
The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 12, 2007
#1 Thursday, July 5, 2007 #40 Monday, August 13, 2007
#2 Friday, July 6, 2007 #41 Tuesday, August 14, 2007
#3 Saturday, July 7, 2007 #42 Wednesday, August 15, 2007
#4 Sunday, July 8, 2007 #43 Thursday, August 16, 2007
#5 Monday, July 9, 2007 #44 Friday, August 17, 2007
#6 Tuesday, July 10, 2007 #45 Saturday, August 18, 2007
#7 Wednesday, July 11, 2007 #46 Sunday, August 19, 2007
#8 Thursday, July 12, 2007 #47 Monday, August 20, 2007
#9 Friday, July 13, 2007 #48 Tuesday, August 21, 2007
#10 Saturday, July 14, 2007 #49 Wednesday, August 22, 2007
#11 Sunday, July 15, 2007 #50 Thursday, August 23, 2007
#12 Monday, July 16, 2007 #51 Friday, August 24, 2007
#13 Tuesday, July 17, 2007 #52 Saturday, August 25, 2007
#14 Wednesday, July 18, 2007 #53 Sunday, August 26, 2007
#15 Thursday, July 19, 2007 #54 Monday, August 27, 2007
#16 Friday, July 20, 2007 #55 Tuesday, August 28, 2007
#17 Saturday, July 21, 2007 #56 Wednesday, August 29, 2007
#18 Sunday, July 22, 2007 #57 Thursday, August 30, 2007
#19 Monday, July 23, 2007 #58 Friday, August 31, 2007
#20 Tuesday, July 24, 2007 #59 Saturday, September 1, 2007
#21 Wednesday, July 25, 2007 #60 Sunday, September 2, 2007
#22 Thursday, July 26, 2007 #61 Monday, September 3, 2007
#23 Friday, July 27, 2007 #62 Tuesday, September 4, 2007
#24 Saturday, July 28, 2007 #63 Wednesday, September 5, 2007
#25 Sunday, July 29, 2007 #64 Thursday, September 6, 2007
#26 Monday, July 30, 2007 #65 Friday, September 7, 2007
#27 Tuesday, July 31, 2007 #66 Saturday, September 8, 2007
#28 Wednesday, August 1, 2007 #67 Sunday, September 9, 2007
#29 Thursday, August 2, 2007 #68 Monday, September 10, 2007
#30 Friday, August 3, 2007 #69 Tuesday, September 11, 2007
#31 Saturday, August 4, 2007 #70 Wednesday, September 12, 2007
#32 Sunday, August 5, 2007 #71 Thursday, September 13, 2007
#33 Monday, August 6, 2007 #72 Friday, September 14, 2007
#34 Tuesday, August 7, 2007 #73 Saturday, September 15, 2007
#35 Wednesday, August 8, 2007 #74 Sunday, September 16, 2007
#36 Thursday, August 9, 2007 #75 Monday, September 17, 2007
#37 Friday, August 10, 2007 #76 Tuesday, September 18, 2007
#38 Saturday, August 11, 2007 #77 Wednesday, September 19, 2007
  #78 Thursday, September 20, 2007
Friday,  August 3, 2007:  Nominations and No Food Challenge

12:00AM BBT:  Eric runs over to tell Jessica something and I couldn't hear it.   Eric says she told him "to come clean."  Eric says the banner was money well spent, "I'm pissed off."  He went to the DR and exploded.   FotH  imageAudio Clip [30 minutes] 

When the feeds return (ten minutes later)  Jessica says the blame has been cast on Eric,  but Eric does want to talk to Jessica and she says she is anxious to do so.  Dustin tells Jessica, "We all trust Eric so much."  Zach walks by,  they stop the strategy talk.

Now Jameka, Jessica, Kail, Dustin sitting on couches in the BY and Dick is walking around.  They're eating cookies.  Dick has been walking around very tense all night since he had that conversation with Daniele in the HoH,  he's been smoking a lot too.

Dick asks Jameka to play shuffleboard with him.  Jameka says she still is recovering from slop. Dick says she wasn't on slop.  Jameka says she is still recovering from the week before.

Eric and Amber continue their pity party and Dick bashing in the hammock.  Amber says Jameka that told her Kail said she never had anyone who talked to her like Evil did in her entire life.   Eric says Dick's attacks on Jen are getting to be too much.  Amber says she's so glad he's here and she appreciates him.

Zach says he will do "sexual favors " for friends in the house:   A "hand job" for Eric and a back rub for Amber.  He's joking of course.  [? ]

Eric now says he's thinking about "outside of the house" saying he quit his job to be here.  He laments that  he's the only one in the house with this issue.  Eric says he quit and gave them a "vague reason."  .Amber says they are more than willing after seeing him on TV to hire him back. Eric says he doesn't want to go back anyway.

Amber wonders what Jessica and Eric talk about and Eric says "Absolutely nothing pertaining to game."  Amber asks him to talk about his girl problems.  .Eric says the last time he saw her was in June, "I had the most amazing visit."

12:20AM BBT:  Feeds switch to Daniele and Dick in the HoH room.  Dick just walked in and he's asking her how she feels.  Dick looks like he wants to talk strategy.--  or maybe just talk to his daughter.   Daniele says she feels so alone in here now and those two (Eric and Amber) are freaking out-- "and what is Kail's problem?" 

Dick:  "He's the one, he's the one convincing us not to vote those two out.  [Jen and Kail,  but Eric is the one actually trying to vote Kail out.]
Daniele:  "What if I put up Kail and Jen and try to make deals with them."
Dick:  "Kail has thrown everyone under the bus, don't' trust her."

Dick wants Eric out this week but Daniele doesn't want Jen in sequester.   Dick wonders how Amber fits into this.  The banner plane has really riled him up.  Dick and Daniele know that Eric was the extra vote to evict Kail.  They call Eric, "A fuckin' liar."

Daniele is saying she wants to put up Jen and Kail and if PoV is used,  Eric goes up.  Daniele is wondering about Amber and Dustin now.  Dick says  it might be too early to get Eric out.  

Daniele:  "I told you and I knew it!"
Dick:  "I knew it too..."  [Lots of "F" words and walking around again... he is really upset.]
Daniele:  "Only thing we need to figure out is Amber because there is way more there than we know."
Dick:  "He's kept Jen and Kail in here both weeks."
Daniele:  "And you guys thought it was Nick and you didn't believe me.  I can tell if someone is being honest with me even if I'm in this house."
Dick says Nick should've come to him early.  "I'm so fucking mad right now!"
Daniele:  "We could've swayed people.  Every time outside Jameka and I would look at each other and she knew that I was right."
Daniele regarding Eric:  " If we're putting him up, he needs to be backdoored. "
Dick and Daniele are VERY pissed-off at Eric (and this banner plane has a lot to do with this).

Daniele:  "He's the smartest, funny guy... seen every single season."

12:30AM BBT:  The doorbell rings and Dustin comes in.  Dustin wants to know what is going on. Dustin has noticed Dick's freaking out behavior.  They talk about the second vote.  Dustin mentions something about what Dick said to Kail.  Dick says Kail has been hiding the entire fucking time (with Eric) and everything is becoming more and more clear.  Dick says he is flipping out and to let him flip out.

Daniele tells Dick to stop flipping out.  There's more talk of Eric.  More "F" bombs from Dick about Eric.  He is very very very very very pissed.  Daniele doesn't want to put Eric up because he'll go crazy.  Dick says to lock herself in the HoH.   They're counting votes.  They think that Jameka, Jessica, and Zach don't want Daniele out...

Daniele thinks that she needs to put up Kail and Jen and act cool.  "If Eric gets PoV, we get screwed. We need to backdoor him."    [This would possibly be the third week in a row,  and a Big Brother house record,  where Jen and Kail are nominated at the ceremony but neither one will go home. ] 

Dick:  "Jameka let it out today when she started cheering for Kail.  I called her out saying that she knew that she wouldn't be going up anyways."
Now talking strategy
Dick:   "Eric is the brains of the whole thing."

Once again, the plan is to backdoor Eric by nominating for the third time in a row Kail and Jen.  [Sorry if this all sounds repetitious,  but that's the way things are in the BB house when they talk strategy.]

Daniele says this won't work if he can't keep quiet.  Dick says he's doing the same thing with the Mrs. Robinson Alliance, "Feed  Kail a line and see how she runs with it."

Daniele:  "For you, me, and Nick, we need Eric out of here."
Dick:  "Fuck the LNC, it's all bullshit."
Daniele:   "Dustin has showed himself last week how he is selfish and didn't care about Amber.  Last minute,  we might be able to use that.  DO NOT tell anybody.  If PoV is not used,  we're not telling anybody except maybe Jessica because if they find out,  we're screwed because that means he's using Jessica too.  I knew it too because when you feel and know you're right about something."  [At this moment, she's the smartest one in the house.]
Daniele:  "Nominations are tomorrow,  Kail and Jen are going up,  no one will suspect anything."
Dick:  "Jen has to go home if they stay."
Dick:  "Kail is in an alliance with that fucking asshole (Eric)."
Daniele:  "We need to get him out of here for you, me, and Nick."
Daniele:  "You got it."  [This week,  it might be harder to get the votes to evict Eric if he and Kail are on the block.  I think some HGs would vote out Kail just to make Daniele look bad,  and others because they like Eric more than Kail. -Morty & Cajunboiler]
Daniele:  "Nick didn't know about Eric, I can guarantee you that."  Read more

12:50AM BBT:  Jessica is in the HoH room talking to Daniele and Dick. Daniele says, “Eric is 100% the weasel!” Dick says to Jessica that they have to trust her with this, “If we can't trust you it's all over.” Daniele tells her, “It's us three until veto.” And explains what she thinks Eric has been doing, “Eric has been blaming Nick for everything he's been doing.” They discuss Eric blaming votes the last two weeks on other people and say that Eric is saving Kail and Jen each week Jessica wants to know why and Daniele says that he has been in an alliance with Kail and Jen since week one. 

Daniele says if Jessica is in the Veto competition and one of them win, they take Jen off the block and put Eric on. Daniele also says that Zach and the other two will never vote Kail out. 

Daniele goes on to say, “Don't trust anything Eric says. You spend hours in the DR talking about a turtleneck? Give me a break.” She tells Jessica that Eric is using her and Jessica says that is how she felt close to him. Daniele questions if Jessica is with them and Jessica assures her she is. Jessica tells them that she thinks Eric knows something is wrong already, he said he wants to talk to her later.

Meanwhile… Eric is trying really hard to convince Jameka that it wasn't him that was the stray vote and that maybe it was Dick. Eric whispering pretty inaudible and Jameka talking about Dick and his "outlandish personality.”

Dustin and Jessica are talking. Jessica tells Dusting that she thinks Eric could be playing both sides and could be the leak. She is pretty vague about the whole situation. Dustin thinks that Daniele and Dick are "insane.” The conversation is short lived and Dustin now worried.

1:55AM BBT: Dick and Eric make it to the hammock for a conversation. [Eric’s are normally really long.] Eric is trying to convince Dick that Jessica wasn’t the one that voted Kail out. He seems to be trying to throw suspicion on to Jessica. He tells Dick he is sorry for letting them down in the HoH competition. He tells Dick, “I wouldn't have risked a funny vote with you guys.” Dick tells Eric that someone was setting Nick up this week along with Daniele and himself. Dick: “Maybe it was Amber?” Eric assures Dick it was Jessica or him. 

Meanwhile… Amber and Dustin are in the SR. Amber is crying and thinks they made a mistake evicting Nick. She is also upset about the “Amber lies” banner and that the HGs will believe it. Dustin tells Amber that Zach is trying to convince Dick and Daniele that Eric was part of the original alliance (Mrs. Robinson) and trying to turn them on Eric. Dustin also tell her that Dick came down after talking to Jessica and seemed even madder than he was when he came down and got her. 
Dustin: “Eric doesn’t have it in him to lie.”

2:05AM BBT:  Dustin and Amber talking.  Dustin tells Amber that he has a little crush on Eric and it was "so cute" how he came in defense of the girls during HoH.  Dustin tells Amber there is a luxury competition tomorrow. She wants to know how he knows and he said Jen told him.  Jen asked in the DR.  They call each other their number one and kiss each other goodnight. 

Dick and Eric still talking about HoH.  Dick says Jen and Kail have another alliance going on because someone is leaking information because Kail knew she wasn’t leaving.  Eric gloats because he predicted the HoH winner.

2:15AM BBT:  Dick telling Dustin that it will be Jen and Kail as Nominations and Dustin thinks it's the best. Dustin wondering what Zach was doing upstairs. Dick says he was just saying Zach worried that Kail is putting words in his mouth. Dick asks if Jameka was the vote and Dustin doesn't think so.

3:15AM BBT:  Eric and Jessica talking in the bathroom. She tells him that Dick thinks Eric is the phantom voter. She tells him that they plan to backdoor him. She swears him to secrecy. She tells him they think he voted for Kail both weeks to throw suspicion on Nick the first week and Daniele this week because he is in an alliance with Kail.

Dick is in the DR so they go outside to talk. Jessica says at first she believed them but in her session tonight she was asked why Dick and Daniele would say that to her. Then brief FotH.

Jessica tells him everything they said to her in HoH. Eric wonders how they think it would work with votes. Jessica keeps telling him he can't say anything, Eric says what should I do just wait until I am nominated and go home. Jessica wanted to tell him in private so as not to involve other people and she trusts Eric.

Eric again apologizes for his poor showing in HoH. He says the banners are 99% untrue. Jessica asks him if he lied about anything. Eric blames the banner (which Daniele saw) for the mistrust. He feels it is unfair for a few fans to insert themselves in the game. 

Eric feels he should be more trusted because he defended Daniele during the competition. He asks who is the new fourth in their plan to the end, Jessica doesn't answer. Eric says they feel threatened by him now, Jessica says they know he is smart. Jessica asks who he thinks is the vote then. He says Daniele, Dick or Jen. Then he says Dick was blaming a lot of people including Jameka, bringing up why did she use the veto. Jessica is sure that even if he goes on the block he will not go home.

Eric feels Dick and Daniele are trying to plant seeds of doubt and break up the group. He says they are playing like there are 2 people left rather than 10.

Eric says he is upset because of the banner and he thought Jessica might believe it. She believed it a little but doesn't now. Jessica wants to make sure he is not mad at her. Eric is still upset that he might go home at the hands of his own allies.

Jessica says she is sorry she told him if he is going to be upset. Eric is upset because there are people in the house who do have deals going on while he only has friendships. If Dick and Daniele are so upset about Nick, they could have both voted for Nick and forced a tie rather than trying to scapegoat him.

Eric brings up Zach talking about getting some of the women out of the house, he is tired of the whole we thing. Jessica feels that everyone comes to talk to Eric and that he is smart about the game. He asks her if she feels more comfortable with them or with him and Jameka, Amber and Dustin. She says this is why she is telling him. 

Eric wants her to turn them down and threaten them with going home the next week. Eric thinks they have approached everyone with this deal but Jessica says they only approached her because they think she is dumb like Zach. Jessica didn't want to be pulled into drama and she only told him because he is her friend. He wants to know what do they benefit by telling his friend this plan and Jessica points out it's to get the vote, they need four to evict this week.
Eric feels he has more support than they do, that their plan is very stupid. They both feel this is payback to the group for Nick going home.

Eric wants to present the Dick and Daniele plan to the others (Jameka, Dustin and Amber) and pull in Jen. He wants to expose them and tell everything Dick has been talking about all of them. Eric wants this new group to play dumb, thwart the plan and then who ever wins the next HoH put Dick and Daniele on the block.

Jessica reiterates she believes Eric after giving it some thought. She will continue to play dumb with Dick and Daniele.

Eric is still upset and thinks he will be the scapegoat because of the banner. She says they did it because they think he is the only one smart enough to vote against the group and deflect blame. Jessica feels they are trying to take out the nucleus of the group and he is the brains of whatever group he is in.

Jessica wants him to keep his mouth shut until their plan unfolds and he goes on the block,  but he has to be there for her when they find out she talked.  Eric tells her if it were up to him, he would take Jessica to final two. Jessica asks Eric if he was the one who voted to evict Kail and he denies it. Jessica tells him, “Well if it was you, you were good.”

Eric says he will bury Dick and Daniele for turning on him. He is going to tell Dustin Amber and Jameka what Dick said about them. He says this is what happens when people over think the vote. He also plans to tell Zach every horrible thing they have said about Zach being a moron and a pawn.

4:00AM BBT:  Dustin joins Eric and Jessica in the backyard. Dustin makes a joke about selling them out to Dick. Eric gets serious and says he needs to tell Dustin about Dick’s conversation throwing suspicion on Dustin, Amber and Jameka. He says they should talk later today about all Dick's theories.

Dustin feels Dick is out of control and is pulling a Joe.  Eric raises enough doubts that Dustin feels Dick and Daniele are the ones playing cute with the votes. He knows the two of them are tight. They notice that Dick is holding court in HoH already.

Dustin brings up Dick's theory of a leak in the group, but they notice Dick is out of the DR so the conversation stops. He joins them in the backyard, begins to talk about his session so we get FotH

Dustin, Jessica head to bed as does Eric.

Dick says to Eric thanks for all your support, I really really do appreciate it. Eric replies, “No sweat man.”

4:10AM BBT:  Dustin is in the kitchen having milk and cookies Dick comes in to get ice cream.  Eric returns to the kitchen for water.  Both Dustin and Eric go to bed, leaving Dick alone with his ice cream.

4:55AM BBT:  Dick and Jessica on the couches on the patio. Jessica seems to be doing a good job of playing dumb with Dick. She's agreeing a lot with what he says and he is confiding in her. Dick talks about how Amber was close to Daniele, and then one day, Amber distanced herself.

Dick is telling Jessica that Eric is the one who's been planting all these seeds.  Dick says that Daniele is killing everyone with two PoVs and now HoH. Dick says he didn't care who went up next to Kail because he wanted Kail gone, but Eric is the one who convinced Dick that Nick needed to go.

Jessica tells Dick why doesn't Daniele just nominate Eric tomorrow and call him on his shit.  Dick says they don't want Eric to win PoV and Jessica says to backdoor him and that Jameka's not going to use the PoV anymore, she told her that.
Dick: “Eric is throwing every competition.” 
Jess: “Really? Not today.”
Dick: “Eric set Nick up.” 
Jessica: “We need to get past this, it's a new week.”
Dick: “ Eric thinks he has you in the bag.”
Jessica: “Oh, I know.”

Dick tells her about how Eric knows all about reality TV. Dick saying he called Eric Mr. Reality TV and BB said, "Stop that."
Jessica: “No one is set in their ways yet.” 
Dick: “Because it's been easy.”
Jessica: “A bystander goes home.”

Dick asks, “What's been going on? Jameka's been freaking out.” Eric's up, walking to the bathroom. A camera in the BY moves, so Dick and Jessica looks towards the door. Dick and Jessica go inside. Jessica says she wanted food anyways. Jessica wonders what time they have to get up.
Eric: “What are you guys doing?”
Jessica: “Talking strategy.” More conversation can be found here

Dick whispers in Jessica' ear saying that Eric's been sneaking around for a while, because the camera moved a while ago.

A great screen cap by Katydidit of
The HoH room guard dog.

5:10AM BBT:  Jessica and Dick head back outside. Dick's whispering in her ear (don't know why because there's NO ONE around) but you can't hear him. All you hear is Jessica saying mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Dick says that the twist on this year is gone. He says two HoHs wasted. Dick's rehashing the first two gone this year. Saying Eric was the one who wanted Joe gone in week two. Dick says that Daniele says that if Nick had stayed, that Eric would have been outed out this week regardless. (How, I don't know.)
Jessica: “Why did that banner say you were a liar?” (She asked this to Eric)
Dick: “You asked him that? All these banners started when Nick was nominated.”
Dick: “There's alliances and sub-alliances all over this shit.” 

Dick told Jessica that he and Daniele were in an alliance from day one when they were in the BR.  Dick's worried about Zach still being aligned with Kail. Dick tells Jessica to talk to Daniele tomorrow and says as of now, Kail and Jen will be nominated for the third week in a row. More whispering in Jessica' ear that you can't hear and “mm-hmms” from Jessica. FotH  Jessica eventually went to bed.

Dick-at-Nite:  . Walking and pacing outside, smoking and calling Eric a mother F’er out loud. He's saying how smart Daniele is and spitting and cussing about Eric, Jameka and Amber. He thinks his LN Dick show is getting him in trouble and he should just do more DR sessions. Now he is just sitting by himself in the BY.

8:05AM BBT:  They’re all still asleep except for Amber yelling "Ouch" and Dustin saying something to her then just snores.

8:20AM BBT:  Kail went to the bathroom and then into the kitchen. Now she's outside on the couches eating. [Too bad she doesn't have her other morning buddy. Nick is usually in the hot tub soaking by now. - laladoopiedu ]

9:55AM BBT:  We've had FotH for a while.

10:40AM BBT:  Dick and Daniele are talking in HoH.  Dick really mad realizes they just got rid of their biggest helper getting rid of Nick.

Dick and Daniele are certain there's a huge conspiracy going on. They think Kail is working through Jen to contact her secret alliance, and that Amber is the secret link in to them.  They think Eric is mouthpiece for the alliance.  They think Jessica is being left out of the secret alliance but Eric is maintaining his connection to her to get into her pants. [Just goes to prove that just cause you're paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get you -JenClaire]  Current plan is to put up Jen and Kail and backdoor Eric.

11:00AM BBT:  Jen says they're going to be on outdoor LD for a while today,  but there won't be a food challenge.  Everyone is up and doing ADLs and eating. 

11:45AM BBT:  Eric and Jameka were talking strategy when Dick came over to their corner and took over the hammock. Jameka did a great job of restarting an old conversation about her boyfriend. Then Eric moves in and starts to talk to Dick and conversation moves to the topic of the two votes. Conversation gets heated as Eric continues to push his case, that Nick was at least the first vote, if not both. Dick says the whole concept is ridiculous because Nick told him "a few things" before he left and Dick believes him completely.

It all erupts and then quiets down again. Dustin had joined and he and Jameka chime in once in a while. Daniele joined to calm Dick down but she hasn't said much since.  Eric tossed in a threat to have Dick put out of the house. See the Video  Read more.

12:20PM BBT:  Someone brought up the subject of ringworm and they think Zach has it.  They're concerned the whole house will catch it.  LD is now over.

12:45PM BBT:  After a long FotH,  the subject of conversation is still ringworm.  Everyone's very concerned and pointing the finger at Zach.  Dick says with Zach gone they'll have even more food.  Zach says he'll be quarantined.  [I can't tell the gossip and speculation from the fact, so stay tuned .]

2:00PM BBT:  The speculation is over,  Zach saw the nurse,  the nurse saw Zach and he only has an abrasion to the skin, no ringworm.  Everyone is mad at Dick for casting doubts on everyone.

Eric and Dustin talking about naval rings, they both hate them.  Dustin asks if they want to hear a disgusting story,  and Dustin said when he first met Joe and Joe took his shirt off, the first thing he noticed wasn't his nipples, but his naval ring, with glittering cherries hanging in his belly button. Dustin said he made him take it out the first week. Dustin said he wasn't about to date a guy with a naval ring...especially  "bedazzled cherries" Dick comes back momentarily, he and Zach talk to Dustin and Eric, (Zach has been lifting weights).  After Dick leaves, Dustin and Eric start to talk again, and we get FotH

Jen and Daniele have a summit meeting:
.Jen:  "I expect you to nominate me and I don't care at all. I just don't want to leave this house with this negativity. Like I'm totally, serious. I wish we could get closer now.  You seem to only hang out with Nick and avoid others."
Daniele:  "Nick was my best friend.  You had Kail.  It just really really sucks.  Dustin and Amber are really close too.  No one can understand where I'm coming from. It's just a crappy situation. Last week was the hardest." 

They talk more about Nick.  Jen said she didn't want to be the girl who hooked up with anyone.  Then she said it was awkward when Nick started hanging out with Daniele.  Jen saying he was a good person ( laugh.gif )and everyone saw it.

Daniele: "I have one question for you and it will affect who goes home this week.  It will be in your best interest and someone else's worst interest if you tell me the truth. I hope that you would tell me the truth."  Daniele asks if Jen threw the PoV contest.  Jen said if she answered right, she won,  if she answered wrong, she won.  Jen was upset about Jameka losing 5000.  Jen said she knew what she was doing. She was just upset about Jameka giving up that much and Jen thanked her for helping her.

Here is the question: "Who did you vote to stay this week?"
Jen: "Kail"
Daniele says she knows who's lying.  Now talk about how hard it was for Daniele to vote him out.

Jen says she knows she, Kail, and Zach aren't up there talking and Jen asks her if she is in the inner circle of the group.

Daniele: "To be completely honest, there are things that I would like to talk to you about after nominations."  [She should talk to her now, if she nominates Jen and Kail,  one of them will be leaving this week because it looks like Eric has the votes to stay this week if he is nominated next to Kail or Jen.]

Jen leaves. It looked like Daniele was glad when Jen left the room from her facial expressions.  Jen walks out to the BY and tells Dick she was convincing Daniele to nominate her. She thinks it would be cool to have the same two people up three weeks in a row, it must be some type of record.  "Some of your statements are so idiotic that it's hard to believe anyone can say them."  Dick snaps back at her,  and the bashing begins.  

2:15PM BBT:  Dick is whispering to Amber that Nick was a supporter of him (Dick),  Daniele, and Amber.  He tells Amber "It was f*cking stupid, I want to kill myself for doing that." Dick tells Amber that he believes that Kail had a hand in it, because she knew she wasn't going home. Dick tells Amber not to kid herself that if he and Daniele go home she's going next.

Amber is agreeing with Dick that it was a bad move and she tried to tell people.  Amber says that Kail goes this week, then Jen, then Zach. Dick corrects her and says Jen is going this week.  Amber: Oh, yeah!

Daniele was called to the DR. They all know they are about to have the nomination ceremony. Jen said "time to go pee", Dustin wants to know if there is anything in the washer. Dustin said there will be. He asks Amber if she wants anything washed. She said no. He said it won't be a full load, she still said no. Dick laughs and call them Chip and Dale.

Dick is complaining about his arms hurting from the competition.  Amber said she bets, hers hurt and she was only up there five minutes.  Dick says he is sure Daniele is in real pain, and he offered to give her a massage later.  He then starts in on his conversation with Jen, saying she claimed to be in the HoH to make sure she gets put up, "As if someone told her she wasn't."  He said someone was lying to her.

Dick says to Amber that as long as he and Daniele and Kail and Jen are in the house, they are at each others throats, and taking the heat off everyone else.  Dick is now complaining about sacrificing himself for the group.  He said sending Nick home was the worst move.  He was a supporter of Dick,  Daniele, and belatedly saying Amber, too.  He complained about Kail and Jen being there week after week. He said if he and Daniele are on the block, and one comes down,  then Amber goes up. (not sure why, as Daniele is HoH). Dick said Jen has to go this week, and Kail next week. He said Zach isn't a threat. He said Dustin and Eric are playing both sides, and keep sweeping under the rug everything Dick says. Dick said someone is a double agent. Jen, Kail and Zach are getting info. Dick said he confronted Kail last night. She is running around the house trying to get Zach to talk to Dick. Dick said he won't.  Dick is really complaining about Nick going was a big mistake. Trying to figure out who voted for Kail. He is complaining about the LNC.  He is also complaining about people not caring about getting HoH. He said it is because they weren't afraid of going up. [Amber was one of the first isn't she one of them?]

Dick said he has always been straight up with her, and she better be straight up with him. Kail is a lot more involved than she lets on. He said Kail never talks to anyone direct. Jen is the middle man. He said whoever she is not interacting with, whoever she is staying away from, is the silent member of the alliance. Dick said he has never lied to her in the house, and she better not be lying to him. Kail was trying to pump Amber for info.

2:20PM BBT:  Dick said Kail knew she wasn't going home. When Nick got put up she thought he was the pawn, and she was freaking out, but the last day or so she was relaxed. He said she knew she wasn't going home. Dick said to keep telling her she was going to mess with her, and someone blew it.

Amber said when asked who she was voting for, and stating that it was a group vote,  Amber said no, everyone has their own vote. [Note: if this is true, why are they making such a big deal out of it?  Why not vote however you want, and let everyone else vote how they want to. I guess I don't understand the difference this year. -pierceka]

Dick said he kept flip flopping about his vote, he said Daniele, Amber and Dick could have kept him in. No one wants to go against the group. There is so much pressure to keep with the group. He said don't let it happen again. Keep to the plan. Dick said he is trusting Amber more than anyone in the house. He said he is an ass, and hard to get along with, and he has lots and lots of friends. He has his blow ups, but he said he has more friends over 20 years than anyone he knows. He said he is honest, truthful and loyal, and that is why. He said he screwed over a friend in the house. He said Nick could have been playing Daniele, and he had to protect her as a parent.

2:50PM BBT:  Dick and Daniele are in the HoH room. Daniele tells Dick that Jen came up there to talk to her. Dick interrupts Daniele to tell her what Jen said to him about their meeting. 
Dick: “Wait, here's what she told me. ‘I wanted to go up there to confirm she's nominating me, because someone told me that she wasn't’ and I told her someone in here is a big fat *&^% liar, because your *&^% is going up and going home!”
Daniele: “I told her this too, she can feel as comfortable as she wants. I asked her a question, won't tell you the answer I'm looking for, but your answer depends on who is going home, so I asked her, who did you vote to save this week, and she said Kail!”
Dick: “She told me that too! She's a horrible liar, I told you its Eric.”
Daniele: “I know, I know! You me or Jen need to win PoV, or Kail, but I'd rather he's standing next to Kail, because that's a sure vote.” [meaning Daniele trusts Jen to vote Eric out over Kail, but she isn't sure about Kail voting Eric out over Jen]
Daniele makes comment about (Zach?) feeling too comfortable about not being nominated, Dick starts to reply and BB needs Dick to exchange his microphone.

3:20PM BBT:  The whole LNC is up in HOH to hear what Daniele has to say: "Last week was a really really hard week for me and I went along with everything you guys wanted. There are 4 people that everybody wanted out. I did what you guys wanted and I would really really appreciate if you guys did what I wanted. There's 3 people left in this house everybody wants them all out and everybody says it doesn't matter on the order and personally I want Jen out. Not just for personal reasons but you guys saw her hanging up there forever. You guys have seen her doing other things - not that she is a great competitor - but I didn't like the way she treated Jameka, me,  Amber and numerous other reasons and I don't think Amber deserves to be in the house."

General Jen bashing and name-calling occurs by Eric. 

"I want to put up Jen and Kail, if anyone wins PoV I will put up Zach.  Either way one of the two women will be going home this week."

Jameka asked about the promise and Daniele says, "The only way Kail will go home is if Jen gets off the block.  If that happens I am going to go back on my word I'll be honest. They've been on the block for three weeks it is time for one of them to go home."

3:25 PM BBT:  Dustin says after Daniele’s speech tonight he plans to stand up and start a round of applause. Jameka asks why and he says because it will be a record-breaking thing in BB. 

3:35PM BBT:  Amber has been sitting there surprisingly quiet and no tears. Kail comes up to HOH and everyone else leaves.
Kail: “What's up?”
Daniele: “You tell me.”
Kail: “So you said on the bar that Jen is your target - right?”
Daniele: “Well I didn't say that but yeah she is.”
Kail: “Are you putting her up with me in the beginning or are you backdooring her? Have you thought about PoV?”
Daniele: “I've thought about everything. I am not backdooring anyone. If you win PoV I want you to use it on yourself. Take yourself off just in case. I don't want my dad to try to change people’s votes. But just in case it stays the same Jen is going home.”
Kail: “Then what happens if it's used and they take Jen off?”
Daniele: “Then the other person will be going home.” (Uh oh that isn't what she just told the others!)
Kail: “Not me?” Daniele nods her head.

3:50 PM BBT:  Jameka and Amber are in the BY talking on the couches. Jameka says that if Amber and Dustin were nominated, Amber would win, and Dustin is worried about who he could win against. Jameka says Dustin isn't being consistent and is showing another side because he was so nice to Kail, and now he says he wants her gone. Says Dustin is doing this to himself. Amber told Jameka not to get mad, but she brought up the mustard incident. Amber asked Nick if he said something about the mustard, but swears he didn't say it.

Jameka said that maybe they can look at where some people type word for word and see that Nick said Amber twice. [Jameka just shouted out to us live feeders!]

Amber says Dustin told Kail she was safe this last week. Amber thinks Dustin is the leak, and Jameka agrees, saying that she thinks that's what Dick is referring to. They think Dustin influenced Jen to vote for Nick since he didn't have a vote. 

Amber asked if Jameka plays PoV for Jen, if she would take her off and Jameka said NO, she'd leave the nominations the same, she learned her lesson last week.

Feeds switch to Daniele and Zach in HOH room. It’s 3:55PM BBT: Zach says that Daniele is a total different person now than she was three weeks ago. He tells her, “If I win POV, I'm in a really good position to help you. If I win PoV, I don't really have anyone in this game. Everyone hates me for some reason. But I'll do whatever you want. You can have me play, and if I win, you'll have full control.” Daniele tells him, “Well, I'm telling you right now that I don't want to talk about the PoV until later. I want you to know though, that you were close to Nick, and it sucks that he was voted out, and that she was the only one up in the HoH room sticking up for him. I know you were close to him, and just so you know, this week is for Nick. And I don't want to talk PoV now, but you will be happy.” Zach tells her that it’s “Awesome. This week is for Nick. I wouldn't mind working with you and your dad later down the road. I really don't have anyone else.” Daniele tells him they can’t talk too much and he needs to act scared. He says he understands. Zach leaves and Daniele listens to her music.

4:05PM BBT:  Jessica and Eric talking privately- Eric is full of questions and Jessica telling him everything she knows and recounting it accurately. Jessica tells Eric that Dick and Daniele believe that Jessica is on board with their idea. Eric telling Jessica what to say if Dick and Daniele approach her further about backdooring Eric.

Jessica thinks that Kail’s a bigger threat than Jen and Eric says if it stays the same,  they should go do the opposite what they want as a "big screw you" and if they if they protect Jen, maybe she'll be on their side. Jessica can't believe Kail dropped for just one week’s safety- and she [Kail] is going up anyway.

Outdoor LD called.


The HGs practice for the PoV challenge with giant croquet mallets. 

Eric says that Kail should have negotiated something better and Jessica agrees. 
Jessica:  “She’s crazy." Eric: "I know. What I hate the most is the last couple days have been very unpleasant.” Jessica thinks just yesterday was but Eric disagrees because he had a rough week. Eric wishing that people could be real normal human beings. Jessica saying they are competing for a lot of money - they have to get vicious.
Jessica:  “I'm gonna have to clean, and you're gonna have to get vicious.”
Eric:  “Are you gonna get vicious.”
Jessica:  “Not for awhile, I don't need to yet.”

Short FotH
Eric: “I'm winning POV this week.”
Jessica: “What will your speech say?”
Erick “Fuck you?” Jessica saying tomorrow is PoV so they need to make it an early night. 

4:30PM BBT:  FotH.  5:30PM BBT:  Jen and Kail are nominated.  Dustin:  "This is Big Brother history."

Dick tells Jen that everyone in the house wants Jen gone, and no one likes her. 

Kail tells Dustin and Jen that she won't mind at all if Jen gets PoV again. Kail says she already has all of the enemies in the house, so why should she (Kail) care. She says that it will show that "someone" doesn't run the house (Dick). Jen and Kail are going to go to the DR together and talk about the record. Kail and Jen are being very cheerful.

Jen says it's hard to be up every week and not go home each time. She says it is "not easy!" Kail laughs. Kail says Jen has to win PoV, and that will be four times in a row for them next week. They laugh.

Dick walks by and tells them they won't have a chance at a fourth week in a row. The laughter dies down. 

Kail said Zach's key as the last key. She also says if someone gets down for PoV and someone else goes up, they could go back on the block next week for the fourth time in a row. Kail says it's five people playing against Daniele in the PoV and they could take Jen down, and Zach could go up. Kail says that she would have Jen's vote to stay. Dustin says that if one leaves this week, one of them will still be going up another time when they leave. 

Kail keeps saying to take Jen down, take Jen down. She doesn't want to come down off the block she wants Jen down. Jen says if it's her and Kail up there, Kail's not voting to have Jen stay. Kail said she didn't say that, but she wants Jen to get off with the PoV and have Zach go up.

7:00PM BBT:  Kail asks if Jameka heard Evil this morning when he found her reading the Bible? Jameka says no.  Kail says he asked if she struck up a deal with God before she came in the house. Kail asks if she didn't hear that? Jameka says she did--she heard it in and out.
Kail says she wouldn't answer Dick.

7:20PM BBT:  Dustin and Jameka want to compete for PoV.  Dustin talked to Amber earlier, and now he tells Jameka that  he doesn't think it was just one person casting the phantom votes.  Jameka agrees, and then says "Well, whoever's doing it will probably do it again."  Dustin agrees that this couldn't happen for a few more weeks and Jameka says, "Yeah,  we said that at the meeting."  What was said at the meeting was "I wouldn't be surprised if this happens again,  and maybe for a few more weeks."  The person who said that was Eric. 

Dustin:  "My whole spiel is I can't stress to Amber enough that it needed to happen sooner or later.  If you're this much of a wreck now imagine what you'd look like next week.  She's like 'well I don't see it' and I told her you can tell yourself that over and over, but that's how it is.
Jameka:  "Mhmm. mhmmm.. right."

Dustin says it looks like this is Jen's week [to go home]  Jameka says if not Jen then Kail.  Dustin doesn't agree with Kail going over Zach because Dustin thinks Daniele made an agreement with Kail and it's not right to just stab her in the back after she trusted Daniele's word like that.  Jameka thinks the Kail / Daniele thing is shady, "Who makes a deal like that?  I mean who does that?"  she asks Dustin. 

7:45PM BBT:  It's still Dustin and Jameka on all four feeds.  Jameka is still concerned about how she's behaving, and how she's being portrayed,  because as the only African-American in the house,  he feels she's representing her race. 

Dustin re-affirms that the alliance is comprised of  Dustin, Amber, Jameka and Jessica.  [I don't know if he forgot Eric, or whether it might be easier to evict Eric than we think.]  Here's more

8:20PM BBT:  Dustin and Kail are eating at the breakfast bar.  He tells her that he really thought it was inappropriate for Jen to say the things she said to Daniele during the HoH contest.  [Jen made remarks about Daniele's boyfriend and Daniele being with Nick.]  Dustin said that just because Daniele's father talks that way, "It doesn't give her the right to talk to his daughter that way.'"   Kail said she never heard it, she was saying the alphabet and rhymes to keep her mind off the pain. 

9:00PM BBT:  There's been a lot of FotH during the past hour.  The beer arrived and they picked the players for tomorrow's PoV contest.  Daniele got Dustin,  Kail got Jameka, and Jen got Zach, and Amber will host.  Dustin and Zach are in the BY lifting weights. 

9:30PM BBT:  Jen and Daniele form an Alliance?   Feeds switch to the HoH room where Daniele and Jen are talking.  Daniele tells Jen that she is safe if she (Daniele),   Zach or maybe Jameka win PoV but if Dustin or Kail wins she might be going home.  Daniele tells Jen that she will be safe and won't be going home.  Jen asks if it is a third person going home or if it is Kail.  Daniele wants Jen to convince Kail that if Kail wins the PoV that Kail will take Jen off.  Daniele says that she is telling all this to Jen to help her and Daniele says there is a bigger picture. Daniele says that Kail isn't there to help her.  Jen agrees and says that she is friends with her but that she hasn't lied to anyone.  Jen asks, "Did you figure out who is lying?"  Daniele says yes she knows who and it wasn't Nick.  Jen says is the mustard person the same person that you know is lying and Daniele says she doesn't know but she thinks so.  Jen says she doesn't know what she's thinking but Jen says that she (Daniele) has a better chance to win without her Dad in the house.   Daniele doesn't say anything.   Daniele says that she isn't stupid.  Daniele repeats that there is a bigger picture and Daniele isn't going to tell her everything.

Jen is now going on and on about how she really hopes to get to be better friends with Daniele.   Jen saying that she can't wait to watch the show on TV.  Daniele tells her that if anyone asks what they talked about to tell them that she (Jen) was told that if she didn't win PoV that she was going home.  Daniele says that if Dustin or Jameka get the PoV they will keep the vote the same and she is telling Jen that she doesn't have the votes so she will be going home.   Daniele says she isn't really sure about Zach but she thinks he will do whatever he says and save her.  So Jen has to worry about Dustin or Jameka. Daniele says if you're sure that Kail will use the PoV to save you then it will be 4-2 and you should be okay this week.  Jen says thank you and leaves.  To clarify, the veto players are Dustin, Zach and Jameka, and of course Danielle as HoH and the two nominees Jen and Kail imageAudio Clip [10 minutes] 

10:25PM  to 10:30PM BBT:  Eric and Jessica talking in the kitchen.  Couldn't hear a lot of it because the water was running while Eric was washing. Eric is really worried about PoV tomorrow and who wins and if he'll get put up.  Eric says it's unfair that if they are going to target him they should just target him, not back door him.  Jessica says that if Daniele wins PoV they have to go up and talk to her.  Eric says that Daniele has been nothing but nice to him but that behind his back he talks shit about her.  Jessica says "you shouldn't be." Jessica jokes and says "do you want me to kick her ass for you". They both laugh.

Eric says "They don't think that I have a clue about this at all?" Jessica says "No" because they think I'm with them.  Eric says "are they f'ing retarded?"  Jessica tells him not to stress about it. Eric says that he really wants to be here, and be here with her.  Jessica says she knows and that he will be.  Eric says that this is the first time he's put his trust in someone.  Jessica says you've done all you can do,  don't stress.  We have to stay together.  Jessica says "I've trusted you since day one almost;  you think I'd trust someone named Evil Dick?"  Jessica says that it will be their mistake.  Jessica said there isn't any way the plan will work because even if Eric goes up he will get the votes to stay.  Jessica agrees with Eric that Dick is the rudest person in the house and then he'll "come kiss your butt under the covers."  

Kail comes in and breaks up the conversation.

10:45PM BBT:  Kail and Jen are talking in bed.  Kail tells Jen that Eric was the one who cast the phantom votes and put the mustard on the pillow.  Jen asks, "Why?  No, wait, Eric was with me in the bathroom-- and Dick and Nick were in the storage room so it wasn't Dick or Nick would have told Daniele." Kail:  "I found out what part of the banner said,  'the nerd herd."  Jen laughs and says "Well that doesn't mean anything."  They try to figure out who this year's nerd herd is.  Kail suggests, "Dustin and Amber."  Jen doesn't think so  and at least they know the other banner said "Don't trust Eric and Amber." 

Jen thinks that the person Daniele is going to backdoor is her father.  "No  way!" Kail whispers.  Kail  says every night when Dick goes to bed he cries for about three minutes.  Jen says "Why?"  Kail says Dustin told her that he "hates himself" for cussing Jen out because "he can't control it."  Jen giggles, "I'm not laughing, I just mean..."   imageAudio Clip [30 minutes] 

11:00PM BBT:  Dustin and Daniel are talking.  Dustin pretends that he thinks Daniele's going to put up Zach,  but Dustin really believes that he and Eric are Daniele's targets.  [As far I know,  the target is Eric. ]

11:15PM BBT:  Daniele thinks it's strange that people would watch them on the live feeds, "It's creepy like stalkerish...."  She doesn't see the point when all the important stuff is shown on TV,  and who would want to watch them sitting around eating.  Daniele tells them that there are some sites that write down everything they do,   "Like Morty's, they don't miss a thing."  [Yay!  Thanks Daniele, we're doing our best!!  -Morty

11:45PM BBT: Kail is still running scenarios past Jen.  Jen,  in her usual worry-free manner, says, "If I'm wrong, so I go home."  Kail tells her she's not staying in the house without her and she'll leave if Jen is voted out.  More conversation leads to the theory that Dick and Dustin are working together. 

Big thanks to Angelo Joe, April, Cajunboiler, Cathy, Catniptoy, Dade, elle000, ericsturrock, eyeluvhowie, georgectv, jammer, Jem, JenClaire, JFetch, Katydidit, laladoopiedu, lightplum, LovesBigBrother, Mendes56, mk820, Morty, nursie, pierceka, smirnoff, snancypants, Snipa, Soyyo, StephenV, valleyofthesun, Vuron00, witch, wolfrider for being a part off the team.


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