jameka and Jessica,  and then win PoV and change it,  or hope that Jameka wins it."
(this was after Daniele had been soft whispering with Dick, so I'm not sure if this is sincere or a plot hatched up between Daniele and Dick.)
Zach: "I don't understand how it's in my best interest keeping Jameka in the house."
Daniele: "But how is that you know that Eric and Jessica don't like you anyway,  they don't care if you are in here,  they want you out,  period."
Zach:  "What does Jameka want?"
Daniele:  "But she can't play HoH. I'm so nervous you will tell people. I want you to weigh everything out.  I'm telling you, you have to believe your odds are really bad next week."
Zach: "If Eric won HoH and put me up against one of you, would you vote me out?"
Daniele:  "You have to believe me that Eric and Jessica want you gone,  I'm just trying to help you, but I want you to do what is in your best interest.  Don't tell anyone even later this week."
Zach:  "You are freaking me out..."
(hard to hear them both)
Zach: "It comes down to the PoV next week..."

1:50PM BBT:  Dick is outside with Zach and Daniele,  still discussing the options of putting up Eric and Jessica, what do to if the PoV was won by Eric or Jessica, who would Zach want up / evicted.  Daniele keeps asking Zach at the end of each scenario,  "Is that what you would want?  Is that who you want to go?"

Meanwhile, Eric/Jessica/Jameka talking about nothing in the big bed room

2:00PM BBT:  It seems that Zach is now ready to put up Eric and Jessica, as long as Dick and Daniele will keep him safe for next week.  They have both committed.  Daniele repeats that he cannot tell any of this even later on the week or it will come back to him.  Zach says not to worry - he has worked government clearance jobs before and that he can keep secrets.

Daniele leaves. Zach, in the pool, and he teases us with, "These nominations go out to the people who have given me the worst rules in beer pong and quarters."

In the big room, Jameka and the gang are bashing Jen. Audio Clip [12 minutes]

2:30PM BBT:  A Flawed Plan:  Daniele has pretty much convinced Zach to nominate Eric and Jessica.  Zach is in the DR, and Dick goes to Daniele and tells her there's a problem with those nominations.  If Jameka wins veto and takes off Jessica, one of them will go up and go home, because there won't be the votes to save them.   Daniele says you can't ever tell how it's going to go.

Zach's out of the DR,  rummaging around in the kitchen.  Jameka is fixing something to eat, and Eric is still at counter. Daniele is now sunbathing so that conversation is done.

2:40PM BBT:  Eric's been in the big room telling Jameka how he has her back,  now Eric visits Zach in the HoH, and, LOOK OUT FOR THAT BUS!  Eric's pitch is to get Jameka nominated, and evicted.  [I assume he's doing America's bidding.]  Zach says it's a crap shoot for him. He really wants to target Jameka, but he has to put one of those others up. "I keep worrying about the numbers, not for this week but for next. I'm thinking more about that than what's going on here. I want to do what puts me in the best scenario for next week. I'm totally open to ideas."

Eric says, "I was going on the assumption that what we discussed yesterday was the deal. I didn't realize you were talking to other people. Obviously it means nothing now, but it was my intention to stick to the deal." Audio Clip [12 minutes]

Eric constantly shifts the conversation back to reassuring that he wants Jameka out. Says that if she's gone, the five remaining are on a level playing field with the jury. Zach agrees.

Zach says he has been presented with every scenario from the others (involving Jameka/Jessica/Eric). Eric says he wouldn't expect "them" to suggest themselves, so he doesn't hold it against them. Everyone must protect their own interests. Better to find something mutually agreeable to all of them. And it would leave Zach in a better position.  Audio Clip [20 minutes]  Read more <--Goes to 3:30PM  | See Video #1 | See Video #2 | See Video #3 |

3:20PM BBT:  Eric's been shoveling it for almost an hour.  The end result is that Eric wants Jameka nominated with anyone.  Eric leaves and Dick takes his place.  Dick wants Jameka nominated with anyone.  After a short talk,  Zach says his gut says to put up Jameka and Jessica.  Unlike his talk with Daniele,  Zach get a commitment from Dick that he and Daniele will not nominate him next week.  Zach says Eric is so scared, "He's so nice, he's like a sniveling little rat."  See the video   Just before the pre-nomination LD, Jameka came in the plead her case.  See the Video 

4:10PM BBT:  The HGs are on nomination LD.  We usually have trivia and FotH for about an hour. 
5:35PM BBT:  Feeds are back.  Jameka and Jessica nominated.  Jessica says to Jameka that Zach couldn't look her in the face.  She said, "That's fine I am putting him up next week."  On the quad feed with Daniele and Zack talking and Jessica and Jameka talking ...what a difference of opinions...  See the Video 

5:40PM BBT:  Talk turns to worst case scenario being Dustin and Amber being in final two.  Zach wonders where is CD player is.  Talk about dirty looks that people have given each other.  Daniele said the worst look she gave is when Jen was nominating her for the whole negative vibe things.  Spy screen is on and Daniele said that it was more helpful in the beginning of the season so you could see who was scheming with whom.

5:45PM BBT:  Jameka is saying to Jessica that she wants to win PoV so bad,  she said she is hungry,  it sucks so bad to be up;  she says we have to really fight tomorrow,  but the thing is he will probably put Eric up so, I don't know, God,  God.  Eric just walked in and asked if they want to be alone,  Jameka says not really, he says if you guys are talking it's OK, Jameka says they are just venting.  Eric says he'll leave then alone and they both tell him its OK.

Jameka tells Eric they need that same string of enthusiasm they had last week; Eric asked if they noticed how Zach couldn't look any of them in the eye and he was staring a hole thru Zach.  Jessica thinks he couldn't look at them because he know that he wasn't making the right decision.

5:50PM BBT:  Zach tells Daniele that Dick's a jackass, for spitting on the grass,  and the montage they saw yesterday was gross.  Daniele wants to see what montage everyone has gotten, including her self.

6:20PM BBT:  Eric and Jessica are in the big room.  Eric told Jessica that if he gets PoV he will take her off but he still wants to vote Jameka out.  Jessica wasn’t impressed and ended up going back to her bed. See the Video 

6:40PM BBT:     Dick is sleeping.  Jessica is sleeping.  Jameka has been in the DR for almost an hour.   Zach and Daniele have been in the HoH talking about random things like income taxes,  Disneyland,  Dick's cars (he once drove a VW Rabbit).  The house in in LD,  Read more

7:00PM BBT:  Eric's called to the DR, Zach's listening to music,  Jameka's reading her Bible. Daniele's doing her nails. not much going on.

7:45PM BBT:  Eric's giving Jameka a new line of BS,  I don't understand the motivation.  Eric tells Jameka how hard the past few weeks are and the results of his past actions.  He tells Jameka that Zach getting HoH was the worst possible scenario for them.  He says that he just wants to leave now. Not sure where this came from or what is up his sleeve.  He says he can't sleep and he doubts his decisions and strategy.  "I feel like such a heel,  like such a worthless piece of crap."  [Maybe he is working his vote in the final two with Jameka since he knows she will be leaving this week? - opjones]

Eric:  "I feel like I'm going to have a nervous break down"  Eric is really taking Jessica being up on the block really hard.  He says really can't play the game straight, or the way he wants to because of his feelings that he has developed for Jessica.  Now Jameka is telling him to go for it in the game.  Eric is crying. [But not too much]   Audio Clip [14 minutes] 

Eric is telling Jameka he feels responsible for Jessica and Jameka being on the block this week. Eric saying sometimes it seems so unbearable.  Like he almost wishes they would send him home.  He would sit at the Jury house by the pool.  He is saying that you can't please everyone and it seems no matter what you do, its wrong.  He is saying that his speech when is was on the block is so far out the window now. He thinks he is going to have a nervous breakdown. He cant take the fact that he is disappointing people as a player and as a person.

8:15PM BBT: Dick and Eric are in the LR chit chatting. Discussing what BB could possibly be doing outside. FotH. Eric comments there is nothing to do; there are six people here, people are sleeping; what are they supposed to be doing inside the house. Discussing food, and ants... Dick starts complaining again about the ants in the Trix bag. Zach and Daniele have been in the HoH room; Zach comes out and comments that he's bored too and can't offer them much more excitement than they currently have, but they're welcome to come up. Bottom line: everyone's bored (including the audience...) Everything to do is outside; all they can do inside without getting yelled at is beer pong.

8:35PM BBT: Dick just confirmed that PoV is coming up tonight at midnight and Daniele asked, "They said that" and he said yeah and we got FotH.  [It was also confirmed on the Shootoo message scrolling across the screen - Jem]

9:00PM BBT: Eric and Jessica in bed talking with Jameka while she is eating a taco.  They talk about having cheesecake for dessert later.  Jessica and Jameka both say they are not staying up late tonight.  [They don’t know about PoV yet.]  Jessica says she is not going to shave for a week since there is no hot water.  They’re playing around and seem in better spirits now.  Jessica tells Eric,  "You are a fine piece of Jew meat."  They have a laugh and Eric says the three are definitely oddballs.

9.30PM BBT: Jessica, Jameka and Eric are still in small bedroom.  They joke around about Eric and his earlier comment about Jessica's boobs looking bigger,  although he referred to them as "those things."  Jameka says Eric should have said she's looking good in that top and filling it out nicely. Jessica says she'd appreciate that comment, and says that she can't help it when the flow is coming.  [TMI! – Jem] Talk breaks down into farts.  Eric says there are three types.  [No need to expand into that]  Talk of Dick's explosiveness the more general conversation about shirts and a brief moment of Jedi drilling with a little of guessing on the PoV competition mixed in.

10:05PM BBT:  Dick is just called to the DR leaving Daniele,  Eric and Zach in the kitchen.  Eric is upset that when he goes into the DR and then leaves,  they call him back and ask them the same questions.  Talk about how fast today went and remembers that he hasn't brushed his teeth today,  but he has used mouthwash.  Eric heads to the bathroom while Daniele is in the kitchen cooking with Zach watching.

Daniele goes to SR to get something, and Zach goes to the bathroom and says that he appreciates what Eric said to him, and he took it to heart. Eric thanks him back and then Zach goes into the toilet. Eric is done brushing, and is now mouth washing. When Zach gets out he washes his hands and goes back into the kitchen.

Daniele thinks that each HG will take things (personality things, and various sayings) home with them,  Zach thinks his co-workers will call him Shrek.  Eric joins,  and Eric says that the vitamins make him pee a lot and Daniele agrees.  Zach is going over questions like,  "Would you be willing to put you HG on slop for 30 days..."  with Daniele and she says, “OK” in a weird voice that is hard to describe.  Zach notices that there are three people who have green backgrounds with their memory wall pictures and three that have red.

10:30PM BBT:  Jessica and Eric are trying to guess what the PoV will be and they’re thinking its questions.  Eric hopes it would be about previous seasons.  Dick joins them and is sitting on a bed eating.

They’re all talking about how weird it is to have only six people in the house.  Dick says that it's not very nice to expect them to compete in a PoV now because they are all so sore.  He says that he told BB that if they don't let him go to the BY he would should directly into his microphone.  He's telling them how Jameka took her sweet time getting to the DR when she was called,  and how the BB producers were upset with her telling them that they were on a deadline.

10:40PM BBT:  Jameka is back from the DR. Jessica is talking about her cell phone service called "cricket."  Eric got his phone confiscated when he left for the whole experience.  They wonder if they will get a handler on their way back.  Eric thinks it would be awesome if he followed someone around all day,  so that he would experience the live feeds first hand.  Dick explains that 90% of the live feeds are garbage,  and you have to be listening to the right camera at the right time,  and you can't hear anyways.  Eric wonders if your second toe is supposed to be taller than the big toe.  Dick: "Only if you're retarded!" Jessica says that it means that you are really smart. 

Dick wants to know what time it is. Zach says 10:45.  Dick really wants to smoke,  and go into the HT.  All HG are in the little bedroom and are talking about how today is boring,  cause they are all sore and tired from last night.  Random chit-chat. 

11:00PM BBT: General Chit-chat    Read more <-- Goes to 11:30pm By advak (Thank you!)

11:45PM BBT:  In the kitchen Dick and Zach are playing beer pong,  in the big bedroom Jessica and Eric are in bed with the lights off being silly with each other.

Thanks to: bebecka23, butfirst, Catniptoy, cavelady, Dade, DewaltDakota, djcam89, ericsturrock, eyeluvhowie, GemRep, georgectv, giraffe176, Jem, jessca4life, JFetch, katie2, Katydidit, lorican, mac328, micbig, Morty, motormouthcj, MsT, opjones, pierceka, shea30, shukie9900, smirnoff, snancypants, spencer668, StephenV, tnpatti, TwinCity and Vuron00 for your updates. 

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