
The Big Brother Archive


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Nominated Nominated

Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 12, 2007
#1 Thursday, July 5, 2007 #40 Monday, August 13, 2007
#2 Friday, July 6, 2007 #41 Tuesday, August 14, 2007
#3 Saturday, July 7, 2007 #42 Wednesday, August 15, 2007
#4 Sunday, July 8, 2007 #43 Thursday, August 16, 2007
#5 Monday, July 9, 2007 #44 Friday, August 17, 2007
#6 Tuesday, July 10, 2007 #45 Saturday, August 18, 2007
#7 Wednesday, July 11, 2007 #46 Sunday, August 19, 2007
#8 Thursday, July 12, 2007 #47 Monday, August 20, 2007
#9 Friday, July 13, 2007 #48 Tuesday, August 21, 2007
#10 Saturday, July 14, 2007 #49 Wednesday, August 22, 2007
#11 Sunday, July 15, 2007 #50 Thursday, August 23, 2007
#12 Monday, July 16, 2007 #51 Friday, August 24, 2007
#13 Tuesday, July 17, 2007 #52 Saturday, August 25, 2007
#14 Wednesday, July 18, 2007 #53 Sunday, August 26, 2007
#15 Thursday, July 19, 2007 #54 Monday, August 27, 2007
#16 Friday, July 20, 2007 #55 Tuesday, August 28, 2007
#17 Saturday, July 21, 2007 #56 Wednesday, August 29, 2007
#18 Sunday, July 22, 2007 #57 Thursday, August 30, 2007
#19 Monday, July 23, 2007 #58 Friday, August 31, 2007
#20 Tuesday, July 24, 2007 #59 Saturday, September 1, 2007
#21 Wednesday, July 25, 2007 #60 Sunday, September 2, 2007
#22 Thursday, July 26, 2007 #61 Monday, September 3, 2007
#23 Friday, July 27, 2007 #62 Tuesday, September 4, 2007
#24 Saturday, July 28, 2007 #63 Wednesday, September 5, 2007
#25 Sunday, July 29, 2007 #64 Thursday, September 6, 2007
#26 Monday, July 30, 2007 #65 Friday, September 7, 2007
#27 Tuesday, July 31, 2007 #66 Saturday, September 8, 2007
#28 Wednesday, August 1, 2007 #67 Sunday, September 9, 2007
#29 Thursday, August 2, 2007 #68 Monday, September 10, 2007
#30 Friday, August 3, 2007 #69 Tuesday, September 11, 2007
#31 Saturday, August 4, 2007 #70 Wednesday, September 12, 2007
#32 Sunday, August 5, 2007 #71 Thursday, September 13, 2007
#33 Monday, August 6, 2007 #72 Friday, September 14, 2007
#34 Tuesday, August 7, 2007 #73 Saturday, September 15, 2007
#35 Wednesday, August 8, 2007 #74 Sunday, September 16, 2007
#36 Thursday, August 9, 2007 #75 Monday, September 17, 2007
#37 Friday, August 10, 2007 #76 Tuesday, September 18, 2007
#38 Saturday, August 11, 2007 #77 Wednesday, September 19, 2007
  #78 Thursday, September 20, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007:   Food Challenge & Nominations

Midnight BBT:   Dick broke up a long, long talk in the HoH room between Dustin and Zach.  Now it's Dustin, Jessica,  Dick and Zach in the HoH.  Dick is saying he has 120 college credits and he'd like to finish at some time. [Dick ends up trapped alone with Zach who starts to explain vector computer art.]  Dick says he'd like to write children's books and his autobiography.  Zach says his mother writes children's books and his brother illustrated them.  [I looked on for "Swerdzewski" and didn't find anything,  but then again, if my name was "Swerdzewski" I'd use a name like "Rowling" or something...  -Morty

Outside,  Eric is talking to Daniele about the Mike vote.   Daniele telling him the possible Dustin nominees and Eric says that it's not going to be him or her.  Daniele tells Eric that she overheard Jen say they have been here five weeks and no one important has gone home. 

They talk about the HoH competition and how perfect it was for them that Kail, Jen and Zach went out in order.  Eric say he wonders why Kail wasn't excited and have another meltdown with Jameka.  Daniele says they have been talking a lot and reading their Bibles.  Eric says "They're forming the God Alliance with Kail."  "Daniele says with the Jen-tile [as in Gentile].   Daniele saying that she was raised religious,  but doesn't see the point of using it in the game.  Eric says he finds it funny about the "God and destiny" talk.  [Kail said it was God's will that she stay in the game. My question is, if God is watching CBS,  why aren't the ratings better?] 

12:20AM BBT:  Dustin is wearing his HoH robe and plans to wear it for the entire week. 

1:00AM BBT:  Daniele and Dick are still being pals. She's tells Dick  that Jen says "This is the most work I've ever done in my life."  Daniele is annoyed by her "ugly" comment and Dick says "She's an idiot.  She's ugly inside and out. " Daniele says she's tired and wants to go to bed,  but doesn't want to left out either.  Dick tells her it's OK, "Go to bed,"  and she does.  Dick asks Dustin,  "Why would a girl do that,  take her bra off in the middle of a live show?"  "I don't know but it's still lying on the living room floor where she left it."  Dustin replies.  "Were we on, or was it between segments?" Dick asks, and Dustin says, "I think it was in between."

Jen comes out and said they decide she isn't allowed to take her bra off during the live show anymore and told her to pick it up. Jens says why and she already picked it up and put it away right after the show.

1:15AM BBT:  At the end of Thursday's show they had the HGs assemble back in the LR and Julie asked Dustin what he thinks Joe would say about him winning HoH.  Dustin wonders why they did the extra Q&A at the end.  Dick said it was just a timing thing,  they ran long with the eviction part,  rushed the next segment to make up, and ended up with three minutes to fill at the end.  Daniele comes back out.

1:45AM BBT:  The abs class is going on with Jameka as coach,  while Dustin watches from the patio. On the patio, it's usual LNC chit-chat  imageAudio Clip [25 minutes]

2:20AM BBT:  They're bashing Kail on the patio-- verbally bashing of course.   Daniele says to Dick not to use what she says when he talks to Kail because it makes her look back.   Dick says he won't but Daniele doesn't believe him.  Dick rehashes the "cheater" story about him and his son complete with embellishments,  that Eric corrected him on.  [Last night Kail made a reference to Dick cheating and something about his son is probably a cheater too,  a comment Dick didn't take too well.] 

Back to Jen bashing. 

2:25AM BBT:  Amber tells Dustin that Jen told her that she doesn't think Dustin will put her up because she got Joe out and does ab class with her.  Amber says she trusts Daniele and Jameka,  but as far as Nick goes Amber says she doesn't think it's his time.

Dustin wants to backdoor Zach and Amber says he should put him and Kail straight up because he won't win PoV and if he picked Nick he wouldn't save him.  [Amber basically says Kail is the pawn,  which was the deal she offered everyone, "Save me and you can put me up as the pawn for the next three weeks."  Amber says Zach has only a one in six chance to win PoV.  Dustin says "I don't know," he doesn't want to count on it. 

2:50AM BBT:  Amber said she thinks Jessica and Eric are in a secret alliance.  Dustin says he eavesdropped on their conversations and said they don't talk game.  Amber brings the point out Eric picked her and Daniele out of the HoH contest and that makes her feel he can't trust her as much as the rest of the group.   Amber says Nick told her she'll be in the final two and Dustin says "I believe it."

Amber says Dick told her that Dustin told him that he did a great job as HoH and no one could have done it better.  Dustin lies and says he didn't say it,  but he did.

Amber asks,  "Why did you ask me Nick or Zach?"  Dustin said all he wanted was her opinion. Amber says three people don't want Nick in sequester and three do.  Amber says they need to get  Zach and Kail out and let Nick and Jen in sequester.  Amber says Jen loves them.

Dustin says "Let's go down and see what they're up to."  He hugs her "I love you."

3:00AM BBT:  Welcome to the Dick-at-Nite Show.  Tonight Dick's guests are Jameka,  Jessica,  Eric, and Dustin.  [Jen left when Dick started smoking to get her to leave..]  Dustin says he plans to nominate Kail and Zach.  Dick asks "who's the backdoor?"  Dustin says they can't put Nick and Zach at the same time but it's pairs.  Eric saying it was Nick who tipped off Jen.   Dustin says Nick told Amber he let her know.   Daniele says they need to confront him,  "Bring out psycho Nick."   Dick says he sees no point in confronting him.  Dick says 'My two cents,  Nick and Kail  and Zach without Nick is nothing."  Dick says with Jen you know who you have and Kail is a schemer.   Dick says if Kail or Zach wins PoV they will put up Nick.  Dick says secondary is Jen and Zach.

Eric now says why should they allow Kail to have any control of the matter.   Eric says we know that Jen isn't the target and Eric says to nominate Jen and Zach.  Eric saying you can put up Nick if Zach wins PoV.  Keep Kail worried she will be backdoored.

You'll have Jen selling Nick and Kail under the bus and in the end you'll have a choice of four.   Eric says who cares if Jen wins PoV because they could put up Nick or Kail and send them home. 

Dustin says that it's not in his nature to cause drama and put up Jen on an accusation.  Personally Dustin says "It's not a Jen thing"  talking about Joe's lies and Jen was the catalyst to transfer that info and doesn't think Jen is a threat and Kail is the bigger threat.

3:20AM  BBT:  The LNC summit is still in session.  These people just love to talk and change their minds, and flip-flop.  In the end whatever resolutions they make will be reconsidered at the last minute.   Read more

ich current HG recently completed a
job as a fashion model for Wink's New York?

3:40AM BBT:  The LNC discusses the order they want people evicted.  Eric reminds his group that they said:  Nick,  Kail,  Zack,  and Jen.   They're very concerned that when Nick is on the block he'll be throwing temper tantrums,  and Jameka, for one,  feels threatened by his bizarre behavior.  Eric polls the group as to who their dream eviction would be.  I didn't get everyone's answer, but they all said Nick,  Zach, and a couple "Kail's."

At 4:10AM BBT:  Amber joins the patio group and they now have to repeat everything that was said in the last two hours.

The group is still going round and round with the topic, but so far the consensus is Kail and Jen, with Kail to go home and Zach to go up as a replacement. See video

4:45AM BBT:  The group is dwindling, but still alive and buzzing.  Daniele has just gone to bed, leaving Dick, Eric, and Amber still outside.

They have noticed that the reindeer got new moss to repair its former leprosy.  Amber says, "Ah, it's looks so sweet."  She then asks to be excused for her way of talking baby talk.  She says it helps her get though all this while she misses her family so much.  Jameka returns to the couch after getting the laundry loads squared away.  Dick says he won't go on a hammock date with Amber if she wears her sweats again, insisting on jeans.

Although the group has decided on its primary three for nominations, Nick is a close runner-up.  Amber is now addressing this issue, saying that she thinks Nick should be in sequester and that the others should certainly go first.

Eric says that in Week one Nick wanted to put him up.  Says that Nick is the only one in the house who has been against him.  Dick chimes in with the concept of Nick's being a “bullshitter”, and that means he's also bullshitting his daughter.

Dick has said that all nominations chosen were for personal reasons, not strategy.  Amber says no, people are on the verge of blowing over Zach and that will make them inconsistent.  Conversation shifts to how much they dislike him and how uncomfortable he makes them all (Eric, Amber, Jameka).  Dick says he would be #4 on his list.  Eric says if Zach were to make comments to either one of the 21-yr old girls he will "pop him in the fucking face."   See video 

They are all still telling disgusting stories and they think Kail is a small town poor girl story. They are miffed at the fact she said she would not give up her seat on a bus. They think Kail is lying from the first day.  FotH  See Video - Part 2 - (Graphic)

5:50AM BBT:  We got FotH for a few moments.  When the feeds came back all the lights were off on the patio so Eric, Jameka, Amber and Dick were all getting up to come inside.  Now Jameka is going to make an egg, telling Amber that it will make her sleep better.  Amber is doing dishes, Dick is tidying the kitchen and Eric seems to have disappeared.  Eric is back now and Jameka offered to cook him some eggs.  He declines as he doesn't like them.  Eric and Dick are heading to bed now. (Dick had said he wants to go to bed because tomorrow they have a food comp and he wants to be 'on').  Jameka tells them both goodnight, then says,  "No more mustard mustaches."   Amber picks up the pan Jameka used to cook her eggs and Jameka tells her, "No."  Amber takes it to wash anyway and Jameka tells her she is hard headed.  By 6:10AM BBT:  Jameka and Amber are brushing their teeth getting ready for bed. [About the time I rolled out... Jem]  Meanwhile... Zach emerges to use the bathroom.

6:20AM BBT:  Amber heads to bed with Dustin.  He tells her he is putting all his trust in her by not putting Nick on the block.  He’s also concerned that the alliance will question why he is pushing so hard for Nick to be nominated.  Dick and Eric become the topic of conversation.  They were not impressed when Dustin told them he could easily manipulate Kail.  Amber tells him she explained to them that Dustin is a team player and he really meant he could manipulate Kail for the “alliance” not himself.

7:45AM BBT:  They're all 8:50AM BBT:  Yup, still 8:55AM BBT:  Kail is up, everyone else still sleeping.  9:10AM BBT:  Still just Kail, making eggs in the kitchen.  When she was done washing her dishes, she went back to bed.  9:30AM BBT:  All HGs now sleeping again.  9:40AM BBT:  There is life.  Not sure how long it will last.  Jen is up in the bathroom.  She headed to the kitchen and then back to bed.  A quick whisper and a moan and back to sleep...

10:00AM BBT:  Nick was up and in the bathroom and FotH.  At 10:25AM feeds came back, the HGs were getting up and around.  BB:  Good Morning Houseguests, the food competition will begin in one hour.  Lots of morning ADLs.  

Nick is in HoH with Dustin and Amber, volunteering to be the one who will eat all the horrible stuff if necessary.  He has put on the head phones to listen to Dustin's CD.   Nick asked what the line-up is. They tell him Kail and Jen.  As Dustin leaves, Nick says to Amber that it has to go that way.  Then the cameras leave the HoH room, traveling to Dustin and Kail in the kitchen.  He tells her it's either her, Nick, or Zach, and that she is most likely to stay (because he is HoH).  All feeds stay with this discussion. See the Video

10:40AM BBT:  Dustin and Kail are whispering in the kitchen.  Kail tells Dustin she will go up as a pawn if need be.  Kail is telling Dustin that Jen put herself in the situation (associating with their alliance) by spending so much time up in the HoH with Kail that first week.  She also says she has, "No loyalty to Zach and between the three of them there is no alliance."  She goes on to say that Dustin has to come out of this situation looking good by putting up people they want.  She tells him, "You'll be making everyone happy by going after Me, Zach and Jen."  He talks of backdooring someone [He's been taking whispering lessons from Daniele cause I can't hear who].  Kail is trying to get Dustin to put up Nick and Daniele and Dick as a replacement if someone wins PoV.  She is telling Dustin that Daniele is dangerous and that Daniele and Dick have been watching since season one together and they have studied together.  FotH.  Kail says that Nick and Zach should be nominated and everyone fight for PoV and leave the nominations as they stand and that no one wants Daniele in the jury especially if Dick is in the final two.  Read the transcript here [Thanks Georgie.]  See the Video

Meanwhile...  Jameka and Jessica keep getting stern warnings from BB that it is time to get up for the day!  10:55AM BBT:  FotH  11:20AM BBT:  We've have FotH on and off most of the morning.  Daniele and Jameka where talking.  Daniele mentions that Dustin was talking to Kail all morning and after what he said about Kail being "putty in his hands" that its something they need to remember in the future.  By 11:25am we have FotH again so they should be doing the food competition.  More of the conversation here12:15PM BBT:  No, we haven't fallen off the face of the Earth.  It's still FotH...

12:25PM BBT:  Feeds are back!  Jen to Kail:  "I'm sorry you are on it... I thought they were going to put me on it... if you want I'll go on it."  Jen to Amber:  "Good job! Finished our puzzle... May not have been in time, but you finished it."

1:05PM BBT:  Dustin Reports to Amber  Dustin tells Amber about his talk with Kail earlier this morning  See the Video 

1:10PM BBT:  Amber and Dustin were chatting in the HoH room. Dick knocked, and Amber didn't look happy.  Amber asked if she should hide, Dustin said no,  and told Dick to come in.

Dustin explained that he was telling Amber about his conversation with Kail this morning. Amber goes to leave, but Dick starts to say something to her,  and Amber says not right now.  Dick tells her to let him speak,  he just wants to say something.  She's telling him it's OK,  but she's really getting upset.

Dick say's they're butting heads and he's going to try to stay away from her.  Amber tells him that he fucks with her too much,  and it's always in his terms.  When she tries to fuck with him, he gets mad.  Dick says he'll try to stay away.  Amber: You don't need to ignore me.   Dick:  "I just said I wasn't going to ignore you,  I'm just going to stay away for a few days."

Dick:  "Do you want me to tell you how I feel,  I think you've been a real bitch the past couple of days."
Amber:  "Well, you're the only person who thinks that, because you pick on me."
Dick: "Well, that's why I'm trying to be calm about this, and explain this."
Amber:  "Well, it's not like this with anyone else with me. Except Zach, but you just fuck with me too much."
Dick: "Well, I'll try to stay away."
Amber: "No, it's fine."
Dick: "Well, no it's not because you're walking away."

Amber leaves and Dick asks Dustin for advice. Dustin tells Dick to not ignore her, but he shouldn't fuck with her as much and to find a balance. Dustin tells him he's a man of extremes, opposite extremes and tells him to find a balance of them and it will make Dick's relationships better.

Dustin and Dick continue this conversation for about 18 minutes. imageAudio Clip [18 minutes]  Read more here.   See the Video 

Amber cries on Jameka's shoulder

1:45PM BBT:  Amber's crying to Jameka.  She says that she didn't feel comfortable around Dick from the first day when he said his name is "Evil Dick,"  "It means something that Dick's name is 'Evil.'"  Amber told him she didn't like that name and Dick told her it was spelled E-V-E-L
and Amber told him it doesn't matter, it's still "Evil."

Amber says she was reading Jameka's Bible,  and Dick confronted her and asked what she was reading.  The verse was something like "Pain doesn't always hurt you."  Dick argued with her and she said she wouldn't "go there."  He said, "Seriously, can you just enlighten me, please?" Amber told him sometimes you have to hurt to feel better in every situation, take the bad with the good. Dick told her it was a bunch of bullshit.
She says that is why she didn't want to go there, and Dick told her, "But you went there!"  Dick interrupts again, and Jameka and Amber leave the room.

Amber: "See? He didn't want us to talk anymore. That's why."  Jameka says they can go upstairs and then Jameka remembered she said she'd make slop for "those guys."   See the Video 
Zach and Dustin, sleeping. 

The feed in the kitchen is showing Kail sitting at the bar, worried.  She has her hands clasped in front of her mouth.  The camera switches, several times,  between her foot nervously moving up and down,  and her clasped hands in front of her face.  Face -- feet ---face---feet.

Daniele and Jameka are talking about how Jameka can set up a slop store.  Daniele includes Kail in the conversation, and asks what her contribution is. Kail: "I'm the cleanup crew.  I do all of the dishes."  Jameka agrees.   [So I guess Kail does do dishes,  and I don't see it  --Catniptoy]

Daniele and Jameka are cleaning out the fridge.  A lot of the food is spoiled and they are throwing it away.  Most of the meat had an early expiration date.  Amber brought a big load of supplies in on her arm,  and she says you can tell she is a cocktail waitress!

Daniele asks if people at work always ask Amber if she is sure she can carry all of that?  Amber says yes, and she hates it.  Daniele says she gets told that all of the time, and she says, "Don't doubt my muscles!"

Kail is obviously nervous, and looks ready to cry. Jameka is not on slop, because she is eating grilled cheese, which Daniele made for her.

2:20PM BBT:  Jameka made slop with honey in it. Kail is eating it and says it isn't bad at all-- it's perfect.  She says she will get a big bowl and put some in it and put it in the fridge, and that's what she will eat for the week.  She thanks Jameka,  and Jameka says "Anytime."

Jameka says Mike was on the Early Show this morning. She says everyone is after that.  Jen asks how it works when you are going to the jury house?  Eric says that they just aren't allowed to talk to you about the show while you are at the show.  Kail thinks they will send a handler, too.
They think it is weird that being a handler is a job. They said the pre-show handlers were hired from Craig's List and only worked for a few days.  When Eric says the handlers keep quiet because they're threatened with five million dollar law suits if they leak information, then we get FotH.

2:30PM BBT:  Dustin's going to nominate Jen and Kail with hopes of backdooring Zach.  Dustin and Amber are comparing Dick is to Amber as Joe is to Dustin.  Amber says how Jameka told her she doesn't know how she deals with Dick.

2:35PM BBT:  Dustin:  "Who the fuck does Jen think she is?  She hasn't even come up to talk to me yet and it's three hours before nominations."
Amber:  "Some people don't want to come up here and kiss your ass and when I'm HoH the people who don't kiss my ass are safe."
Dustin:  "She probably thinks she is safe because of putting Joe up and doing ab classes with me.  She is just as shallow as her thought process."  [Is it just me,  or is Dustin starting his power trip a bit early?  -Cajunboiler]

Amber:  "So what are you going to say when you put them up?"
Dustin:  "I don't know."
Amber:   "Don't make it too long, I would just say I'm basing my two nominations "
Dustin:  "On Drama! The drama circulating around Jen."

Zach comes up to HoH.  He asks Zach if he can come back in a minute and Zach just asked to listen to music when he can.

Dustin:  "I'm going to tell Kail she is a pawn after nominations. Because when we talked earlier, she said she will go up as a pawn and she completely trusts me. She said that she knows she has Eric, Amber, and Jameka's votes to ensure she does not go home."
Amber:  "I wouldn't tell her anything yet because of the POV. Let's say she wins, she knew she was a pawn."
Dustin:  "She said if she won PoV,  she'll do whatever she wants me to do whether it keeps me the same or doesn't.  I don't know how to personally from my standpoint to pin Jen down because I don't want to make it personal,  but strategically,  remember that rumor of the secret alliance?  She was the only one Joe told that to and she spread that around.  The way she handled that info..."
Amber:  "How would you word that?"
Dustin:  "Info was given to me two weeks ago and she has had ample time--"
Amber:  "You can't say 'you' though!"
Dustin:  "No, after I nominate them."
Amber:  "I would say,  'Jen strategically,  I feel that the votes are there to get you out,  and same to you Kail,  fight for survival.' I usually do good with words ...  I mean..  I,  I, I,  I,  I know,  Well...  Let me think for a minute."
Dustin:  "It's so hard isn't it? I don't want to set it up and split up a pair because it'll come back just like that. I base my nominations this week...."

3:00PM BBT:  Dustin and Amber have brought in Jameka to help craft the words for Dustin's nomination speech.  They re-hash everything again and basically came up with, "I'm nominating you because I don't know where you stand." 

3:45PM BBT:  It's pretty calm right now.  Dick and Eric were in the backyard totally trashing Amber and Dustin etc... Dick wants her out.  Eric so much as says he has a big secret about  Amber and that she told him early in the game and will use it against her if needed.  Moments after Dick trashes his buddy Amber he is in the kitchen apologizing to her.  Saying he loves her..  See the Video  See Part 2 

4:20PM BBT:  Eric and Amber are outside on the chaise.  They're doing some Dick bashing.   In the HoH room,  Jen is talking to Dustin,  making sure she's not going on the block.  She tells him she doesn't think she's going up because she got Joe out of the house for him.  A half hour later they're still talking and Dustin asks her how she'd react if she was nominated.  He tells her that he's asked everyone that question.  She said she'd be hurt if Dustin nominated her.  At 5:00PM their conversation ended with BB calling Dustin to the DR.  Shortly after that BB put the house on outdoor LD.   Everyone runs to the bathroom before going outside.  imageAudio Clip [35 minutes] 

5:15PM BBT:  We're on pre-nomination outdoor LD.  6:00PM BBT:  Still on FotH  6:45PM BBT:  The feeds are back and this time it's Jen who's crying.  Jen just told Nick she is very hurt that Dustin put her up. She would expect it from others but not him.  In the HoH room,  Dustin tells Kail she's just a pawn,  and she can't tell anyone,  not Amber, not Jen,  not Dick,  not Zach.  Dustin tells her that the target is Zach.  After Jen stopped crying Nick went to the bathroom and talked to her. He didn't hug her or say it will be okay, he just said he was surprised that Dustin put her up and he could understand her shock that he did.

Amber came in the bathroom and saw this, gave Nick a dirty look and ran right to Dustin telling him that Jen is faking her tears to get sympathy, just like Janelle did last season when she ended up having Will wrapped around her finger.  She said that Nick was hugging Jen and comforting her and it made her sick to watch it. Dustin says that is it, that proves that Nick and Jen need to go so he told Amber that if Jen isn't off the block she leaves, if she gets off the block then Nick leaves. Amber then back pedals and says that maybe Nick is just playing Jen and Dustin tells her she can't have it both ways.

Amber then goes and whispers to Daniele about Nick. I couldn't hear all of it but Nick's name along with bathroom and Jen's name was used and Daniele says "oh well, less work for me then." Jen and Kail are nominated.  Zach is shown on feed one with the chessboard,  Jen is on feed three touching up her make-up--  good timing she was just called to the DR.

The Big Flip!  Dustin is furious that he gave Jen three chances to tell him who her informant was,  and she wouldn't say it was Nick,  when Dustin planted the information himself.  Dustin says he wants Jen and Nick out before Zach and Kail!  More details Here

7:15PM BBT:  Zach is talking to Dick outside.  He wants to talk with Dick about game.   Dick says not right now because he wants a week off. Zach says he wants to fuck the game up,  heavy duty,  and he wants HoH so bad to do it.  He just wants someone he can plan the end of the game and work back putting the pieces in the right places.  Dick says that no one can do that,  things are thrown up all of the time.  Zach says he just wants someone in the house to play the game with but they don't have to give a damn about each other.   They talk about Jen and how neither of them care if Jen is crying,  she deserves what she gets.  Both feel that they are alone in that house because they don't connect or fit in with anyone else in the house.  Dick says that those who think they are hooked up will soon find out they are just as alone.  Zach says if Dick is interested he would love to have some hard core fun.  Zach says that he is a freaking Hollywood club promoter and no one gets his jokes,  he is just weird to everyone in the house.  He says he isn't clingy.  Dick changes subjects.  Dick leaves to go in the house and Zach sits there shaking his head in a "yes" movement and says "yeahhhhhhh", with a big smile on his face.

Kail has run back to HoH and is wanting more reassurance from Dustin.  Dustin says that he knows she feels like Dick hates her,  but really everyone voted against his wishes and kept her and she can't see he is making more enemies in the house because of it.  [Basically he is telling her that Dick doesn't hate Kail, he is just messing with her.]   Kail says she trusts Dustin 100% but if she gets nervous she is going to need to talk to him,  but Dustin says to hang on till tomorrow and it will be solved.  Either way PoV goes, she is staying.

7:30PM BBT:  On the patio,  Jen says she is only emotional because of her period.  At first it hurt because she thought it meant Dustin didn't like her and she is better now and understands why she is up, she says.  Jen says she's won two PoV's and just needs to do it again.

Dick says he doesn't feel she won anything because the nine gallons of water question in the HoH contest was a crock of shit and he walked off the pedestal for her to win the second.  Dick says Mike wanted to go up and now he is gone so she hasn't won anything yet. 

Dick tells Zach and Jen that already he's starting to miss Mike.  When Dick came into the house he just assumed Kail would be the house mother and do all the cooking and cleaning,  but she didn't and Mike did,  "He'd make a good house mother." Dick comments.

8:00PM BBT:  Jen and Dustin got into the hammock together,  I think they just did it to get away from Zach.   They're friends again.  Jen,  who really does have a good attitude,  says she's here to experience everything.  She wants to eat the slop go up on the block,  compete in the games,  and hopefully get to sequester so she can party with everyone on the beach. 

8:15PM BBT:  Jen and Kail are in the sultan's room and Kail is saying that one of them needs to win PoV. 

Here's What We Know:  BB has told the HGs there will be a surprise tomorrow.  The HGs are hoping for a luxury challenge.  The PoV competition will be held indoors tomorrow.  The players for the competition will be selected tonight.  The contest will take two to four hours!

We're getting a lot of FotH interruptions tonight so conversations are hard to follow.  8:45PM BBT:  Feeds return after nearly a half hour of FotH,  oops, 8:46PM it's FotH again.  8:49PM Back,  It sounds like everyone is planning on going to bed early because they'll need to get up early for the PoV contest.

9:00PM BBT:  The players for tomorrow's PoV challenge have been selected.  So far we only know that Jessica will be playing for Kail, and it sounds like Eric will host.  Jameka tries to comfort Kail,  Kail agrees with Jameka and says,  "You're right, it's not in my hands, it's in God's hand whether I should stay or go."  Next Jameka gets Jen alone in the gym and tells her that she plays this game with her faith,  and if Jen needs her,  she'll be there to fight for her.  [I don't think Jen understood it either.]  Daniele will be playing.

9:15PM BBT:  Zach was on the patio talking to dick.  Zach says he spent two years "building a reality show" he hopes to sell to "a channel out here."   Daniele comes out and Zach is asked to leave so they can talk.  Daniele says she doesn't want to compete tomorrow.  "Why?  You're good at competitions." Dick tells her.  They think it's going to be one of those "What's missing in the house?" games.  They laugh at how lame Zach is and Dick says it was stupid to think Zach is a threat and he's so happy that Kail's going home this week.  [Really?] 

Dick goes on to say that Jen is a freak the way she memorizes things.  Dick likes to re-arrange all the dishes in the cabinets before he goes to bed because Jen puts them all away sorted by color.  One day Jen said something about there being a certain number of orange tiles.  When Dick caught her,  Jen laughed it off and said she just made up the number and really didn't know how many tiles there are.  When Jen left, Dick counted the tiles, and there are just as many as Jen said there are.    imageAudio Clip [35 minutes] 

Dick tells Daniele he's pretty sick of Dustin and he can't wait until they can get rid of them. 

9:30PM BBT:  Dick and Daniele go inside, and now on the patio Jen and Kail are figuring out their strategy for the PoV contest.  Kail is telling Jen that they need to stick together and get Dick and Daniele out next week.  Kail says it's going to be a long week for her.  She says if she wins the PoV,  she may have to take Jen down.   Jen says, "That's funny."  Kail says she doesn't think Jen would have the votes to stay against anyone else.  Kail says,  if she wins,  she'll talk to Dustin before she does anything.   Jen says they need to take Daniele out of the competition, but anyone else should be on their side.

Jen says Eric has been getting shady.  He took Jen out of the HoH competition and left Daniele in for three more turns.  Kail says Daniele has been flirting with Eric, but Jen says that has no effect on Eric.  Kail: "Have you noticed that Evil is a little different the last few days?"  Jen: "How?"  Kail: "He's almost quiet.  I think he's scared."  Jen: "Scared he might go up?"  Kail: "Well it's happened the last two weeks.  I think he's afraid." 

9:55PM BBT: Dick returns and Jen asks if he's going to bed early.  Dick asks, "For what?"  Jen:  "Oh yeah,  you're not hosting and you're not competing."  imageAudio Clip [22 minutes] 

10:25PM BBT:  The SR has been a busy place to conspire tonight.  Right now, Dustin and Amber are going over all the who said whats of the day.  Dustin says that Dick told him Kail's going home this week,  "And I told Dick, "No,' I'm HoH this week and I'm going to use my week to backdoor Zach."  There's lots of hugging going on, Amber needs constant reassurance. 

10:35PM BBT:  The LNC is on the patio, Jameka,  Eric,  Daniele,  Jessica,  and Dick.  Dustin announces that it is still his intention to backdoor Zach and that Jameka,  if she wins PoV,  will do whatever she feels she must do.

10:55PM BBT:   imageAudio Clip [4 minutes] 

11:30PM BBT:  The LNC reconvenes and the subject is:  "Who do we throw out?"  Dustin wants Zach out,  Amber wants what Dustin wants,  Jessica, Dick, Daniele and Jameka want Kail out,  Eric wants to go with the group.  After a half hour of talk,  Daniele suggests that since they all agree there are four targets,  Nick,  Zach,  Jen and Kail as long as they get one out, it's all good,  and why try to figure things out now,  when tomorrow is the PoV and after that they'll know what their choices are.  Everyone agrees with Daniele,  and the meeting was adjourned.  imageAudio Clip [24 minutes] 

Thanks to: April, bb8addict, CAchristine, Cajunboiler, Catniptoy, cenerentola, Dade, DreamAngel, dumblonde, elsaheat, eyeluvhowie, georgectv, jammer, Jem, Katydidit, LovesBigBrother, Marty, Maurer05, mommamize, Morty, MsT, pierceka, Ptmsf, Sandy, smirnoff, snancypants, Soyyo, StephenV and wolfrider for keeping us informed.

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