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The Big Brother Canada Schedule


Big Brother Canada has been "shelved" at Global after Season 12 seasons with no room in the schedule next year.

However, Troy Reeb, the executive VP of broadcast networks at Corus Entertainment, say no final decision has been made.

Bayleigh Wins
Big Brother Canada 12




Big Brother Canada 12
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Common abbreviations used in Big Brother updates:

ADLs = Activities of Daily Living, just regular daily ablutions and household stuff that we all do.
BBT = Big Brother Time, Eastern Time Zone
DR = Diary Room
FotH = Front of the House. When we don't get to see something live, they showed the "Front of the House" in BB6, for several seasons after, they showed the " Fish of the House." Even though they now show rescue pets, we still call it FotH.
HGs = House Guests
HoH = Head of House
HoHR = Head of House Room
IDL = Indoor Lockdown
LD - Lock Down
PoV = Power of Veto
RUTT = Repetitive Unsportsmanlike Trash Talk - The constant and mindless verbal bashing of the other alliance.
WBRB = We'll Be Right Back - Like a FotH only shorter.
WC = Bathroom

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