
The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #35 Wednesday, August 9, 2006
#1 Thursday, July 6, 2006 #36 Thursday, August 10, 2006
#2 Friday, July 7, 2006 #37 Friday, August 11, 2006
#3 Saturday, July 8, 2006 #38 Saturday, August 12, 2006
#4 Sunday, July 9, 2006 #39 Sunday, August 13, 2006
#5 Monday, July 10, 2006 #40 Monday, August 14, 2006
#6 Tuesday, July 11, 2006 #41 Tuesday, August 15, 2006
#7 Wednesday, July 12, 2006 #42 Wednesday, August 16, 2006
#8 Thursday, July 13, 2006 #43 Thursday, August 17, 2006
#9 Friday, July 14, 2006 #44 Friday, August 18, 2006
#10 Saturday, July 15, 2006 #45 Saturday, August 19, 2006
#11 Sunday, July 16, 2006 #46 Sunday, August 20, 2006
#12 Monday, July 17, 2006 #47 Monday, August 21, 2006
#13 Tuesday, July 18, 2006 #48 Tuesday, August 22, 2006
#14 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 #49 Wednesday, August 23, 2006
#15 Thursday, July 20, 2006 #50 Thursday, August 24, 2006
#16 Friday, July 21, 2006 #51 Friday, August 25, 2006
#17 Saturday, July 22, 2006 #52 Saturday, August 26, 2006
#18 Sunday, July 23, 2006 #53 Sunday, August 27, 2006
#19 Monday, July 24, 2006 #54 Monday, August 28, 2006
#20 Tuesday, July 25, 2006 #55 Tuesday, August 29, 2006
#21 Wednesday, July 26, 2006 #56 Wednesday, August 30, 2006
#22 Thursday, July 27, 2006 #57 Thursday, August 31, 2006
#23 Friday, July 28, 2006 #58 Friday, September 1, 2006
#24 Saturday, July 28, 2006 #59 Saturday, September 2, 2006
#25 Sunday, July 30, 2006 #60 Sunday, September 3, 2006
#26 Monday, July 31, 2006 #61 Monday, September 4, 2006
#27 Tuesday, August 1, 2006 #62 Tuesday, September 5, 2006
#28 Wednesday, August 2, 2006 #63 Wednesday, September 6, 2006
#29 Thursday, August 3, 2006 #64 Thursday, September 7, 2006
#30 Friday, August 4, 2006 #65 Friday, September 8, 2006
#31 Saturday, August 5, 2006 #66 Saturday, September 9, 2006
#32 Sunday, August 6, 2006 #67 Sunday, September 10, 2006
#33 Monday, August 7, 2006 #68 Monday, September 11, 2006
#34 Tuesday, August 8, 2006 #69 Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006:  Should be a day off

The wee hours:   After a nice social night of cards (James didn't play, stayed in bed as far as we could see), CT and the Janelle were up late planning and practicing Jedi drilling (this is a routine Howie started with Janelle where they memorize house and challenge trivia to help win HoH contests).  The game plan is to not tell Danielle to the last minute that James is leaving this week, then next week with one of CT or Janelle in power, they vote out Danielle. 

Which HG was born in Italy?

At 815AM BBT: The house was quiet, with nary a snore or a fart to be heard.  10:15AM James is the first up today he started the coffee maker and took a shower.  11:15AM, Danielle is up now, it was just James until now, he played pool and is sitting outside.  Mike's awake (I think) has the headphones on.  Danielle cleans up the kitchen (James remarked that he lives with pigs). James: "Did you clean up all this junk?"  Danielle says yes.  James:  "I stopped cleaning up after them, I'm going home what do I care.   I just do the recycling."   Danielle is about to take a shower and James suggests to Danielle that she tell Erika that James has protected her and helped her get this far.  After her shower James asks what everyone did last night, he says he drank two big glasses of wine and passed out, but then proceeds to tell Danielle that he heard George vacuuming at 10:30PM last night, and it sounded like a they had a big party.  Danielle said the BB put the vacuum in the SR, so George thought they wanted him to clean, and then hey played cards all night.

11:45AM BBT:  Mike Boogie and George are up.  11:55AM BBT:  Mike sits down on the patio for a chat with Danielle.  He says Will is very concerned about James "double dipping" and his relationship with Janelle.  Danielle suggests he look at it a different way, that if something happens and Will leaves, you make it to the end, you'll want to be in front of the jury with James because he betrayed all his alliances.  Danielle also wants to make sure George doesn't make it to the end, and Mike agrees that George doesn't deserve to win, and they don't want the jury to give him sympathy votes and walk off with the money.   Danielle's concerned that George will protect Janelle. 

Noon:   James joins them on the patio and James tells them about George cleaning because the vacuum was in the SR.  And it's just chit-chat after that.  They wonder what the ratings are like, they think it must be the best season ever.  [In truth, the ratings are OK, CBS wins the timeslot every night with BB  in all the demographics, however, the number totals are lower than other seasons.]   George is in the shower.

1:00PM BBT:  Danielle and Erika talk about who they want out.  Erika doesn't trust James, and feels George is a wildcard that you never know just what he'll do.  Danielle reminds her that George nominated her, "You never know what he's thinking."  Danielle tells her that the next HoH contest could be crap-shoot, George could win again and he won't put up Janelle or CT.  Then if Janelle wins HoH,  you know James will side with her, and she won't put up CT, so they're on the block that way too.  Danielle keeps saying she's undecided, but I think she's really in there trying to get a vote to save James.  They're leaning towards making the vote a tie so that Mike makes the final decision, they don't know which way Janelle's voting.  Erika thinks Danielle would be making a mistake to vote against him, because George will know how she voted.  "Look, he said to me, 'Danielle, you do what you have to do.' He didn't look out for me."    See the Video

1:30PM BBT:  BB calls for an outdoor LD.  Everyone complains about the heat (it's about 90°), James says the thermometer on the grill read 150° from it sitting in the sun.  This is the first we've seen of Will and Janelle so far today.  They're both pretty quiet.  2:15PM the LD continues.

2:30PM BBT: Lockdown is over and Will and Janelle laying in Red room, whispering way too quiet.  George and Erika are sitting outside.  Erika tells George he has her vote to stay this week and they agree it's only going to get harder.  George states what day it is, August 22, Erika shouts out Happy Birthday to her mom!

Just before George came out, James was at the BBQ and was going in circles talking to Erika, she said she didn't understand what he was asking, and so he came right out and asked if she threw the PoV competition.  Erika denied throwing it, asked James if she was going to throw it, wouldn't she have done it sooner?

2:54PM BBT: George and Erica in BY still talking about how hard the game is.  George asks Erika if she knew how hard this was, why did you go back in, and she said she's crazy.  He said he had no idea because it wasn't so full of the stressful drama on his season.  Erika says it's more stressful this time because she doesn't have Jack.  She knew Jack had her back 100% and that she didn't think she had anyone like that until just recently with George.  Now they're talking about Roseanne and casting calls in Chicago.  George asks Erika how BB could pick people like him out from so many people.  He says he's just a regular guy.  Erika laughed saying  "regular guys don't wear tinfoil suits."

James, Boogie and Danielle in kitchen making something.

James asks Will his opinion of them being on Big Brother are they famous. Will says,  “We’re pathetic because we have to have our life validated by strangers."

3:33PM BBT:  The HGs have clay to play with.  Erika and Will have been talking Erika said,  "there's some rumor going around that I threw that PoV."  Will says,  "I didn't hear that."  Erika goes on to say,  "Just because I said, 'good luck' to her or something, you know I didn't throw it right?"   Will said I haven't heard about that.

George outside cleaning the patio, Janelle sleeping in the bug room other than that HGs are just chit-chatting.   BB calls Will to the DR and says,  "Nope I'm not going" and he is fixing a grill cheese.

Side Note from Jinx: Will made a message on the table out of clay that reads  "Eat a Dick"  with a little model penis beside it.   Other than that James, Erika playing with clay at the table. Danielle playing cards.  Will finally goes to the DR.  See the video

4:15PM BBT:  James and Danielle in by talking.  All feeds on them.  They are talking about how Dani was not a pawn that Janelle did want her out right away.  James says,  “I didn't.”  He then tells Danielle that the SOV changed their plan to Alison when he told them Ali wanted to go after Janie, Erika, and someone else.  It was too long ago he couldn’t remember who.  He says it was either Kaysar or Howie.  They start to study and go over past competitions what they were, who won, and what order they happened because Erika was studying a little earlier and they want to brush up on it all.

5:20PM BBT:  Chicken George and Erika in the red room talking about Thursday.  George says he doesn't know what's going to happen and they are curious on how Janelle is voting.    S ay they not sure how anyone is voting keeping it tight lipped. George is assuring Erika she will be safe next week too. George asking Erika about ideas about slop.  It's making him constipated.   She tells him to drink more ice tea. George made a James out of slop and flour and baked it... forgot it was in the oven  "Oh yeah, I have James in the oven!"   Erika laughs, ""What?  Isn't that against the rules,  putting houseguests in the oven?"  James the dough boy is ready.  Correction: James goes back in the oven.

BB calls Erika to the DR

Meanwhile outside Boogie,  Danielle and Will playing cards started talking about the DR and BB say HGs   you're not allowed to talk about your DR with other HGs. Boogie says why is that and Danielle and Will says because of the live feeders.  CBS wants to show DR sessions.

They all continue to sing so feeds cutting in and out

Janelle still sleeping in the bug room

George and James in the SR and George tells James don't worry "You got my vote" James agree and tells George the same.   [Chicken George been really giggly this afternoon.  -Jinx]

5:45PM BBT:  Danielle and Will on BY sofa talking strategy.   Will says he doesn't trust James because he thinks James treats the LOD alliance and the Janelle alliance like they are on the same level but James uses each one according to convenience.  Will says James is double dipping.  Erika joins them and now talk turns to Mr. Bill from Saturday Night Live

Erika goes back in ans Will immediately says "My point with James is he has no incentive to win HoH". Danielle says cause he doesn't have to. Will says if Danielle, Will, or Janelle wins it he's totally safe. Then the sliding glass door opens, Erika joins them again, so talk returns to cardplay.

Tonight's Broadcast in Color on CBS:
(A more complete re-cap of tonight's show is available on the CBS web site after the show has aired on the West coast)

Previously on Big Brother All-Stars:  Chicken George's nomination sent the house into chaos.  At the veto competition, James was victorious again.  George nominated Howie in James place, and Howie was evicted.  At the HoH competition gnomes let the competitors know who was right and who was wrong by hitting the HGs in the face with a pie, and at the end, Mike Boogie was victorious.

It was down to Janelle and Mike

Mike's HoH room

Where can I buy one of those? I mean the idol of course.
The big mean girl stole my dolly.

After Howie's eviction Janelle says that people she thought were her friends aren't.  Janelle spent a night crying and appearing defeated, and Will and James tried to lift her spirits.   But, in a DR scene, she had no tears, " I want to appear weak. I want to appear emotional. And I want to appear like I don't have any fight left in me when I actually do. Of course it's strategy." See the Video

Mike got his HoH room and no one really rushed to see it.  Will dragged Janelle out of bed to see it.  They didn't show the part where Mike's room included pictures of Howie's family, a little production error.  See the Video

George talks to Janelle and she tells him hoe she's been duped by the people in the house she trusted most.  George didn't know that's the way things went down.  They formed an alliance on the spot to shake things up.

Later, Will tells Janelle the plan, put up her and James, they help her get PoV, James goes.  Before the PoV meeting, the house is hoping Janelle is nominated, and they're expecting James to be nominated.  At the nomination ceremony, there were no surprises.  Danielle's key came out first, followed by George,  Erika,  and Will's.    In the DR James says, "With Mike Boogie as HoH I do feel safe from eviction. I'm trusting Danielle, Boogie and Will with my fate each week. It's part of being a team." [This is not a team sport -JamesSee the Video

At the PoV competition the backyard looks like a jungle with a huge stone tiki idol.  Competing in the challenge are Mike, Will, Erika, Danielle, Janelle and James.  The stone idol would give out a clue, relating to an evicted HG, then the competitors search through the jungle to find a voodoo doll with the correct HG's initial on it.   The first question was: "Kaysar nominated Diane, who did he nominate along next to her?" The answer was Nakomis, so everyone had to find a doll with an "N" on it, then rush back to the idol and and kneel on the stone tablet, each time, there's one fewer stones than there are competitors.  The last one in, the one with no stone  to kneel on is out of the game.  Danielle was out first,  as usual Will threw the game.  On the question: "From the veto competition hosted by "Big Brother 2's" Nicole, bring me the first all-star eliminated."  Janelle dives for the M doll for Marcellas, James dives in the same location, and is almost on top of Janelle.  "Give it to me!" you can hear Janelle say, but from the video, it looks like she has the doll in her hand.  Because James is sort of on top of her, when she goes to run to the idol, and she hits him with her leg.  From the DR James tells his side, "She took the doll out of my hand,  physically assaulted me. I am harmed. It's a little harm, but it's a harm."   See the Video  Here's another look:  See the Video 

It's down to Janelle and Erika and Janelle wins the PoV.  James complains to CT,  "This bitch took the doll out of my hand, intentionally removing the doll from my hand is physically described as assault in the outside world."

In the DR, Will clears thing up:  "James thinks the show is fixed in Janelle's favor. Well, it is. I'm the one fixing it James."

Meanwhile, back at the house...    James and Janelle seem to be on very good terms at moment, they've been talking about life outside the house.  They were surprised to hear that  Chicken George is recognized so much from six years ago.  They figure that people recognize Maggie in the ER all the time.  When they get out they want just a quick briefing from the web sites to see where they went wrong Janelle will read Survivor Sucks, and James will talk to his admin, Al,  at,  and the site moderator,  DCakes (Howie called her "Dumb Cakes"). 

The CT boys are in the HoH reviewing strategy.  They talk as though everything is new and important, but we've covered it all before.  An interesting new piece of info was that Will knows Janelle is playing him.  Boogie is going to talk to George and tell him that he can't say why, but Boogie's going try to fix things so he won't go home.  [The way Boogie said it, it sounds like another strong arm deal. -Morty See the Video:  Part One  &  Part Two

Will: "At least I'll have another skill if that whole 'doctor thing' doesn't work out."

At 7:45PM BBT: Will, Mike and Janelle check out the tie-dye shirt kits BB has given them.  Boogie keeps referring to BB staffers, Cory, Arthur and Jonah, so we get FotH.  Will want to get George in on the tie-dye project as he thinks George would be good at a project like this.  They also have some way of lettering the shirts.  Suggested phrases are:  "Paging Dr. Delicious," "Team Will," "Veto This,"  "Diagnosis: Stress  Treatment: Chill" Will says he's making one that says, "Janelle, where is my key?" Janelle is annoyed that Danielle took a bottle of wine up to her room last night, so tonight Janelle hid a bottle from Danielle for herself.

8:45PM BBT:  Still working on their shirts, chatting and stuff.  James Danielle and Erika on the patio playing cards.  Janelle touches up Mike's hair with bleach.  Janie asks Mike if James was for getting rid of Howie, and Boogie says that James was not worried about getting rid of Howie--  he was more worried about the jury vote. (This is why James threw Howie the vote).  Boogie says that the whole house last week was ready to run her out of the house, and now everyone is being nice to her and trying to be her buddy, because they know she is staying.   Janelle agrees.  Janelle says that it is upsetting that James has done this to her and Howie.  Boogie says that James is constantly trying to relive last year and get revenge for it because he feels that he was treated poorly by them.  Janelle says James wasn't treated poorly by her last year!  Janelle says that the competition are "whack" and she can't believe she was wrestling with a 30-year-old man for a doll.

9:15PM BBT:  Boogie finishes doing his hair.  Erika enters and asks what he's doing, "Highlights baby, it's just not enough to have this amazing four pack."

9:20PM BBT:  Will and Janelle are doing their power walking around the BY.  Janelle has a backache, and Will has a backache and sore feet, so they're going to make this a short walk tonight.  They pick up where they left off last night making up a sexy role-playing story about them being step brother and sister and lusting after each other.  Now Will wants to know if this story is completely built on "Flowers in the Attic" or does Janelle have some real feelings toward Will.  Janelle's answer, "I don't know.  It could be."  is non-committal. 

9:50PM BBT:  James is on the hammock. He says he wants to go home.   Danielle asks if he wants to leave--give up the ghost?  (Danielle seems a little tipsy.  She is swinging her pool stick around like a light saber).  She goes over to James and asks if he is giving up and he says, "Not yet."

George is having everyone sign his shirt in paint.  Janelle says that it is really cute and she hopes Georgie sells it on eBay.  (Earlier, Janelle and Boogie were talking, and Janelle said that she bought last year's DVD of BB on eBay. Boogie said, "Isn't it sad that we have to do that?")

Erika says that it's too bad that everyone isn't there to sign the shirt. Janelle says that BB5 is gone. James adds "As of week..4?"

They are eating. Janelle whispers and says she thinks she is ovulating, and Danielle says she has PMS.  Danielle is laughing and giggling with Janelle about eating.

James asks if there is supposed to be an apostrophe in "All-Stars."   Janelle says she doesn't know,  then says no.  (George is the one writing it on the shirt).  The shirt is white with a black star in the middle,  BB All-Stars on top,  and then signatures on the bottom.

George asks if Janelle's shirt came out, and Janelle says no.  James says that it looked like a shotgun blast.  Janelle says it was supposed to look like blood.  James says it does.  James says he told Will they should have written,  "I trusted Chill Town and got all of my friends evicted." Janie says maybe "I trusted Chill Town and all I got was this lousy t-shirt."  See the Video 

[James is talking to Janie now, at least in the group. Of course, he wants her vote. And he may have seen the video of the POV comp by now in private--who knows? --Catnip]

10:00PM BBT:  Danielle says they won't let her in the storeroom. They think the BB people are stocking it or something. Will says they were cracking up in there. (Earlier, the video was not on the storeroom, but I could hear will saying they had new blood back there, and he was calling her sweetheart-- talking to the people behind the glass).

Danielle says that there is one more bottle of wine. Will and Boogie say "Bust it out!"  They all seem to be enjoying each other tonight.
Danielle: "We are all alcoholics. I have never drank so much in my life."
Will: "It's going down tonight. This house--crazy kids."

First Robert, now this.  Erika and Boogie make-out in the HoH bathtub. 

10:30PM BBT: Erika and Mike take a bath together.  They're kissing and making out.  The slurping sounds are revolting, like a cow pulling it's hoof out of a mud-hole.  At one point they turn the lights off and there are no night-vision cameras in the room so the picture goes completely black.  After a few minutes we get FotH and when the feeds return the lights are back on.    See the Video:  Part One & Part Two 

11:20PM BBT: The bath tub session continues and Mike tries to talk strategy with Erika but can't keep focused.  [It's possible the blood isn't making it to the brain at this point.]

Meanwhile, in the backyard...    Outside, James is talking to Danielle about Kaysar.  He says that no matter what,  Kaysar's leaving will be his fault.  Danielle says that she won't sit there and be #5 in a 5-person alliance.  James says she was always #1 for him. She says she knows.

James says that hopefully Kaysar is reading this stuff and knows that it's not his fault.
Danielle says that she wishes she hadn't made the deal with Howie "On the rope," because he would have gone home instead of Kaysar.
James says that Kaysar would have gone home last week, then. Then he and Danielle think that George wouldn't have sent home Kaysar because he is so popular.   James says that George is so stupid.  Danielle says that she protected George all of this time-- even told James not to take out George,  for certain reasons.

Danielle tells James that her understanding is that Janelle is going after CT and Erika, James agrees.  She says that James needs to not be seen talking to Janelle.  Danielle says that CT doesn't know where his alliance is and James says that they don't even know where Will's alliance is.  Danielle says that James needs to listen to her instead of giving excuses.

Danielle:  "If you're going to spend with Janelle, you need  to give a report to CT immediately."
James:  "I did them, yesterday.  Why aren't they reporting their conversations?"
Danielle: "They are reporting their conversations!"
James: "Not to me. There are four people in this alliance."
Danielle says she knows,  and she never believed in a four-person alliance, ever!  James says that the good thing about this is that there are two two-people alliances,   joined together.   Danielle says that Kaysar is probably thinking, OMG!  James says that he is probably thinking that James and Danielle played him.

After a while they agree that they're over thinking things.  They continue to play pool and review the game to this point. 

11:30PM BBT: Back in the HoH room Erika and Mike have toweled off and are under the covers in bed.  They've got the covers completely over them and it's impossible to tell what their doing.  [But people with dirty minds like myself are sickened. -Morty

Mike:  "Do you want to stop and just spoon?  I can do that.  It's hard to control yourself with international reality TV star Mike Boogie."  After some more rolling around, "Do you want to stop?  I mean as you know,  I'm ready to take this as far as you want.  Are we just getting a little too crazy?   I'm just nervous for you."   Later...  "What's the problem, they have condoms here?"  Erika:  "I need more than that "  Mike really does seem like he's trying to kill the moment.  He rolls away from her, then cuts a loud fart and yells "Dutch oven."  A second fart has Erika yelling at him, "Oh God, you stink."   There's more than romance in the air and the moment is over.  They roll over to rest awhile back-to-back.   See the Video

11:45PM BBT:  All four feeds are on Erika and Mike Boogie sleeping in the HoH bed.  12:30AM Will barges in the HoH to find Mike and Erika asleep in the dark, "What you guys are sleeping?"   Mike: "Uhh, don't you have anything to do?"  Will: "The party's just starting!"  He exits and it's back to watching them sleep.  On the patio, Will and Janelle were about to play a hand of gin, when Will decides he's so tired he'd rather have a shower. 

12:45AM BBT: "I'm glad we had the chance to talk tonight the way we did.  I'm glad we're on the same page and all.  So like how long have you been thinking like that?"  Janelle: "Like a couple weeks" " Will: "No, Really?"  [We don't know what they're talking about as none of the feeds were on them tonight. They did a DR and they said it went on forever.]

1:15AM BBT:   Will and Janelle quietly play cards in the BY.  Will beats Janelle, he says he learns from her at cards and in the game and she gets mad when he uses the same tricks on her.  Janelle asks him to teach her some tricks.

Will wants to know what happens if he beats her. He asks her to take him on her Bahamas trip, but she already promised her mom, but they are having trouble scheduling it. If she wins, he takes her to Aruba.  Will won, she has to take him to the Bahamas.  They play again. He asks what's this game for, Janelle: "I don't know"

There are a lot of FotH tonight as Will keeps singing, number one on the Doc's charts is The Joker by the Steve Miller Band. 

It's 2:20AM BBT.  On Feed 3  we see the HoH and Boogie tossing around,  untangling the headphones from his body (they look broken), and swapped a few slurrpy kisses with Erika.   He left the bed to go to the bathroom while Erika re-dressed herself under the covers.  She leaves the HoH to sleep elsewhere. 

Will continues talking his strategies with Janelle and how they must proceed with the game.  Erika gets back out of (her) bed and is off to the bathroom where she dresses in regular clothes and walks to the kitchen.  She peaks outside and sees Will and Janelle are still outside, then back to her bed.

Will continues to be perfectly honest about how Janelle could win the whole thing if she got to the final two, but also adds  that Boogie would keep her to the final two if Will were to get eliminated.  (Versus their plan to keep Erika to the end if it can't be CT.) See the Video [Thanks Katydidit] 

Will explains that Boogie is obsessed with BB.  Six weeks before the show Erika called Boogie and started butt kissing.  Boogie starts working her to get help getting on.  Will says they are both schmoozing each other to get on and stay on the show.  Will says that Boogie has no problem kicking Erika out, and says they will use Erika as a vote to get rid of Danielle once James is gone.

Will says even if its Boogie and Will in the final two Janelle still gets their piece of the banana bread (money). He tells her she has a vested interest in helping one of them win if she is on the jury, that she needs to influence someone else.  Janelle says its more money, Will says "Uh hu I like banana bread."   Will tells her not to tell Boogie, but Will wants to do Amazing Race with her.

2:45AM BBT:  He keeps saying he has to go to bed, but they play another hand of cards. Janelle wins again.  Will deals, says he can't go to bed on a loss.

3:00AM BBT:  Will is essentially begging to go to bed (sleep), meaning he leaves Janelle alone.  They move to the bathroom where Will gets a drink.  Janelle teases, saying she wonders if any of her sponsors are watching the show. Will asks if she would be happy with a 'normal' lifestyle. She says of course.  They do some more Jedi drilling, then Will goes to bed. 

Janelle requests (again) that Will not leave her a mean good-bye message. Will protests with sighs and says "What happened on August 22nd?" (They had a chat). He then says that his fear for Janelle is that at critical times she backs off. She responds with "No, I don't" [As many live feeders still hope she creams him by the end of this game -Katydidit]

Will finally manages to pull away to go to bed. They walk to the bedroom together. Janelle says she glad about their chats today and Will says, "I bet you are. It's the luckiest talk you've ever had."

3:20AM BBT:  Will into bed. Janelle returns to the bathroom for some ADLs. She goes outside.  She comes back in to study the HG pictures for a while.   3:40AM  She returns to the bathroom and curls into the couch with her blanket and Bible.  4:40AM  Janelle's lying on the couch and is reading the Bible . . .

That's it for the wee hours.

  Thanks to:  April, Carvin, chopped_liva, dumblonde, fizzle, georgectv, GO-DANI, jammer, Jem, Jinx, Katydidit, LovesBigBrother, Mendes56, myss911, nyxxie, REZEVILGB13, SamTheCat, surfgranny, valkyrie and weird_4 for contributing to today's coverage.

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