
The Big Brother Archive


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Nominated PoV
HoH Nominated

Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 12, 2007
#1 Thursday, July 5, 2007 #40 Monday, August 13, 2007
#2 Friday, July 6, 2007 #41 Tuesday, August 14, 2007
#3 Saturday, July 7, 2007 #42 Wednesday, August 15, 2007
#4 Sunday, July 8, 2007 #43 Thursday, August 16, 2007
#5 Monday, July 9, 2007 #44 Friday, August 17, 2007
#6 Tuesday, July 10, 2007 #45 Saturday, August 18, 2007
#7 Wednesday, July 11, 2007 #46 Sunday, August 19, 2007
#8 Thursday, July 12, 2007 #47 Monday, August 20, 2007
#9 Friday, July 13, 2007 #48 Tuesday, August 21, 2007
#10 Saturday, July 14, 2007 #49 Wednesday, August 22, 2007
#11 Sunday, July 15, 2007 #50 Thursday, August 23, 2007
#12 Monday, July 16, 2007 #51 Friday, August 24, 2007
#13 Tuesday, July 17, 2007 #52 Saturday, August 25, 2007
#14 Wednesday, July 18, 2007 #53 Sunday, August 26, 2007
#15 Thursday, July 19, 2007 #54 Monday, August 27, 2007
#16 Friday, July 20, 2007 #55 Tuesday, August 28, 2007
#17 Saturday, July 21, 2007 #56 Wednesday, August 29, 2007
#18 Sunday, July 22, 2007 #57 Thursday, August 30, 2007
#19 Monday, July 23, 2007 #58 Friday, August 31, 2007
#20 Tuesday, July 24, 2007 #59 Saturday, September 1, 2007
#21 Wednesday, July 25, 2007 #60 Sunday, September 2, 2007
#22 Thursday, July 26, 2007 #61 Monday, September 3, 2007
#23 Friday, July 27, 2007 #62 Tuesday, September 4, 2007
#24 Saturday, July 28, 2007 #63 Wednesday, September 5, 2007
#25 Sunday, July 29, 2007 #64 Thursday, September 6, 2007
#26 Monday, July 30, 2007 #65 Friday, September 7, 2007
#27 Tuesday, July 31, 2007 #66 Saturday, September 8, 2007
#28 Wednesday, August 1, 2007 #67 Sunday, September 9, 2007
#29 Thursday, August 2, 2007 #68 Monday, September 10, 2007
#30 Friday, August 3, 2007 #69 Tuesday, September 11, 2007
#31 Saturday, August 4, 2007 #70 Wednesday, September 12, 2007
#32 Sunday, August 5, 2007 #71 Thursday, September 13, 2007
#33 Monday, August 6, 2007 #72 Friday, September 14, 2007
#34 Tuesday, August 7, 2007 #73 Saturday, September 15, 2007
#35 Wednesday, August 8, 2007 #74 Sunday, September 16, 2007
#36 Thursday, August 9, 2007 #75 Monday, September 17, 2007
#37 Friday, August 10, 2007 #76 Tuesday, September 18, 2007
#38 Saturday, August 11, 2007 #77 Wednesday, September 19, 2007
  #78 Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thursday,  August 30, 2007:  Betcha She Cries...

I know the whole point of this site is spoilers, but this week's eviction seems so cut-and-dry, that I'll give you the option of not reading it.

After Midnight:  The house was on indoor LD since 6:00PM and at 12:06AM,  lockdown was over.  Daniele goes outside and there's something that looks like a stage with a tarp over it,  perhaps, a stage, with a tarp over it.  "Six hours for that!" Daniele exclaims.  "It looks like a stage with a tarp over it."

Daniele,  Zach and Eric try to figure out what the HoH competition will be, and Eric dares them to rip off the tarp "to see what it is."  Zach says there is "something behind the trees" as it is probably camouflage for something.  [Oh my gosh,  I think I figured it out,  Zach's real job before getting on BB was developing our exit strategy in Iraq.  -Morty

Daniele opens a container of "Private Select" [gag] ice cream while Zach sings songs from Alice in Wonderland .Zach now says that he can have a small scoop-- of chocolate.

Daniele "I hope it's endurance tomorrow." and Zach hopes he's still there saying he doesn't want to be stuck with Jen and Dustin for a week..

On the subject of BB After Dark on Shotoo, Daniele says "I heard its doing really well."  Zach thinks it was canned and asks,  "How did you hear that?"  and she says,  "from my trip outside the house."  Daniele's thoughts go back to what's under the tarp.  Zach wants to talk but is tired and Daniele says "We'll chat in the morning/"

12:20PM BBT:  Jameka and Amber are almost finished packing Amber's clothes, Jameka shoves in the last few things.  Jameka is trying to keep Amber positive. 

Zach comes in and asks if it would be OK to turn the lights off in a hour, they says it's  fine with them.  Zach tells them he "packed in five minutes."

Amber laments about all "the fucking mistakes in this game."  Jameka silent then talks about getting her stuff out of the bathroom.  Amber is leaving her "New Balance" shoes behind as they are "too rough" saying "I like soft shoes."  Amber hauls all her stuff to the SR where Zach's bag is. 

12:45PM  BBT:  Dick tells Eric and Zach "She has a worried look on their face."   Dick talks about what a mistake it was for Jameka to give up her right to compete in the next two HoHs. 

Daniele comes out of DR "I have an announcement--  Just kidding."

Dick talks about how Nakomis was listed as Jennifer on everything, she gets in the house and tells everyone she's called Nakomis.  This is followed by more talk about previous seasons. 

Daniele starts guessing what the HG's nicknames are on the message boards.  For Zach,  Daniele says we're calling him, "Angry inch" or "Eyebrow tweezer" or "Porn star.

2:00AM BBT:  Zach's pretending to be asleep, Jessica really is,   Eric and Dick talk some game in the bathroom.  Dick tells Eric that it's essential that they win HoH.  Zach plans to put up Jameka and Jessica and backdoor Eric if he wins HoH.  They say that if the HoH contest is elimination, they take Zach out first.  Eric confirms that the plan is still to vote out Amber tomorrow.   There's a lot of giggling about Zach's crazy ideas and how poorly Amber's played the game. 

2:30AM BBT:  Dick and Eric  are still in the bathroom whispering and giggling. [Careful boys, there's one Bible verse you might want to remember, "Pride goeth before a fall."  --Morty & Proverbs ] Read more

3:30AM BBT:  Dick and Daniele are still up   Read more

4:00AM BBT:   Eric is in the HoH room discussing with Jessica what questions Julie will ask on tonight's show.  Dick is now doing something to the grass figure by the front door.  He's putting rubber gloves on the grass bunny.  Jessica is either drinking root beer or a beer.  Jessica tells Eric that for some reason,  Amber thinks she's keeping her if there's a tie.  Eric says if there is a tie,  then something is fishy because then either Dick or Daniele didn't vote for Amber.  Jessica ask Eric if he might vote to keep Amber and he says no,  he's voting her out.  Jessica calls him PV (Phantom Vote).  Eric says if for any reason there is a tie,  Jessica should kick Amber out and campaigns for Amber to leave.  Says Amber leaving will break up Jameka and Amber.

Putting on the finishing touches...

Dick was doing something in the kitchen, then goes into the SR. Jessica asks Eric is he's going to tell Amber. He says he's going to avoid her. Dick continues to add props to the bunny by the door.  Looks like an orange peel around both eyes.  Eric and Jessica eating in bed as Eric tells Jessica that Jameka loves his hair, and said he looks like Justin Timberlake and is Bringing Sexy Back. Jessica repeats that Amber didn't talk to anyone tonight. They talk about what to say to Jameka if they tell her they're voting out Amber.  [If the HGs are having trouble sleeping they should watch this crap.  --Morty]

There's brief FotH and then Eric's alone in the bed.  During the FotH Jessica was called to the DR.  Dick enters the HoH room.  Eric tells Dick that Jessica was asked to go to the DR by a voice only in the HoH room.  Talk about Janelle and all her winnings and she didn't win the game and how Dr. Will never won any challenges, one BB1 and almost won BB7.

4:15AM BBT:  Dick and Eric are talking about what Amber's reaction will be when she's evicted. They watch Jessica come out of the DR and her come upstairs. Eric's rehashing to Dick what happened last night when Daniele was making cookies and how Amber probably heard Eric and Daniele talking and how she came running out after Eric had gone back to the HoH room. Eric says that Daniele told Eric that for the 10th time Amber told Daniele about her pooping in the pants around her boyfriend.

4:30AM BBT:  Dick talks about how Zach's master plan is to nominate Jameka and Jessica and backdoor Eric because he's the biggest threat.  Eric says that there's no more backdooring, as everyone has an equal opportunity in the veto competition.  They're also talking about their odds of winning all the following competitions. Eric says that they are responsible for everyone in the jury house and that they have had a hand in everyone but Carol leaving the house.  Dick asks if a group has ever steamed rolled so many people.

Eric says he has a feeling James will be here tomorrow.  He feels like past HGs will return and he has a feeling James will be here tomorrow.   There's more talk about if they should try to scare Zach tomorrow by telling him that he's basically leaving and then saving him.  Talking about all the stuff Zach packed from the house.  Dick says he kept a snake from the veto competition he won.

4:45PM BBT:  Dick is back outside smoking and Eric and Jessica are in bed in the HoH room,  talking.

5:00AM BBT:  Eric and Jessica are discussing the colors in the little room and things to remember from the house.

6:00AM BBT:  Lots of noise behind walls in Dick's Room and it wakes him up and he's not happy. Jessica and Eric are still awake and talking about the game and general chitchat. Jessica is back to asking Eric will he do stupid things like jump in the pool with his mic on. 

6:40AM BBT:  Jessica and Eric Still talking in Bed with lights off. Dick keeps moving around. Doesn't seem like he can sleep. Eric just kissed Jessica and said "Goodnight" but they’re face to face and STILL talking. 

7:00AM BBT:  Lots of under the cover smooching between Jessica and Eric. They came out from under the covers for air and she's rubbing his head. "How do you like it?" he asks. "I like it a lot. I'm afraid Jameka might like it more than me." Jessica replies. 
Eric: "Am I squeezing you too much?" 
Jessica: "Uh unh,"

Just a lot of pre-sleep cuddling and kissing going on. 

7:48AM BBT:  All 4 feeds are on the HoH and Eric and Jessica are now sleeping.  8:55PM BBT:  Ummmmm so guess what?! There is no change.  All 4 feeds remain on the HoH room with Eric and Jessica. Very quiet, only some movement when turning etc.   Every once in a while you can hear banging, more like a knocking sound and I’m not sure where its coming from.  It’s either behind the walls or outside in the house.  We heard a really loud bang.  No movement form the HGs.  [I wonder if the rats behind the wall do that on purpose – GemRep]

9:05AM BBT: FotH.  9:20AM BBT:  FotH turned to Trivia.  

Get your Dyson for $399.00.  Includes shipping!

9:35AM BBT:  What the heck? We're back and all 4 feeds remain on the HoH room with Jessica and Eric sleeping.   9:40AM BBT:  BB: "PLEASE CLEAN UP THE HOUSE" In a stern voice.  [- GemRep]  No movements and all 4 feeds remain on Eric and Jessica in the HoH bedroom sleeping.

9:40AM BBT:  Feeds change to Amber, Danielle and Zach in the storage room. Either I have no sound or they aren't making any sound not sure which. BB: “The bedroom lights must remain on during the day.” Still no sound from Danielle, Zach or Amber.

Jameka is sweeping the bathroom while everyone else wandering around, not really doing anything, not even ADLs.

9:50AM BBT:  Dick is vacuuming the rug in the bathroom, we keep getting FotH a lot but only for seconds and then feeds come back. All 4 feeds remain on bathroom. Amber still cleaning the shower, Dick vacuuming with a yellow Dyson [I want one of those – GemRep] Dick gets done vacuuming the rug and Jameka rolling it up to sweep. Dick heads down the hallway vacuuming.

9:50AM BBT:  Jameka is complaining she says, "Do it or don't do it" and "I just can't with these people" and Amber agreeing "yeah." [We can only guess they are complaining about the non-cleaners in the house.]  Daniele is cleaning the kitchen.  No sign of Zach, Eric or Jessica.

10:25AM BBT:  Everyone has to report to the HoH room for a LD. 10:35AM BBT:  Eric and Jessica in bed, sleeping. Jameka at the foot of the bed with Dick on the floor and Danielle and Amber whispering and we could not hear one word of it and it can't be that important with everyone around them. Zach sitting there and no talk really from anyone. Earlier they were talking about how they remember when everyone used to be up there and how gross it was.

Dick tells Zach that they stayed up long enough to compare notes and send your ass out the door, “fucking dick.” Zach says, “Whatever I didn't do anything.” Dick says, “Yeah you should have kept your stories straight."

Zach says he is happy to set the story straight. Dick says I'm going to sleep right now. Zach says, "whatever" he doesn't know what he did, and doesn't think he did anything.

10:40AM BBT:  Danielle said, "Sounds like a vacuum? They are re-vacuuming the house?" [I'd be pissed if I was Dick, they wake us up to clean and vacuum and then send us up to the HoH room so they can go behind you and re-do everything?! – GemRep]

10:45AM BBT:  Danielle is whispering and laughing to Zach and Zach is whispering back. I can't understand a word they are saying. Everyone else is quiet or sleeping.

Danielle and Zach continue every once in a while followed by silence off and on.

11:00AM BBT:  No change. Everyone has been quiet for a while now. Danielle laughing to herself and whispers to Zach,  "Why are they going through the refrigerator?"

11:05AM BBT:  Zach doing hand movements to Danielle. He pointed at Dick and then did some hand movement and pointed to himself. Danielle is whispering and laughing and again, can't understand her. Zach just did a movement with his hands like being stabbed in the back. Amber gets up and asks Danielle something and Danielle says, “No.” Quiet again.

Zach asks about a scar on Daniele's leg and Danielle whispers, "When I was little I was crazy." Quiet again.  11:40AM BBT:  Dick is snoring really loudly and Daniele says, “Good lord." Zach says something inaudible. Daniele: “He's so annoying” and they both laugh.  By 12:05PM BBT:  The HoH LD is over.  Here is what happened between 12:10 and 12:50pm.  Read more

1:00PM BBT:  Zach in the big bedroom talking to Jessica about people tactics in the game and that he doesn't approve of them. He hopes that Dick and Daniele keep him. He says, "I'm a stat guy and a number guy and I tend to play odds rather than intuition and faith because it's just a game." Jessica just saying, "Yeah." Zach says, “No hard feelings,” and doesn't appreciate being on the block or possibly going home but “no hard feelings” because he had the chance to take himself off and he couldn't win. He says, “Like in season seven, you reap what you sew... So no worries." Jessica just says, "Yeah" and Zach leaves Jessica there alone.

1:05PM BBT:  All four feeds are on Jessica in the big bedroom unpacking her things from a white plastic bag. She sighs every once in a while but everything is quiet right now. FotH

We come back fairly quickly and all four feeds remain on Jessica. [Poor girl, she keeps sighing. I wonder what’s on her mind? – GemRep] Zach comes in and asks where Eric is and Jessica says he was upstairs but not sure where he is now. Zach goes into the little room and all four feeds remain on sighing Jessica.

1:20PM BBT:  Amber has no shame!  All four feeds are on her getting ready in the bathroom.  She opens her towel to re-wrap it but shows us everything in the process.  [Stop that - GemRep]  We can hear Jessica and Eric talking in the background.

The afternoon report by pierceka - Read more  

3:00PM BBT:  We've had Trivia since 2:30PM and won't be updating this page till after the show.

 "When I saw Jameka letting it rip on Dick, I was like, go sis!"

Josh, Eric'a older brother.

Eric and Cheryl

The Power is up for Grabs in the Big Brother Tea Party

In a twist if fate, Zach takes an early lead.

Tonight's Broadcast:  In the HoH bedroom, Jessica is sobbing and telling Eric that she doesn't feel right putting up two people that she doesn't have a problem with.  Eric tells Jessica, "Amber does not really like you, and you do not really like her."  Jessica: "No, I don't.."  Their conversation is interrupted by Amber,  who pleads that they should want "a good person" to win the game.  Amber leaves and Jessica says that she wants to evict Zach.  

Meanwhile,  in the BY,  Dick is working on a commitment from Zach.  Zach willingly offers his allegiance to him and Daniele,  but Zach has promised Eric that he'll help him get  Dick and Daniele evicted.  Amber returns to the HoH room to cast aspersions on Eric's loyalty,  and that he has a girlfriend back home.  Amber asks that Jessica not say anything to Eric,  but when Eric feels Jessica's hiding something,  he confronts her and she tells him everything.  Eric explains  all of Amber's allegations to Jessica's satisfaction.

Julie talks to the HGs:  "Greetings houseguests. :  HGs: "Hi, Julie"  Julie:   "This week you all got naked for a shopping spree. Jessica,  in the beginning you were nervous but by the end you were calling it your best day in the Big Brother house.  Why?"  Jessica:  "I was really nervous because I'm pretty conservative girl when I'm back at home.  But after I took my clothes off,  I was like oh,  it is a whole new me.  It was a lot of fun."  Julie:  "Glad you had a good time.  Daniele,  when you learned that Nick was waiting in the wings to help you play 'The Power of Ten,' you got very emotional.  If you had gotten to see him what would you have said to him?"  Daniele:  "One, five, three.  You know t is really hard being in this house knowing that somebody was there to see me.  I honestly thought I wasn't going to find out who it was. And I think I would have preferred not knowing who it was until I was out of here it is just a hard situation,  you know.  I really do wish that Nick was still in the house.  And there is honestly a lot that I would like to say for him but I can sum it up in those three numbers."  Julie: "Can you decode them for us."  Daniele:  "No, he knows what it is."   Julie:  "Okay.  Amber, you could have walked away with $10,000 on 'The Power of Ten.'  But instead you tried your hand at $100 grand and ended up with only one grand. Any regrets?"  Amber:  "I regretted it a little bit at first because I felt like it was a selfish move.  But I felt like I got put in that position for a reason.  And I had to go for it for my family and you know, I definitely don't regret it at all. It was an experience of a lifetime.  And I learned a lot from it."  Julie: "Thanks,  Amber. Dick.  Robin from Middletown,   Delaware has a viewer question for you.  But pictures speak louder than words."   They showed a montage of clips showing Dick spitting.  Julie:  "Well, Robin asks, 'Why do you spit so much?'"  Dick:  "I have no idea, Julie, it's just -- I don't know.  Like walking and talking, really."  Julie: "Thank you, everyone."

Inside the house some have criticized Jameka for her faith.  Now her church and family speak out.  In a clip from Jameka's church,  the preacher gives a shout out to Jameka:  "Hey,  I want to give a shout out to one of our members, her name is Jameka Cameron.  And she is on a show called Big Brother 8.  We love you, Jameka and we are praying for you."   Danita, Jameka's older sister said, "Jameka is a great young lady.  I think she loves the Lord.  And I believe God has ordained for Jameka to be on this show, you know,  Jameka is a great example of a Christian person. "  She went on to comment,  "When I saw Jameka letting it rip on Dick, I was like, go sis!"  See the Video

When it was revealed that Eric would be America's player his family was afraid that it would destroy his game.  But could a showmance do the same.  His brothers and the girl he left behind tell us what they think.  Eric's brother Josh, the lawyer weighs in on the subject,  "My whole family are huge reality TV fans as a whole.  I'm  Josh,  Eric's older brother.  I have been watching Big Brother the entire summer on CBS, on Showtime,  on the internet.  I have been talking about it with fans on message boards.  It really has been my life this summer.   I think that Eric is currently in the best position he's been all summer.  Aligning with Dick allowed the American people to really align with Eric.  I'm optimistic that by aligning with Dick and Daniele,  Eric and Jessica have a foursome that can get themselves it to the end."

"It was never Eric's intention going into this game to have a romantic fling.  The fact that it happened anyway indicates that he had true interest.  Cheryl was his e girlfriend who is on-again, off-again for over four years. But about three weeks before he entered  the Big Brother house he did consider getting back together with her,  and she was not interested."

Eric's younger brother assures us Eric's single, "Eric may have lied about America's player but if there is one thing Eric has been 100% honest about is that he is not dating anyone.  Cheryl is not his girl friend at the time he entered this house."  

Next, Cheryl clues us in:  "I have been going out with Eric for four and a half years.  I miss him.  I miss him but watching him on TV, I get excited for him. I basically prep myself up before each episode, I am like his little cheerleader.  Jessica and Eric in the house right now, they're completely forming a bond. The thing is, you can't help but be a little jealous. You can't. That's just human nature. Oh, now I am going to cry. "  See the Video

Now let's go live to the HoH room and join Jessica,  the current head of household.  Julie:  "Hello,  Jessica. "  Jessica:  "Hi, Julie. " Julie:  "As Jen left last week she told her to warn you about a relationship she might have outside the house.  What did you think of that news?"  Jessica:  "Well, coming from the source of Jen, I didn't know if I could trust Jen in the game.  And I felt it was kind of a last effort to maybe stir up some stuff in the house. So I listened to what Amber had to same. And then I also spoke with Eric.  And you know, I've trusted Eric the whole time throughout the game. So I went ahead and trusted him again and didn't believe what  Jen said."   Julie: "When the two of you shared your first kiss the other day, your first reaction was, 'about time.'  Why do you think it took him so long?"  Jessica:  "Um, just the pressure of knowing you are on TV and people are always watching.  And we're supposed to be here for a game but we still like each other. So it was just, you know, crazy."  Julie: "Well you and Eric have an alliance with Dick and Daniele.  If it does come down to Dick and Daniele and Eric and you in the final four,  who do you think will be the first one out?"  Jessica:  "Well, I think a lot of people think that I will be the first one out.  But I think a lot of people are underestimating how competitive of a person I am. And so I'm going to try my best to make it to the end and make sure it's someone else and not me."  Julie: "Thank you, Jessica."

The live vote is next:  Jameka voted to evict Zach, 78% of America voted to evict Amber, Dick voted to evict Amber, as did Daniele.  Amber was evicted 3:1.  She wasn't very surprised when Julie read the results, she did cry,  but carried herself well and hugged everyone, and wished them luck.  Her final words. "There's leftover steak in the bottom of the fridge."   Amber complimented Julie on her outfit, and although tearful, it was one of Amber's finer moments.  IMHO  Julie: "You've also said that what happens in the Big Brother house is in God's hands.  Do you believe that he didn't want you to win?"  Amber:  " Honestly, I don't believe that he didn't want me to win. I made a lot of mistakes in this game by evicting Nick.  You know,  trusting certain people.  And I feel like, you know, I was on TV.  I was shown to the world. I feel like there is something in this for me, whether it is me to be an inspirational speaker, going to nursing school,  something's going to come out of it."  See the Video

The power is up for grabs:  Jessica, the current HoH is not eligible to compete and neither is Jameka who gave up her chance to compete for five weeks.  This is week number four. Julie:  "Tonight's competition is called the Big Brother tea party.  Each you is standing next to a teapot filled with 55 gallons of tea.  You must transfer the tea from your teapot to your tank at the end of your walkway as fast as you can.  As the level in the tank rises, so will the silver ball that is in it.  Your goal is to pour enough tea into your tank so the silver ball rises high enough for to you get it out. The first houseguest to carry their silver ball to the finish line will be the new head of household. Does everyone understand? "  Julie:  "Now the container that you will be using to transfer your tea is under the silver dome. Go ahead and remove the dome. "   Each player got a little eat cup.  Julie: "The competition competition starts -- starts now.   If you think it will take a long time to fill up those large glass tanks, you're right.  The cups hold only three ounces of tea and it takes 16 gallons to figure up those tanks. That is about 683 trips back and forth or seven miles.  Even if they run it could take all night to fill those tanks."

Julie: "The HoH competition is under way and the houseguests are racing to fill their tanks with tea.  What they don't know is that we're about to make things a lot more slippery with a concoction of corn oil and baby oil."  Streams of the slippery stuff shot up onto the floor.  Everyone continued to carry their cups to the tank at the end of their ally.   See the Video

Who do you want Eric to get nominated  It's your choice.   Click Here to Vote 

Julie gives out some program information:  "Tuesday at 9:00, 8:00 central, a very special Power of Veto competition will be hosted by Big Brother All-Star, Janelle.  Next Thursday at 8:00 we will have you a shocker for the houseguests. They won't know it but by the end of the hour,  two of them will be evicted.  It's a double live eviction."

6:45PM BBT:  Jameka is coaching someone, quietly,  you can't see who,  but I think it's Daniele.  She tells the person to "Hold it from the bottom. Your thumb is taking up room. Hold it from the bottom!"  See the Video

Eric almost slipped. Jameka: "That's okay, Eric! Anything can happen!"

Jameka announces loudly that Zach is in the lead and that Eric is coming up close. Eric makes a really frustrated sound as he almost slips. Jessica says that she didn't want to be "shaky" earlier when  Julie questioned her, and she says that Julie gave her "zingers, as expected."
Jameka; Anything can happen, but we have two men who really want HoH!  Jameka says they have two other people who are really working to come up in the ranks, though.

Jameka and Jessica are talking low at certain times, between themselves.  Jameka asks Jessica if she thinks Zach is in the lead. Jessica says maybe--it's hard to tell as the red is so bright.  Jameka tells Daniele "Let's go! Let's go!"

Jameka, still doing commentary,  says, "This is very close. Zach wants first time HoH. Daniele wants third HoH and E.D. hasn't had since second or third week."  Dick:  "I want my letter from my son!"  Zach: "I want my letter from my folks.!"  Jameka rambles off lucky numbers and Daniele corrects her twice. 

Jessica, on the sidelines,  drinks another Red Bull.   Jessica: "My questions from Julie were zingers." Jameka questions the HoH competition rules.  Daniele gets squirted in the face with the slippery stuff,  "Michael you suck!, well its probably because I asked for it."  [That's Michael A. Miller who has produced all the BB competitions this season.]  Jameka: "Looks like Zach pulling in lead."

Eric says that he feels it is time to reveal that his "Slow but steady strategy" is proving to be a horrible strategy. Jessica repeats this, and laughs. Dick says Eric was trying "tortoise and the hare."
Eric says he thought slow but steady would work, but the others keep getting faster and faster.
Jameka says "That's okay. Keep closing in the gap! That's okay!!"

Jameka seems to be cheering on everyone but maybe Zach. She just told Dick, "Good one, E.D. Good one!"
Jameka yells out things now and then, like "Every drop counts, people!"

Jessica tells Eric that it looks like he "peed himself."
Jameka says that if there is a winner for prettiest in the comp, it would be Daniele.
Dick says, "Hey!" like he is contesting that (jokingly) and Zach as been completely silent, running back and forth.  He's ahead, and Daniele is second. I'd say Dick and Eric are about even.

7:10PM BBT:  Zach looks to be just about at the halfway mark, already.  Daniele is close behind. Daniele is making little grunting sounds now and then as she runs--she seems to be a little out of breath.

Jessica: "The power is up for grabs!"
Dick: "My butt is up for grabs. Dustin and Joe are out, though."
Jameka tells Daniele that she is only about 5 away.  She tells them that Daniele and Eric are "Still pulling through" and keeps saying it is "all right" to Daniele, as she (Daniele) makes a sort of grunt/whine sound, over and over.

Lots of FotH and terrible quality on the feeds.

The houseguests are being offered deals.  We later see Dick using two cups.  Zach is probably over 2/3 done, now. Daniele looks to still be just at about 1/2.

We finally get a long shot of all four bowls. It looks like Dick really is ahead of Daniele now.  Eric is in last place.  Daniele says something about butter in her teeth.  Jessica says something about how she wished she could get a phone call and hear that her brother is home now.
FotH again briefly
Jessica:  "Eric's picking up! I feel bad for laughing at him. (laughs)"

7:45PM BBT:  The camera person is showing Dick and Zach's bowls, now. Zach is still ahead. Dick is close behind.  [I can't see Zach losing unless he trips and breaks his leg or something, at this point.--Cat]

Jessica says that Zach has been only using two cups for a long time, too. (And he's still ahead).
Daniele: "I changed my mind! I do like questions!" (competitions)
Jessica is wondering why they aren't having the next envelope read.
Zach is smiling....

7:48PM BBT:  Zach tries to get balls out of the bowl, and can't. He goes for more liquid.

7:50PM BBT: Zach gets his ball out and wins HoH!   Daniele says, "Eight days of cold showers." It sounds like Daniele traded hot showers for a second tea cup.  See the Video More Video:  | Video #1 | Video #2 | Video #3 | Video #4 |

 Zach gives Daniele a big hug.  He ignores Jessica at first when she tries to give him the key.  She asks if he wants the key.  He says yes, and comes around to get it.  She hands him the key.  She starts to hug him,  but he doesn't respond.  She stops trying [acting like he was messy, and that was why, but he did not respond to her, either.--Cat]  Everyone congratulates Zach on his win and five HGs will be puckering tonight up to ensure their key comes out of the box tomorrow.  

8:00PM BBT:   Eric is whispering to Daniele. He says that he doesn't want them to think that he wasn't trying--he was just beaten by so much.
Daniele and Eric are whispering.  Feed one shows Jessica, and it looks like she looks over at them, and then she just abruptly turns away.
Eric whispers something about Zach being a piece of shit. Talking about things Zach promised.
Eric: "He's gonna put her up. (Jessica) I just fucking know it."
Daniele seems pretty cheerful. She tells him not to worry--there's always PoV.  Eric says that maybe the four of them should stand up and tell Zach that they are an alliance,  and if he put one of them up and takes them out,  yes he will get one of them out.  But the other three will still be there, and they will take him out.

Zach says that if it had been questions,  he wouldn't have a chance, as he is a "dork and loser,"  but when it is physical, he is good at it.  He says he is glad Jen wasn't competing.  Eric says if she was, he would have pushed her off the lane and would have been disqualified. No answer to that from anyone.  Eric and Dick look really upset.  Daniele is calling Zach "Zachary!" and telling him not to forget something, asking about his pictures.

BB:  "HG, this is a lockdown."  They are told to go inside.  Jessica asks if Eric is really okay. He says he is.  Jessica: "Thank you for the phone call."  (Sounds like Eric won or traded for a phone call and gave it to Jessica)
FotH!  See the Video

8:15PM BBT:  Daniele: "You guys! Cold water for eight days?"  Jameka: "You were responsible for two of them!" (Jokingly stern voice) Daniele says she wouldn't have taken it if everyone else hadn't already done it.  They were offered things during the competition.  Daniele says that she didn't take the phone call because she didn't know who she wanted to talk with.  She says she knew who she wanted to talk to, but she had someone else she wanted to talk to, also.  So, she didn't want that decision.  Jameka says that maybe if she had been able to be alone,  it would have been different. BB is telling everyone to put on mics, even though they have no clothes on.  Dick: "Give me a second.  Goddamn!" Jessica is sitting alone at the table, looking upset.  Eric,  Zach and Dick around the shower area,  taking showers.  Zach says that a beer would be good, now.  Zach is out now, and the other two guys are showering.  Daniele is saying something about how she was asked if there was "anything she wanted to say to Nick."  She couldn't think--thought she would say something about how glad she was that he got rid of the "hideous mustache and hair."  Daniele is very chipper right now.

Jessica is whispering to Jameka. She says that she is excited about the phone call, but kind of feels bad that Eric didn't keep it for himself. Jessica says she is hoping Dean (her brother that was stationed in Iraq) is home.   Jameka says she is happy for her, and she would rather Jessica got it (Jessica said she felt bad Jameka didn't get it).  Jameka says you enter the game thinking you won't have friends, but you end up having them.   Jessica says that there aren't many weeks left.  Jameka says they have to see how this week goes.  Jessica says she had to sit this one out with Jameka.  Jessica is worried about how this week will go.  Jameka says she doesn't understand--she thought she only had to sit out four HoHs, and she could compete on the fifth. Jessica explains she still has one more to go before she can compete, after this. Jameka is confused, then understands and says Jessica is right.

Jameka says that she heard Dick and Eric talking about the phone call, and Eric said to Dick, "It's not for me." (Meaning Eric already planned to give it to Jessica). Jameka says she was telling Eric to take the phone call (knowing Eric was so far behind) and she hopes Eric didn't take it that she was trying to get him to take the phone call for someone else--she meant for Eric to take it for himself. Jessica says no, she doesn't think he thought that.

8:30PM BBT: Jessica says she needs to go in the kitchen and get something to eat, even if she doesn't feel like it, and she needs to "stop pouting."  Jessica asks if Jameka is going to go up and talk to Zach.  Jameka says Zach is the "type of person" who would want each person to talk to him.  Jessica says she knows, and she will eventually have to talk to him.  Jameka says Jessica put him up, and Jameka is the person Jessica didn't put up, when she could have (so they are both in a bad position with Zach).

Dick goes in to talk to Jameka and Jessica.

In the meantime, Zach is sitting with Daniele at the table as she eats. Daniele whispers to him that he is "final five for sure" and that's exciting.
Zach says "Next week is big, and I can't do anything."  Daniele asks if he has an idea of who he will put up?  He says yes--he has been building the idea in his head "for a long time." She says she knows "one" and he says she will "be surprised."  Zach says something to Daniele about "reinforcing information with your Dad, for next week."  Zach says he goes "over the top" with him, and he doesn't like that.  Daniele says, "Hello!" She says he is talking to someone who didn't talk to Dick for six years, total,  so she knows.  She says he does that because no one stands up to him, and she does.

Zach kept a teacup as a souvenir.

Daniele, Jameka and Zach are sitting at the table, talking.  I don't see Jessica, but I think she is making food.  Eric is nowhere to be found.  Dick is lying on the round bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking.  [If we think we've seen a power trip before, I think we'll see a major one to beat them all this week.--Cat]

Zach is telling them that "anyone that wants to stay, can" in his house. (not HoH--his actual house).  Zach says that he only has one prized thing--his Tony Hawk signed skateboard.  Zach met Tony Hawk when he doubled for Tony in a 2003 Doritos commercial. 

9:15PM BBT:  Dick and Daniele whispering. Daniele says she thinks Zach feels closest to her in the house, and Eric over-exaggerates everything, so it's not necessarily true that Zach would put them up, as Eric said.  Dick disagrees.  Daniele says she isn't claiming that Zach never said it,  but Eric over-exaggerates, and it might not have been a plan--it could have been some little comment Zach made.  She again says that she feels Zach feels closest to her. (Hence the peppy attitude Daniele has had since the competition-- she feels pretty safe.--Cat)

Daniele tells him not to stress--It is what it is.  Dick tells her that they should have gotten rid of Zach, not Amber. He says Amber would never have pulled off that competition.  Daniele tells him that there is always PoV, too, and not to stress.  She leaves.  Dick gets up and goes into the kitchen, talking with Eric about how much Dick's body hurts.

9:30PM BBT:  Eric is lying on the couch, looking upset. So far, I haven't seen Jessica talk to him, really.  Dick is eating, wondering why they haven't opened HoH yet.  Zach is lying down on the other couch. (He has been a little cool toward Dick, in my opinion --Cat)

10:20PM BBT:  Eric and Daniele in the kitchen.  Eric talking about Jameka is the real the target if Jessica and Jameka are up.  We have the numbers. Eric "If Jessica comes down I know ill go up."

Jessica in the little room with Jameka talking about what will Zach nominate.  They've been whispering for an hour, but the gist of all the chatter is that they want a Donato on the block. 

Back in the kitchen,  Eric "There's nothing you can do about that I didn't expect to be running with a tea cup.  It's not like I can practice it on in Central Park."  They joke about how embarrassed that they let a "fat ass ogre" and a "44 year old smoker" crush them in the HoH comp. Daniele saying that it's happened to her twice in a row and that she didn't want to show her face after losing three straight questions to Amber on the game show.

Talk turns to strategy and they are both trying to figure out how to get Zach to nominate Jameka.  They know they have the votes if Jameka is on the block.  Eric is very upset that Jessica might go on the block.  Daniele says that Jameka was only cheering for Eric and that she looked crushed when Zach won.

Eric says that he's "Never seen a more despondent five people than when Zach won the HoH."

11:00PM BBT:  Zach gets his HoH room.  Eric and Dick are having problems walking up the steps.  Eric hurt his back and Dick said his legs are dead.  Daniele is making fun of Zach for not being able to open the door and says they are going to take the room away.

Dick walked in and immediately started making fun of Zach's haircut in a wedding picture.  Zach explaining all the pictures hanging on the walls. All HGs making fun of his bowl cut in another picture when he was young.  "There are four people, all with bad haircuts." 

Zach got Twizzlers and Slim Jims in his basket he got  Frisbee,  He got a bottle of red blush wine from the Hamptons.  His letter was actually four 3 x 5 cards tape to a piece of paper, one card from mom (it said, "Have good clean fun." and the "clean" was underlined.) , dad, and each brother, his mom's first book "An Angel In Flight."  Zach got a lot of loot, a ceramic dolphin ornament, clothes, his dad, the dentist, sent him a toothbrush,  carrot juice, a hat, and nuts.  The HGs don't seem overly excited with the stuff in his room.  Dick's happy about the Frisbee, but he's too sore to think about playing.  See the Video

11:30PM BBT:  Jessica left the HoH room and Eric walked out a few minutes later.  When Eric walked up to her, her face lit up like a little schoolgirl and she started giggling.  Eric tells her that they have a lot to talk about. She says that she has a lot of free time this week to talk.  See the Video

They head into the bathroom to talk.   Jessica is tells him about the question Julie asked about their first kiss.  She's laughing and getting very close to him as they talk.  She's being more affectionate than usual.  She thanked him for giving her the phone call and he is explaining the reasons that he gave it to her.  Eric apologizing to her for Zach winning the HoH.  Eric says, that he promised her all last week that they'd be safe and there was no way Zach would win, but now he feels bad.

Back in HoH Zach is saying  that he's "blown away" that he won.  Jameka has already started starting her butt kissing by saying how great it is that he went from being the block to HoH.  "Congrats I'm going to head down." Jameka says, but she stays, and tells him that he looks so good in the picture where he has a crew-cut,  "It's very becoming."

Daniele's alone with Zach, and starts pumping him for info on the nominations.  He says he like's Jameka too much to nominate her,  and she says "you liar, Jameka hates you,  and you hate her."  Zach says "I don't hate anybody I'm here to play a game."  Now Daniele does some smooching,  telling him how exciting this is.  Zach says,  "Why my mom enclosed a portion of her book?"  Daniele suggests it was a way to give him more pictures.

11:45PM BT:  Zach says he would love to have the security of a promise from Dick and Daniele for safety for next week.  He says he knows he can't trust that completely, though.  He says that he is NOT putting Daniele up this week.  He says that she is the best ally he has had in the game, other than Nick.  He says that his ideal person to leave this week is Jameka.  Daniele tells him not to tell anyone this-- even her Dad!  He interrupts and says that is another thing he wants to ask her.  He can't be sure that things he tells her won't get back to her Dad, and her Dad has a big mouth (according to Zach).  Daniele says that she doesn't tell her Dad everything, and that in the last week she has barely spoken to him, anyway.  Daniele tells Zach to "be careful" not to piss people off--certain people--and that next week Jessica and Eric will be both playing in the HoH.  Daniele asks if Zach is planning to put up Jessica and Jameka for sure?  He says he thinks so.

Daniele asks what will happen if he puts up Jessica and Jameka, and then Eric wins and takes Jessica of the block? Will he put up her or her Dad in their place? Zach says he doesn't know.  Zach says he is in a weird spot because he has pissed off some people.  Zach talks about not being sure, if he tried to backdoor Eric.  Daniele says that backdooring is no longer an option,  as everyone can play for PoV,  and everyone's changes are the same.  He needs to put up the two people he would most want out, and if he puts up only one of Eric/Jessica, then one of them will still be here.

Daniele talks, but doesn't come out and say what she wants him to do.  She says that if he wants Jameka out and doesn't put her up right away, then that is useless.  She brings up when they thought Dick was leaving, and it was not only about separation, but also about division.
Zach says he has no clue what she means [neither do I, really  --Cat]

Zach says that Dick came to him said that he (Dick) knew what Zach told Eric about some "stuff."  So, Zach isn't sure if Eric is lying to Zach, and telling everything to Dick,  but dick knew a lot of stuff, and Zach can't figure out whether Dick figured the stuff out if Eric told Dick these things.  Daniele asks if it was true stuff that Dick found out, or if it was totally fabricated.  Zach dances around the issue and says he told Jessica she had his vote--he put his "vote on the line" for her.  Daniele again asks if the stuff Dick came up with that was negative, if it was fabricated, or real?  Zach says that it was true stuff.  [It was about Zach saying that Dick has to go.]  Daniele says that her Dad couldn't have been lying, then, if it is all true. He had to get it from somewhere, so it must have been from Eric.

Daniele brings up how she felt when she put up Eric--she felt he was lying, etc. and it was worth the risk, even if she was wrong about Eric. 

Zach says that he would love to go to the final three with Daniele and Dick, and he would get enough money, even if he went to final two with either of them, and lost and got second.

Zach says he loves that Daniele and Dick are so powerful, and he would love to go to the finals with them.  He knows he can't get to the finals with Jameka, he doesn't trust Eric,  and Jessica looked him in the face and told him she trusts him,  then put him up.  He says that Daniele told him that "Jessica was playing him," and she was right.

Zach says he doesn't want to go home, and it's weird because he hasn't aligned with anyone.  He tried to align with Dick, and Dick refused and said he only aligned on a weekly basis.  He kept trying to have Zach prove himself to Dick.  (Earlier, Zach was telling Daniele that Dick yells at him and calls him names and shows him no respect. Daniele kept saying that is how her Dad treats her, too, and she understands, "Shut up!")

So after a half hour,  Daniele got Zach to promise not to put up her or Dick,  and Daniele promised nothing in return.  Zach would say things like, "All I'm asking is for your protection next, just one week because I can't compete."  And Daniele would says something like, "Oh I understand you could get screwed next week."  She always sounds like she's in complete agreement with Zach,  but she never agrees to protect him.

Thanks to:April, bb8addict, bigboyfan, BonBon13, butfirst, Dade, Catniptoy, DewaltDakota, djcam89, DreamAngel, elsaheat, ericsturrock, eyeluvhowie, Fuskie, GemRep, giraffe176, IluveDrWill, iriegirl1966, jammer, Jem, jessca4lifem, Jfetch, Katydidit, laladoopiedu, LovesBigBrother, Morty, nawlinsgal, PastyD, pathiggins, pierceka, re24610, Sf49rminer, shukie9900, Smirnoff, snancypants, Spencer668, StephenV, swish, tnpatti, TwinCity, valleyofthesun, witch and wolfrider for your updates. 

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